Mythimna (Pseudaletia) adultera ( Schaus, 1894 )

Madruga, Janaína, Specht, Alexandre, Blas, German San, Mielke, Olaf H H & Casagrande, Mirna M, 2022, Revision of the species of Mythimna Ochsenheimer, 1816 (Pseudaletia Franclemont, 1951) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae: Leucaniini) occurring in Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220026) 66 (3), pp. 1-21 : 9-12

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2022-0026

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scientific name

Mythimna (Pseudaletia) adultera ( Schaus, 1894 )


Mythimna (Pseudaletia) adultera ( Schaus, 1894) View in CoL ( Figs. 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 )

Leucania adultera Schaus, 1894 . Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 21, 232.- Hampson, 1905. Cat. Lep. Phalaenae 5, 547.- Specht and Corseuil, 1996. Biociências 4(2), 146; inv., syst.

Cirphis unipuncta [misidentifications]; Biezanko et al., 1949. Agros 2(3), 196; inv., host plant.- Biezanko and Bertholdi, 1951. Agron. 10(4), 244; syn.: Cirphis extranea , Cirphis antica , Cirphis trifolii ; inv., host plant.- Bertels, 1956. Ent. Agric. Sul-Brasileira, 346; fig. 193 (egg, larva, pupa); morph., host plant.- Bertels and Baucke, 1966. Pesq. agropec. bras. 1, 30; inv., host plant.- Specht and Corseuil, 1996. Biociências 4(2), 146; inv., syst.

Pseudaletia View in CoL adultera ; Franclemont, 1951. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 53(2), 69, figs 16, 16a (male gen.), 36 (female gen.); syst.- Treat, 1966. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 74(3), 157 parasit.- Silva et al., 1968. Quarto Cat. Ins. Viv. Plantas Brasil 2(1), 231; apl., host plant, inv., parasit.- Biezanko and Ruffinelli, 1971. Centro Invest. Sanid. Veg. Montevideo, Ser. Zool. Agric., Publ. Técn. 2, 16-17; apl., host plant, inv., parasit. - Casella and Moratoria, 1971. Rev. peruan. Ent. 14(2), 259, figs 1-4 (pupa), 5 - 8 (larva); host plant.- Carvalho et al., 1971. Rev. Centro Ciências Rurais 1(3), 17.- Morey, 1971. Rev. peruan. Ent. 14(2), 263.- Biezanko et al., 1974. Rev. Centro Ciências Rurais 4(2), 118; host plant.- Corseuil and Cruz, 1975. Rev. Faculdade de Agronomia UFRGS 1(1), 19; inv.- Tarragó et al., 1975. Rev. Centro de Ciências Rurais5(2), 125; inv.- Link, 1977. Rev. Centro de Ciências Rurais 7(4), 331; inv. - Chiang, 1978. Ann. Rev. Ent. 23, 105; apl., host plant.- Zerbino et al., 1983. Investig. Agron. 4, 20; apl.- Poole, 1989. Lep. Cat. (n.s.) 118, Noctuidae View in CoL 2, 843.- Rizzo and La Rossa, 1991. Rev. Fac. Agron. 12(1), 39, figs 2 (male and female, pupa), 3 (male gen.); biol.- Zerbino, 1991. INIA, Sér. Téc. View in CoL 9, 1, figs 1 (larva), 2 (adult); biol., apl.- Igarzábal et al., 1994. Gayana Zool. 58(2), 108, fig.81 (larva); key.- Zerbino, 1994. INIA, Sér. Téc. View in CoL 47, 1; biol.- Specht and Corseuil, 1996. Biociências 4(2), 146; inv., syst.- Matrangolo et al., 1997. Pesq. agropec. bras. 32(8), 777; host plant.- Ferreira, 1998. Manual de Identificação de Pragas do Arroz, EMBRAPA, 80, figs 74 (adult), 76 (larva); biol.- Specht and Corseuil, 2002b. Rev. Bras. Zool. 19(Supl.1), 286; inv.- Specht et al., 2004. R. Bras. Agrociências 10(4), 398; inv., host plant.- Barnes and Convey, 2005. Antartic Science 17(3), 307; geogr. distr.- Specht et al., 2005. Rev. Bras. Ent. 49(1), 136; inv.- Fritz et al., 2008. Oecol. Bras. 12(4), 723; apl., host plant.- Hernandes et al., 2011. Zootaxa 2936, 11; parasit.- Fritz et al., 2013. Intern. Jour. Trop. Ins. Sci. 33(3), 179; apl.

