Campanula versicolor Sibthorp

Janković, Ivana, Lakušić, Dmitar, Pietro, Romeo Di & Kuzmanović, Nevena, 2017, Nomenclatural notes and typifications in Campanula versicolor (Campanulaceae) and related names, Phytotaxa 323 (3), pp. 264-274 : 267-269

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.323.3.5

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scientific name

Campanula versicolor Sibthorp


Campanula versicolor Sibthorp View in CoL (in Sibthorp & Smith 1806: 138), nom. illeg.

Lectotype (designated here):—ILLUSTRATION. tab. 207 in Sibthorp & Smith, Fl. Graec. Prodr. 1(1): t. 207 (1806)(available at http:// Fig.1B View FIGURE 1 ).

Protologue information:—“Prope Thessalonicam”.

Note: —The oldest known herbarium specimen of Campanula versicolor is deposited in the Sibthorpian Herbarium in the Oxford Herbarium (SBI 0481, image available at, but since it lacks the inflorescence where the most important diagnostic characters are developed, it is not appropriate to serve as a lectotype.

Campanula planiflora Willdenow (1809: 210) View in CoL , nom. illeg., non C. planiflora Lamarck (1785: 580) View in CoL Campanula willdenowiana Schultes View in CoL (in Roemer & Shultes 1819: 107) Lectotype (designated here):—Hort. bot. Berol W. [Horto Botanico Berolinensi / Berlin Botanical Garden Willdenow](B _–W_03805–01

0!; image available at

z=1&loan=0). Protologue information:—“Sine data”.

Note: —Details on the label of the specimen deposited in B match with a short description provided by C. L. Willdenow in the protologue (Wildenow 1809: 210). The label with the description is on the other side of the same sheet which is stored under the number B_–W_03805–00 0. The name of Willdenow is a later homonym of Campanula planiflora Lamarck 1785: 580 (illegitimate according to Art. 53.1 of the ICBNBeing aware that the specific epithet „ planiflora “ was already used by Lamarck, J. A. Schultes changed the name of this species into Campanula willldenowiana , in honor of C. L. Willdenow who recognized it as a new species (Roemer & Shultes 1819).). C, planiflora of Lamarck is considered a synonym of Campanula americana Linnaeus (1753: 164) ( Lammers 2007).

Campanula corymbosa Tenore (1811 View in CoL –1815: 15), nom. illeg. non C. corymbosa Desf. (1808: 139) View in CoL (Art. 53.1) ≡ Campanula tenorei Moretti (1824: 19) View in CoL , nom. nov. pro C. corymbosa View in CoL Ten. non Desf.

Campanula rosanoi Tenore (1827: 205) View in CoL , nom. illeg. (Arts. 52.1 and 52.2)

Campanula versicolor var. rosanii (Ten.) Nyman (1879: 480)

Campanula thomasii View in CoL in Candolle (1830: 309), nom. inval. (Art. 36.1c of ICN)

Lectotype (designated here):— ITALY. Basilicata, Ginosa, s.d., M. Tenore s.n. ( NAP!)( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ).

Protologue information:—“Sine data”.

Note: —The protologue of Campanula corymbosa Ten. ( Tenore 1811 –1815: 15) constists of a short description only. However, Desfontaines (1808: 139) had already published the name C. corymbosa , so Tenore’s name is a later and illegitimate homonym (Art. 53.1 of the ICN). Moretti (1824: 19) proposed to replace the name C. corymbosa Ten. with C. “ tenorii ” (the Moretti’s epiteth should be correctly named as “ tenorei ” according to the Art. 60.7 of ICN). Furthermore, Moretti (1824) highlighted that the typical inflorescence of this taxon was not a corymb, as reported in the protologue (“ ...floribus corynmbosis ”) but it was a raceme.

Later on, Gussone (1826: 92) reported both C. corymbosa ( Tenore 1819) and C. tenorii as possible synonyms of C. versicolor Sibth. (he added a question mark after both names), and that this latter occurred in the Apulia region (“In rupibus calcareis inaritimis Japygiae; da Gallipoli ad Otranto”).

