Neotrichia landisae, Harris & Armitage & Ríos González, 2024

Harris, Steven C., Armitage, Brian J. & Rios Gonzalez, Tomas A., 2024, The Trichoptera of Panama XXIV. Fifteen new species and two new country records of the caddisfly genus Neotrichia (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae), with a key to all known Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1188, pp. 47-90 : 47

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2024-01-04 02:19:24, last updated 2024-01-04 03:30:13)

scientific name

Neotrichia landisae

sp. nov.

Neotrichia landisae sp. nov.

Fig. 8 View Figure 8

Type locality.

Panama: Chiriquí Province: Cuenca 102, Renacimiento District, Reserva Privada Landis, Quebrada sin nombre, Location 2; 8.645005°N, 82.822037°W; 575 m a.s.l.

Type material.

Holotype: ♂, Panama: Chiriquí Province: Cuenca 102, Renacimiento District, Reserva Privada Landis, Quebrada sin nombre, Location 2; 8.645005°N, 82.822037°W; 575 m a.s.l.; 30.iv.2020; M. Landis leg.; Malaise trap; MUPADI-008-T-2023 (in alcohol). Paratypes: Panama • 9 ♂♂; ibid., except 30.v.2020; MUPADI-009-T-2023 (in alcohol).

Other material examined.

Panama • 2 ♂♂; ibid., except 27.ii-15.iii.2020 1 ♂; ibid., except 15-31.iii.2020 2 ♂♂; ibid., except Location 1, 8.643769°N, 82.829479°W; 755 m a.s.l.; 27.ii-10.iii.2020; M. Landis leg. GoogleMaps ; Malaise trap • 1 ♂; Chiriquí Province: Bugaba District, Cuenca 102, nr San Andres , Finca La Esperanza , Quebrada La Vuelta ; 8.61710°N, 82.70415°W; 492 m a.s.l.; 3-20.i.2022; T. Ríos, Y. Aguirre leg. GoogleMaps ; Malaise trap • 2 ♂♂; ibid., except 21.i-3.ii.2022 GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂; ibid., except 6-20.iii.2022 GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; ibid., except 8-22.iv.2022 GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; ibid., except 8-21.v.2022 GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; ibid., except Quebrada sin nombre; 8.61765°N, 82.71330°W; 540 m a.s.l.; 21.i-3.ii.2022 GoogleMaps .


Neotrichia landisae sp. nov. belongs to a cluster of similar Panamanian species with characteristic elongate posterolateral processes from abdominal segment IX, including N. tatianae Armitage & Harris, 2018 and N. yayas Armitage & Harris, 2020. The new species is separated from these species by the linear posterolateral processes from segment IX, the truncate inferior appendage, and the narrow subgenital plate in ventral view.


Male. Total length 1.5-1.7 mm (n = 15), 18 antennal segments, wings and body brown in alcohol. Genitalia (Fig. 8 View Figure 8 ). Abdominal segment VIII annular. Segment IX in lateral view anteriorly rounded, wide posteroventrally, narrowing dorsally, pair of elongate, thin posterolateral processes, which narrow distally; in dorsal view fused posteriorly with segment X, pair of small setaceous lobes laterally, posterolateral processes sclerotized and elongate, but dissimilar in length, anteriorly with narrow mesal incision; in ventral view with deep lateral incisions. Tergum X basally fused with segment IX, posteriorly elongate, tapering to rounded mesal lobe; in lateral view wide basally, tapering distally to acute apex. Subgenital plate in lateral view wide basally, tapering distally to narrow shelf bearing stout seta; in ventral view narrow over length, pair of setae apically. Bracteole absent or represented by thin, elongate seta-bearing process on dorsal margin of segment IX. Inferior appendage short, wide basally, widening subapically, spinose and rugose on distal margin, thin ventral process basally; in ventral view elongate and narrow, apical point turning inward, spinose subapically on mesal margin, base of inferior appendage and processes from segment IX superimposed, short triangular mesal process bearing stout seta apically. Phallus tubular, constricted at midlength and bearing thin paramere encircling shaft, apically rounded with ejaculatory duct protruding.


Panama: Chiriquí Province (Reserva Privada Landis, Finca La Esperanza).


This species is named for Senora Marietta Isabel Landis, owner of Reserva Privada Landis, who managed all collection events. The name is a noun in the genitive case.

Gallery Image

Figure 8. Neotrichia landisae sp. nov., male holotype, genitalia A left lateral B ventral C dorsal D phallus, dorsal E phallus, lateral.