Mythimna adultera View in CoL ; Zerbino, 1984. Investig. Agron. 5, 17; biol.- Terra and Zerbino, 1986. Investig. Agron. 6, 49; biol.- Fernandes et al., 2014. EntomoBrasilis 7(2), 128; parasit.

Psendaletia [sic] adultera View in CoL ; Specht and Corseuil, 1996. Biociências 4(2), 146; inv., syst.

Mythimna (Pseudaletia) adultera View in CoL ; Hacker et al., 2002. Noctuidae View in CoL Europaeae 4, 168.- Soria and DeGrande, 2011. Rev. Bras. Milho e Sorgo 10(2), 103; inv.

Systematic history

Leucania adultera was transferred to Pseudaletia View in CoL by Franclemont (1951), and so far, it has been most often cited in this combination. Zerbino (1984) and Terra and Zerbino (1986) mention it in Mythimna View in CoL .

Type material

Leucania adultera Schaus, 1894 . Species described without any mention of the number of specimens or their sex. There is a male syntype from Castro, Paraná, Brazil, deposited at the USNM , with the following labels: /Castro. Paraná./ Collection WmSchaus/ Leucania unipuncta Haw. View in CoL / Leucania adultera Type, Schs./ ♂ Genitalia Slide: USNM 1178 J. G. Franclemont/ Type No. 11175 U.S. N.M./. In order to guarantee the correct identification of the species, this specimen is here designated as the lectotype, and the following labels will be added to it: / Lectotypus / Lectotypus Leucania adultera Schaus, 1894 . Madruga, Specht, San Blas, Mielke & Casagrande det. 2022/. These labels will be sent to the Lepidoptera View in CoL curator of the referred museum.


Both sexes with greyish-beige forewings, usually mixed with dark scales and with a patch of dark scales over the cubital vein. In males, cucullus with a protuberant dorsal margin, ending in a truncate ventral process, ampulla absent (as a tiny ear-shaped dorsal projection on some specimes), digitus slim, half as long as clasper; vesica with basal diverticulum absent.


MALE. Head: Greyish-beige, usually mixed with dark scales of different hues. Eyes brown, pilose. Antenna filiform, triangular in cross section, covered dorsally with beige scales, ventrally naked, with tiny chemoreceptive trichoid sensilla, more concentrated in the central part of the antennomer, and with longer lateral chemoreceptive trichoid sensilla, almost as long as antennomer width. Thorax: Ground color as head; patagium with dark subapical line. Forewing: length 1.6-1.8cm (n=29). Ground color greyish-beige, thickly mixed with dark scales of different hues; postmedial line as dark spots over the veins and terminal line as dark spots between veins, other transversal lines absent; with an oblique line of dark scales from the apex to M 2, usually with an anterior area lighter than ground color; a dark patch with a spot of white central scales near the base of M 2 and M 3, undifferentiable in some specimens; and a dark long patch usually covering cubital vein; orbicular and reniform spots circular, inconspicuous, orange with smooth darker center; subterminal area of the wing with white or light beige scales over the veins; fringe beige with dark medial and terminal lines. Hindwing pale, with a marginal brown shading toward the base, fringe pale. Abdomen: Greyish-beige in dorsal view; ventral view as head, with two black transversal lines subventral. Genitalia: Tegumen and uncus fused, the former wider the than base of uncus; ventral arms robust in posterior view, covered with setae near the articulation with the dorsal arms of saccus. Saccus round and bent towards the ventral arm of tegumen, irregular distally, twisted toward the inner surface. Uncus elongated, flat and bent ventrally, widened on medial area, apical half abruptally narrowed to 1/6-1/7 of its width, covered with setae dorsally.Valva subtriangular; saccullus projected ventrally, forming an oval lobe; cucullus elongated, with dorsal margin protuberant and ending in a wide, single, truncated distal process, distal portion lobate, corona present, with multiple rows of spines; clasper short; ampulla absent on most specimens, as a tiny ear-shaped dorsal projection rarely; digitus slim, half as long as clasper. Fultura inferior (=juxta) subrectangular, approximately half the length of the ventral arms of tegumen and twice as long as its smallest width, distal portion bifid. Aedeagus pipe-shaped; vesica tubular, wide in basal third then abruptally narrowed to half its width and slightly widened apically, with a continuous band of cornuti, beginning in the right basal area, turning to the left dorsally, almost completing a spin, then in an almost straight line to the subapical area, subbasal cornuti larger than the others, basal diverticulum absent.

