Ammophila insignis F. SMITH

Dollfuss, H., 2013, Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India, Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (1), pp. 383-564 : 450-451

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5341134

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Ammophila insignis F. SMITH


Ammophila insignis F. SMITH ( Figs 32 View Figs 26-35 , 216 View Figs 216-226 , 262 View Figs 262-276 , 374 View Figs 374-389 , 444 View Figs 444-460 , 509 View Figs 509-526 , 563 View Figs 563-596 )

Ammophila insignis F. SMITH 1856: 213 , ♀, 3. Syntypes: Gambia: no specific locality (BMNH or OXUM), not examined.

Ammophila egregia MOSÁRY 1881: 327 , ♀, 3. Syntypes: Lebanon: Beirut (TMB), examined, new

synonym. M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d 7♀♀, 13 (OÖLM), 4♀♀, 633 (NHMW), 1♀, 13 (BMNH),

13(coll. Schmid-Egger).

R e c o g n i t i o n Ammophila insignis is a large species (♀ 26-33mm, 3 24-30mm) and has the gastral apex black without a metallic shine, the pronotal collar without transverse rugae, the episternal sulcus extending to the anteroventral margin of the pleuron and the mesothoracic venter not prominent anteriorly. The arolia are well developed and the wings are distinctly yellowish; the erect setae are brownish on the head and forelegs, greyish on the thorax and propodeum. The female of A. punti differs from A. insignis in having the arolia not developed, the clypeus not elongate ( Fig. 69 View Figs 66-73 ), the pronotal collar transversely ridged and stiff black bristles on the pronotum and mesonotum. The male of A. horni shares with A. insignis an elongate clypeus but differs in having a tooth on the hypostomal carina near the mandible socket, the shape of gonostyle ( Fig. 390 View Figs 390-397 ) and the penis valve apically ( Fig. 573 View Figs 563-596 ). The male of A. strumosa shares with A. insignis an elongate clypeus but differs in having a characteristically shaped pronotal collar ( Figs 268 View Figs 262-276 , 307 View Figs 307-319 ), gonostyle ( Fig. 391 View Figs 390-397 ) and penis valve ( Figs 457 View Figs 444-460 , 519 View Figs 509-526 ).

D e s c r i p t i o n: Gastral apex black, without metallic shine, pronotal collar without transverse rugae, episternal sulcus extending to anteroventral margin of pleuron and mesothoracic venter not prominent anteriorly. Arolia well developed, claws without basal tooth and wings distinctly yellowish. Erect setae brownish on head and forelegs, greyish on thorax and propodeum.

♀: 26-33.5 mm. Black, reddish collour extremely variable. In most specimens mandible (except apex), clypeus, scape and flagellomeres (partly), more or less thorax, propodeum, legs and gaster basally red. Clypeus, frons, pronotal lobe and propodeum posterolaterally with silvery-golden pubescence. Clypeus elongate, median lobe truncate, laterally delimited by sharp angle ( Fig. 32 View Figs 26-35 ), disk distinctly convex. Scutum transversely rugosestriate and punctate, scutellum longitudinally striate, punctate. Propodeal enclosure coarsely, irregularly, transversely ridged, and all covered with erect setae. Flagellomere I: II=1.5-1.8; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+II to I+II+0.5×III.

3: 24-30 mm. Black, with following variably red: mandible (except apex), scape and flagellomeres (partly darkened), pronotal lobe (partly), pronotal collar, propleuron partly, petiole, tergum I (except for black dorsal stripe) and gastral segment II. Clypeus elongate, median lobe truncate, delimited by sharp angle ( Fig. 216 View Figs 216-226 ), disk slightly convex. Gastral segments V-VII distinctly pruinose. Pronotal collar laterally: Fig. 262 View Figs 262-276 . Gonostyle abruptly narrowed at apical third: Fig. 374 View Figs 374-389 ; penis valve laterally: Fig. 444 View Figs 444-460 , ventrally: Fig. 509 View Figs 509-526 , apically: Fig. 563 View Figs 563-596 . Flagellomere I: II=1.5; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+II+0.75×III. The length of the clypeus is slightly variably, therefore this species is included in the key twice.

G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n Algeria, Egypt (Sinai Peninsula), Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen.














Ammophila insignis F. SMITH

Dollfuss, H. 2013

Ammophila insignis F. SMITH 1856: 213

SMITH F 1856: 213
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