Tenore (1827: 205) published the name Campanula rosanoi (sub “ C. rosanii ”). This name was dedicated to Francesco Rosano (a collaborator of Tenore) who collected plants referred to this species in 1812 (see Tenore 1827). In the same paper. Tenore (1827) cited also C. tenorei among the synonyms of C. rosanoi and reported that C. rosanoi was what he had published as C. corymbosa in 1815 (presumably in the Prodromus, Tenore 1811 –1815). As C. tenorei is valid and legitimate, the name C. rosanoi becomes illegitimate on the basis of Arts. 51.1, and 51.2 of ICN. Tenore (1827) also reported “ C. corymbosa . Ten. app. alt. ad catal. H. R. Nap. P. 73” among the synonyms referring to a previous work ( Tenore 1819: 73) in which he listed C. corymbosa as a new species from the cliffs on the mountains of Basilicata (“Habitat in rupibus montium Lucaniae”). As a consequence, the name “ Campanula corymbosa ”, as reported in Tenore (1819: 73), is a valid name but illegitimate being a later homonym of both C. corymbosa Desf. (1808) and C. corymbosa Ten. (1811–1815). The description of C. corymbosa published in 1819 (Catalogum Plantarum Horti Regii Neapolitani, App. I Altera) is similar but not identical to that provided in the Prodromus ( Tenore 1811 – 1815). Moreover, the Tenore’s later publication ( Tenore 1819) includes the C. corymbosa locus classicus (“Habitat in rupibus montium Lucaniae” where the old “Lucania” province is the current Basilicata Region). Both quotations of C. corymbosa ( Tenore 1811 –1815, Tenore 1819) are considered by Tenore (1827) as synonyms of C. rosanoi . In addition, he reported also C. versicolor Sibth. as a possible synonym probably following Gussone (1826). In fact Tenore (1827: 206) stated that he had not the opportunity to see the authentic specimen of C. versicolor from Greece. Tenore (1831: 97) considered the name C. tenorei Moretti (sub C. tenorii ) as the valid name for what he had previously proposed as C. corymbosa and C. rosanii and explicitly stated that C. tenorei had to be considered a separate taxon from the Greek C. versicolor [as subsequently did Nyman (1879: 840) by proposing C. versicolor var. rosanii , comb. et stat. nov.].

We found five specimens in NAP, G (2), K and P, each bearing an original annotation of M. Tenore. Among these specimens only that preserved at NAP is useful for the lectotypification purpose.The original label of the NAP specimen reports the following Tenore’s script: “ Campanula corymbosa Nob. [Nobis] | Rosani | Basilicata Ginosa (Rosano) ”. Since corymbosa was the earlier epiteth proposed by Tenore (1811 ‒1815: 15) for his species (see also Tenore 1819), it is clear that the label was compiled in two times. The plant was firstly identified as C. corymbosa (before 1819) and later corrected to C. rosanii [between 1819 and 1827, when Tenore (1827: 205) published the name Campanula rosanoi . The indication of F. Rosano suggests that this specimen could be one of those collected by Rosano in 1812 as reported by Tenore (1819). The annotation “Nob.” after C. corymbosa support the idea that the NAP specimen is part of the original material for the name. Considering all this, although the date of collection is lacking, we herein propose to designate this specimen as the lectotype of the name Campanula corymbosa Tenore (1811 –1815). Ginosa is a village of the Puglia region which was reported by Tenore (1827, 1831) as one of the sites of occurrence of the species. However, during the life period of M. Tenore, Ginosa was still included in the administrative district (“Giustizierato”) of Basilicata in the Kingdom of Naples and this is in accordance with the locality given for C. corymbosa by Tenore (1819, “Habitat in rupibus montium Lucaniae”).

Finally, Tenore (1831) provided a more precise indication about the provenance of C. tenorei which was reported as occurring in “ Lucania et Japygiae saxosis” (on the cliffs of Lucania (= Basilicata region) and Japygia (= southern Puglia region), and more, precisely in the localities of Murge, Ginosa, Grottaglie and Taranto (for this latter only the var. B. with white flowers). This geographical indication more or less corresponds to the current distribution area of the taxon identified as Campanula versicolor Andrews for the Italian Peninsula ( Di Pietro & Wagensommer 2008, Terzi & D’Amico 2008).


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica (formerly National Academy of Peiping)














Campanula versicolor Sibthorp

Janković, Ivana, Lakušić, Dmitar, Pietro, Romeo Di & Kuzmanović, Nevena 2017

Campanula versicolor var. rosanii

Nyman, C. F. 1879: 480

Campanula thomasii

De Candolle, A. 1830: 309

Campanula rosanoi

Tenore, M. 1827: )

Campanula planiflora

Willdenow, C. L. 1809: )

Campanula versicolor

Sibthorp, J. & Smith, J. E. 1806: 138
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