Goeldia funesta ( Keyserling, 1883 )

Almeida-Silva, Lina M. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2024, Unraveling the mysteries of Goeldia Keyserling, 1891: revision, description of seven new species and first record from USA (Araneae: Titanoecidae), Zootaxa 5428 (2), pp. 151-193 : 165-167

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Goeldia funesta ( Keyserling, 1883 )


Goeldia funesta ( Keyserling, 1883) View in CoL sp. reval.

( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 ; 24 View FIGURE 24 )

Titanoeca funesta Keyserling, 1883: 217 , pl. 15, fig. 16 (holotype ♀ from Nancho   GoogleMaps (6°57’32”S 79°14’31”W), Cajamarca, Peru, deposited at NHM, examined);

Goeldia obscura View in CoL : Lehtinen 1967: 236 (syn); World Spider Catalog 2023.

Auximus funestus : Petrunkevitch 1911: 106; World Spider Catalog 2023.

Goeldia funesta View in CoL : Lehtinen 1967: 236 (part)

Additional Material Examined. USA. Florida. Miami-Dade County, 6701 NW 7th St (25°46’43”N 80°18’18”W), 1♀, 1 juv. 19.VIII.2011, O. Garcia coll. ( FSCA 2011-5821 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . COLOMBIA. Cesar: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, San Sebastian de Rabago (10°34’N 73°36’W), 2000–2100 m, 9♀, 4 juv., 1–10.IV.1968, B. Malkin coll. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, 1♂, 7.IV.1968, B. Malkin coll. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Sierra de Perijá (10°00’59”N 72°57’28”W), Mission, elev. 1350– 400 m, 1♂, 1–14.VIII.1968, B. Malkin coll. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Boyacá: Raquirá (5°32’20”N 73°37’48”W), Desierto de la Candelaria, 3♀, 19.IV.2000 GoogleMaps , Biology students coll. (ICN-Ar 1484–1485) ; Cundinamarca: Cachipay (4°43’51”N 74°26’15”W), Alto Tolú, elev. 1600 m, 5.XII.1996, E. Flórez coll. (ICN-aR 6455) GoogleMaps ; Cota (4°49’N 74°6’W), 1♀, 30.VIII.2006, A. Giupponi coll. ( MNRJ 06316 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; near highway below Finca Bella Vista, toward Sasaima , under stones on steep cliff above highway, 1♂, 17.IV.1965, P. Craig and J. Robb coll. ( CAS 9021319 About CAS ) ; Tolima: El Espinal (4°08’55”N 74°52’55”W), Granja Los Morañones, elev. 323 m, 4♀, 6♂, 4 juv.., V– IV.2004, A. Gomez, C. Perafán coll. (ICN-aR 6454, 6435) GoogleMaps . ECUADOR. Tungurahua: Baños (01°24’S 78°25’W), 1♀, 26.XI.1980, A. Roig coll. ( MACN 16025 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Goeldia funesta resembles G. patellaris in the shape of the patellar apophysis and tegular process of the male palp ( Fig. 19A–C View FIGURE 19 ). Differs by the rounded base of the tegular process ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ) and acute tip of the patellar apophysis ( Fig. 10C View FIGURE 10 ), which is also posteriorly curved ( Fig. 10B–C View FIGURE 10 ); and by the subdistal pars pendula thickening ( Fig. 10D View FIGURE 10 ) in the male palp. The female epigynum resembles those of G. patellaris , but the vertical spermathecae are shorter than the copulatory ducts ( Fig. 10F View FIGURE 10 ).

Description. Male (AMNH). Coloration: carapace reddish-brown with cephalic area darker. Chelicerae as cephalic area; labium, sternum, endites brown; femora and palp reddish brown; other leg segments yellowish brown. Total length: 4.90. Carapace: length 2.50, width 1.25, height 1.0. Opisthosoma: length 2.40, width 1.45. Clypeus: height 0.17. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.09; ALE 0.14; PME 0.12; PLE 0.11; AME–AME 0.07; AME–ALE 0.11; ALE–PLE 0.08; PME–PLE 0.19; PME–PME 0.12; AME–PME 0.11. Paturon: 0.11 long. Leg measurements: I: femur 1.66/ patella 0.84/ tibia 1.7/ metatarsus 1.45/ tarsus 1.3/ total 6.95; II: 1.68/ 0.68/ 1.44/ 1.28/ 0.8/ 5.88; III: 1.24/ 0.6/ 1.12/ 1.16/ 0.56/ 4.68; IV: 1.56/ 0.68/ 1.56/ 1.24/ 0.6/ 5.64. Leg formula: 1243. Leg spination: femur: I p1ap; tibia I r1-1-1-1-0-0-1-0-0; III p1ap, IV v1sap; metatarsus I v0-1-0; II: v0-2-1, r1ap, p1ap; III v1p-2-1map, r1ap, p0-1-1ap; IV v2-1-2-1ap, p0-1-0-1, r0-1-0-1. Patellar apophysis apex acute ( Fig. 10B–C View FIGURE 10 ). MLT apex partially sclerotized ( Fig. 10C View FIGURE 10 ).

Female (AMNH). Coloration: carapace reddish brown with cephalic area darker; chelicerae dark brown; labium and endites reddish brown; femur I slightly darker than other leg segments. Opisthosoma brown with thin golden stripes. Total length: 6.10. Carapace: length 2.51, width 1.81, height 1.05. Opisthosoma: length 3.20, width 2.25. Clypeus: height 0.23. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.07; PLE 0.12; PME 0.11; PLE 0.10; AME–AME 0.14; AME–PLE 0.21; PLE–PLE 0.90; PME–PLE 0.32; PME–PME 0.20; AME–PME 0.12. Paturon: 1.42 long. Leg measurements: I: femur 1.75/ patella 0.95/ tibia 1.81/ metatarsus 1.53/ tarsus 0.75/ total 6.79; II: 1.8/ 0.8/ 1.35/ 1.35/ 0.65/ 5.85; III: 1.65/ 0.8/ 1.25/ 1.0/ 0.55/ 5.25; IV: 1.9/ 0.9/ 1.7/ 1.9/ 0.6/ 7.0. Leg formula: 4123. Leg spination: femur I p1ap; metatarsus I v1ap or v0-1r-1map, p1ap, r1ap; II v0-1r-1ap, p1ap, r1ap; III v0-1p-1map, p1ap, r1ap; IV v1p-1p-1map, p0-1v-1ap or p1ap, r1ap. Copulatory duct apex laterally bent ( Fig. 10F View FIGURE 10 ).

Variation. Coloration can be darker but always following the same pattern. Length (2♂): total 4.60–4.90; carapace 2.30–2.50; femur I 1.61–1.66. (9♀): total 5.40–6.60; carapace 2.10–2.70; femur I 1.56–1.82.

Distribution. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Florida ( USA) ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 ). According to the collector, the specimens collected in Florida were found in a shipment box going to Texas. Considering its original distribution, we suspect they were introduced in a shipment of plants coming from Colombia (G. B. Edwards—personal communication).


American Museum of Natural History














Goeldia funesta ( Keyserling, 1883 )

Almeida-Silva, Lina M. & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2024

Goeldia obscura

Lehtinen, P. T. 1967: 236

Goeldia funesta

Lehtinen, P. T. 1967: 236

Auximus funestus

Petrunkevitch, A. 1911: 106

Titanoeca funesta

Keyserling, E. 1883: 217
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