FEMALE. Similar to male, but antenna with tiny chemoreceptive trichoid sensilla only, longer lateral chemoreceptive trichoid absent and forewing less densely mixed with dark scales, which gives it a more “clean” and smooth appareance. Forewing length 1.3-2cm (n=35). Abdomen: Genitalia almost entirely sclerotized. Eighth tergite narrow and straight. Papilla analis subtriangular and covered with setae. Lamella antevaginalis subrectangular. Ductus bursae sclerotized, with a wide fold at its final portion leading to appendix bursae; corpus bursae membranous and round; appendix bursae more than twice the length of ductus bursae and half its width, sclerotized basally and with membranous apex. Ductus seminalis originating on appendix bursae apex.

Geographic distribution

Paraguay, Uruguay, Northern Argentina ( Franclemont, 1951), and central Argentina ( San Blas et al., 2021). Brazil: Paraná: Tibagi, Castro, Ponta Grossa, Quatro Barras, and Morretes; Santa Catarina: Seara; Rio Grande do Sul: Barracão, Rondinha, Alegrete, Santa Maria ( Carvalho et al., 1971; Specht et al., 2004; Specht et al., 2005), Iraí, Passo Fundo, Vacaria, São José dos Ausentes, Bento Gonçalves , Salvador do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, Encruzilhada do Sul, Tavares, Bagé, and Pelotas.

Host plants

Native and cultivated grasses such as oat, barley, canary grass, annual ryegrass, rye, wheat, corn, rice, sword grass and other grasses ( Biezanko and Ruffinelli, 1971; Casella and Moratoria, 1971; Biezanko et al., 1974; Chiang, 1978; Matrangolo et al., 1997; Pastrana, 2004; Specht et al., 2004; Fritz et al., 2008).


Mythimna (P.) adultera is usually smaller and greyer than the other species. The patch of dark scales over the cubital vein on the dorsal forewing is a determining character in both sexes, but it is not always clear, especially in females.The male genitalia is the most characteristic structure that allows the undoubted differentiation among all other South American species of the genus, in which the dorsal margin of cucullus is protuberant, the uncus and fultura inferior wider than in the other species and the vesica is tubular, without diverticulum, being the only species lacking this structure.

