Costalampys tricolor (Gorham, 1880), 2021

da Silveira, Luiz Felipe Lima, Roza, Andre Silva, Vaz, Stephanie & Mermudes, Jose Ricardo M., 2021, Description and phylogenetic analysis of a new firefly genus from the Atlantic Rainforest, with five new species and new combinations (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Lampyrinae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 79, pp. 115-150 : 115

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scientific name

Costalampys tricolor (Gorham, 1880)

comb. nov.

Costalampys tricolor (Gorham, 1880) View in CoL comb. nov. Figs 21A-M View Figure 21 , 22 View Figure 22

Lucidota tricolor Gorham, 1880:21 (desc.); Blackwelder, 1945:355 (cat.); McDermott, 1966:69 (cat.).

Lucidota oculata Olivier, 1886: 4 (desc.); Pic, 1938:27 (key); Blackwelder, 1945:354 (cat.); McDermott, 1966:67 (cat.).

Ethra decorata schneideri Pic, 1938:27 (desc.); Blackwelder, 1945:353 (cat.); McDermott, 1966:86 (cat.).

Diagnostic description.

Overall dark brown. Pronotal disc (Fig. 21A, F View Figure 21 ) from having paired pink spots to entirely pink, pronotal expansions dark brown, often brighter at anterior corners. Elytron (Fig. 21A, C View Figure 21 ) dark brown with a pale yellow longitudinal stripe about 4/5 × as long as elytron. Legs (Fig. 21B View Figure 21 ) dark brown, except for trochanters and femora, which are light brown. Sternum VIII (Fig. 21G View Figure 21 ) brown, without lateral vitreous spots. Pygidium (Fig. 21H View Figure 21 ) brown.

Pronotum with sides rounded, divergent posteriorly. Male. Total length = 9.5-10.7 mm (aver. 10.1 mm); Pronotal length = 1.9-2.1 mm (aver. 2.0 mm); Pronotal width = 3.0-3.0 mm; Elytral length = 7.3-8.1 mm (aver. 7.6 mm); Elytral width = 1.9-2.0 mm (aver. 1.95 mm). Antennomere III (Fig. 21E View Figure 21 ) with lamella about 2 × longer than core antennomere. Sternum VI (Fig. 21B, G View Figure 21 ) with lantern of moderate size, as wide as 1.4 sternum, almost reaching its anterior margin. Sternum VIII (Fig. 21G View Figure 21 ) with posterior margin bisinuose. Pygidium (Fig. H) with sides rounded, posterior corners weakly developed, posterior margin rounded to almost straight. Syntergite (Fig. 21I, J View Figure 21 ) boomerang-shaped (with anterior margin strongly curved). Phallus (Fig. 21K-M View Figure 21 ) with dorsal plate bent dorsally (lateral view), with sides rounded at apical half, with an acute apical projection, medially notched. Paramere apex curved ventrally, ventral projection (lateral view) well developed, almost right-angled. Female (Fig. 21C, D View Figure 21 ). Total length = 9.4-10.8 mm (aver. 10.1 mm); Pronotal length = 1.9-2.5 mm (aver. 2.2 mm); Pronotal width = 2.9-3.6 mm (aver. 3.25 mm); Elytral length = 7.4-8.4 mm (aver. 7.9 mm); Elytral width = 1.8-2.0 mm (aver. 1.9 mm). Antennomeres III-X with apical corners almost right-angled, not projected, sterna VI with a small lantern, as wide as 1.6 sternum, not reaching anterior margin.


Gorham (1880) described Lucidota tricolor from Brazil, but provided no further provenance data, based on a male specimen provided by the French naturalist Chevrolat. Gorham (1880) didn’t give an explicit etymology for Lucidota tricolor , but we assume it was based on the Latin word for "with three colors", referring to its color pattern. Olivier (1886) described Lucidota oculata based on a single female specimen from Matosinhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil: The said author didn’t give an explicit etymology for Lucidota oculata , but we assume Lucidota oculata comes from the Latin adjective that means "with eyes", referring to the pronotal spots.

Pic (1938) described Ethra decorata schneideri from Brazil, without further details. The holotype of Ethra decorata schneideri Pic, 1938 is presumed here based on a specimen in M. Pic’s collection (MNHN) that was labeled as " Lucidota oculata E Ol" and "var. Schneideri ". We based our inference on the combination of the following observations: (i) the aforementioned specimen in Pic’s collection was labeled as “type”; (ii) we found no description of a species or variety named L. oculata var. Schneideri Pic; and (iii) Pic described Ethra decorata var. schneideri in a paper about mimetism among some lampyrid species with similar dorsal color pattern, including both Lucidota oculata Olivier and Ethra decorata Olivier ( Pic 1938), and his description given for his new variety fits the latter, but not the former. Furthermore, Pic (1938) regarded Lucidota spp. as having antennae long and compressed but with no lamellae, whereas Ethra spp. had flabellate antennae (a trait found in the presumed holotype). Together, these observations support our inference that our presumed holotype of Ethra decorata var. schneideri is the holotype, that nevertheless was mislabeled. The latter must be deemed as a subspecies according to ICZN article ICZN Art. 45.6.4, therefore Ethra decorata schneideri Pic, 1938 (according to Art. 5.2).

After the study of the type materials, we synonymize here Lucidota oculata Olivier, 1886 and Ethra decorata schneideri Pic, 1938 with Lucidota tricolor Gorham, 1880, which has priority over time. After our phylogenetic analysis, we transfer Lucidota tricolor Gorham, 1880 to Costlampys gen. nov. (see section 3.2).

Costalampys tricolor (Gorham, 1880) comb. nov. is most similar to C. bella sp. nov., as the two species share a similar dorsal color pattern (overall brown or dark brown, with pronotal disc with paired pink vittae to broadly pink, and with an elongate pale-yellow spot on elytron). It differs from C. bella sp. nov. by the rounded sides of pronotum in both sexes (almost straight in C. bella sp. nov.), the pygidium with posterior margin rounded to almost straight in males (mucronate in C. bella sp. nov.), as well as by the presence of lanterns in sternum VI in the females (absent in C. bella sp. nov.).

Costalampys tricolor (Gorham, 1880) comb. nov. was previously known from Brazil, without further details. Here, we provide more detailed information on the geographic and temporal occurrence of the species.


Holotype of Lucidota tricolor Gorham, 1880: BRAZIL: 1♂, #292 (MNHN, col. Gorham; formerly in col. Chevrolat col). With label handwritten "tricolor Chev. sec. Chev." (in the species original description, Gorham [1880] thanks Chevrolat for the "specimen described"). Holotype of Lucidota oculata Olivier, 1886: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: 1♀, Matosinhos, 03.04.1885, Gounelle col. (MNHN, col. E. Olivier). Holotype of Ethra decorata schneideri Pic, 1938: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: 1♂, Teresópolis, F. Schneider col. (MNHN, col. M. Pic) (see remarks above).

Material examined.

BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: 1♀ , Bocaina de Minas, Ribeirão Santa Casa, prox. Cachoeira da Raposa , 22°18 ’24.7” S, 44°33 ’54” W, 1294 m, M&M col. (DZRJ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Itajubá, R.B.M. Serra dos Toledos , coleta diurna, 08.XI.2015, Rosa & Ladenthin col. (DZRJ) ; 1♂, 16.II.-17.III.2017, Rosa & Lopes col. (DZRJ); 1♀, Sao Roque de Minas , P.N. Serra da Canastra, Malaise trap, Mata ciliar, Ponto 1 , 3♂, 14-19.XII.2013, Melo & Rosa col. (DZRJ). Rio de Janeiro: 1♂ , Angra dos Reis, PE Ilha Grande , Malaise trap, P450A (23°08 ’47.2” S, 44°11 ’09.4” W), 441 m, IX.2017, L. Campello, L. Silveira & R. Queiroz col. (DZRJ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Itatiaia, P.N. Itatiaia , PENSARIOP2 (22°25 ’59,6” S, 44°37 ’39,7” W, 1280 m), Malaise trap, I.2015, R. Monteiro col. (DZRJ) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, 1♀, Teresópolis, P.N. Serra dos Órgãos, 03-05.XI.2014, 1200 m, active search [afternoon], L. Silveira col. (DZRJ) . Paraná: 1♂ , Curitiba , 28-XII.1976, V. Graf col. (DZUP) ; 1♂, Curitiba , 12.69, Mielke col. (DZUP) ; 1♀, Tijucas do Sul, Vossoroca , 25. I, Pe. Moure & Marinoni col. (DZUP) ; 1♀, Ponta Grossa, Jardim Carvalho , 25°4 ’39.15” S, 50°9 ’24” W, 05.I.2014, Nascimento, E.A. col. (UECO) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Ponta Grossa, Parque Nacional dos Campos Gerais, Morro do Castelo , 25°6 ’13.90” S, 49°56 ’36.38” W, 15.I.2014, Nascimento, E.A. & eq. col. (UECO) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, 1♀, Ponta Grossa , em copula [in copula], 12.55, M. Vilella col. (DZUP) ; Rio Grande do Sul: 1♂, 1♀, Caxias do Sul, Vila Oliva, in copula, 19.2.49 (MAPA) ; 1♂, Esmeralda , 12.XII.1978, C. J. Becker leg. (MCZ) .

Gorham, HS, 1880. I. Materials for a revision of the Lampyridae. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 28: 1 - 36, DOI:

Olivier, E, 1886. Lampyrides nouveaux ou peu connus du Musee de Leyde. Revue d'Entomologie (Caen) 5: 1 - 8

Pic, M, 1938. Le mimetisme chez certains Lampyrides (Coleopteres). Revue scientifique du Bourbonnais et du Centre de la France 50: 26 - 28

Gallery Image

Figure 21. Costalampys tricolor (Gorham) comb. nov. A, Male habitus, dorsal view; B, Male habitus, ventral view; C, Female habitus, dorsal view; D, Female habitus, ventral view; E, Male antenna, lateral view; F, Male pronotum, dorsal view; G, Sternum IX, ventral view; H, Pygidium, dorsal view; I, Syntergite, dorsal view; J, Sternum IX, Ventral view; K, Aedeagus, dorsal view; L, Aedeagus, lateral view; M, Aedeagus, ventral view. Scale bar: 2 mm (A-D); Scale bar: 1.0 mm (E; G); Scale bar: 0.5 mm (F; H-M).

Gallery Image

Figure 22. Distribution map of Costalampys gen. nov. species.