Material examined

BRAZIL - Paraná: Morretes – Parque Estadual Pico Marumbi, Pedra Lascada , 25°26’18,4”S, 48°55’09,6”W, 510m GoogleMaps , 1 male, 2 females, 29-IX-3-X-2013, Silva leg., ( MZUSP) ; Quatro Barras - Banhado, 800m , 1 female, 30-X-1970, Becker & Laroca leg., DZ 37.872 ( DZUP) ; Tibagi – Parque Estadual do Guartelá , 24°33’44”S, 50°15’33”W, 950-1000m GoogleMaps , 1 male, 25-27-VII-2017, Dantas, Dias, Dolibaina & Queiroz-S[antos] leg., DZ 37.871 ( DZUP) . - Santa Catarina: Seara - Nova Teutônia , 27°11’S, 52°23’W, 300-500m GoogleMaps , 1 male, V-1976, Fritz Plaumann leg., DZ 37.895 ( DZUP) . - Rio Grande do Sul: Bagé - 31°21›4.94”S, 54°1›12.51”W, 232m , 1 female, 5-XII-2015, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., ( CPAC) , 1 female, 3 males, 2-II-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 39.978 ( DZUP, CPAC) , 2 females, 4-II-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg. ( CPAC) , 2 males, 6-II-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 39.979 ( DZUP, CPAC) , 1 female, 2 males, 8-III-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 39.976 ( DZUP, CPAC) , 1 male, 1 female, 14-IV-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg. ( CPAC) , 1 male, 4-V-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 37.896 ( DZUP) , 1 female, 25-XI-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg. ( CPAC) , 1 male, 6-XII-2015, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 37.898 ( DZUP) , 31°18’57.08”S, 53°59’52.91”W, 242m, 1 male, 7-X-2015, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 37.893 ( DZUP) , 1 female, 2 males, 6-XII-2015, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg. ( CPAC) , 1 male, 7-XII-2015, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 37.870 ( DZUP) , 2 females, 11-III-2016, R. N. Systi, J. U. P. Corrêa, M. A. P. da Silva & Harry Ebert leg., DZ 39.977 ( DZUP, CPAC) ; Bento Gonçalves – 1 male, 19-IV-2004, Specht leg. ( CEUCS) ; Cachoeira do Sul – 1 female, 21-V-1998, Specht leg., 11558 ( MCTP) ; Encruzilhada do Sul - 400-500m, 2 females, 2-3-XI-2000, A. Moser leg.( CLAM) ; Iraí - 1 female, 20-X-1998, J. A. Teston leg., 11562 ( MCTP) ; Passo Fundo - 28°13›50.67”S, 52°24›17.04”W, 671m , 1 male, 11-X-2015, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg., DZ 37.900 ( DZUP) , 1 male, 8-XI-2015, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg. ( CPAC) , 1 female, 9-XI-2015, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg. ( CPAC) , 28°13’35.88”S, 52°24’13.05”W, 682m, 2 females, 9-X-2015, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg. ( CPAC), DZ 37.892 View Materials ( DZUP) , 1 female, 11-X-2015, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg., DZ 37.877 ( DZUP) , 1 male, 14-II-2016, P.R.V. S. Pereira leg., DZ 37.901 ( DZUP) , 2 females, 8-III-2016, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg. ( CPAC) , 1 female, 1 male, 10-III-2016, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg. ( CPAC) , 1 male, 11-III-2016, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg. ( CPAC) , 1 female 4-IV-2016, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg., DZ 37.869 ( DZUP) , 1 female, 1-VI-2016, P. R. V. S. Pereira leg., DZ 37.897 ( DZUP) ; Pelotas – 1 female, 21-I-1951, C. Biezanko leg. ( MECB) , 1 female, 11-IX-1951, C. Biezanko leg. ( MECB) , 2 females, I-1954, ex. coll. F. Justus, DZ 37.874, DZ 37.873 ( DZUP) , 1 male, 6-XII-1957, J. Lucia Mantovani & C. Biezanko leg. ( MECB) ; Salvador do Sul - 1 female, 14- IX-1995, A. Specht leg., 4494 ( MCTP) , 2 males, 3 females, 4-XI-1997, A. Specht, 11560, 11569, 11563, 11568, 11564 ( MCTP) ; São José dos Ausentes - Silveira, 1200m, 1 male, 28-31-I-2000, A. Moser leg., 1769 ( CLAM) , Fazenda Potreirinhos , 1200m , 1 male, 5-7-XI-2004, A. Moser leg. ( CLAM) ; Tavares - 1female, 29-X-2010, ex larvae ( CEUCS) ; Vacaria - 1 female, 19-III-2009, A. C. Formentini leg ( CEUCS) .


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Centro de Pesquisas Agropecuarias do Cerrado


Museu de Ciencias


Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Museu Entomologico Ceslau Biezanko














Mythimna (Pseudaletia) adultera ( Schaus, 1894 )

Madruga, Janaína, Specht, Alexandre, Blas, German San, Mielke, Olaf H H & Casagrande, Mirna M 2022


Franclemont 1951


Franclemont 1951

Cirphis unipuncta

Wileman 1914

Leucania adultera

Schaus 1894


Schaus 1894

Leucania adultera

Schaus 1894

Leucania adultera

Schaus 1894

Leucania adultera

Schaus 1894

Leucania adultera

Schaus 1894


Ochsenheimer 1816


Linnaeus 1758
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF