Adelopsis triangulifer Szymczakowski, 1961

Gnaspini, Pedro & Peck, Stewart B., 2019, Redescription of the ‘ older Adelopsis’ species (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Ptomaphagini) based on the analysis of type specimens, Zootaxa 4696 (1), pp. 1-62 : 45-46

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4696.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Adelopsis triangulifer Szymczakowski, 1961


Adelopsis triangulifer Szymczakowski, 1961 View in CoL

( Figs. 209–219 View FIGURES 209–219 )

Adelopsis triangulifer Szymczakowski, 1961: 142 View in CoL [and Figs. 4–7 View FIGURES 4–16 ], 1963: 670; Salgado, 2005: 963 (type seen [the only reference he made to the species in the whole text]), 2015: 3 (in Abstract). Here assigned to group triangulifer nov. Note: we here readopt the original spelling (see Taxonomic Note).

Adelopsis triangulifera ; Gnaspini, 1996: 539 (holotype seen; unjustified emendation—see Taxonomic Note); Gnaspini and Peck, 2001: 434 (tentative assignment to group camella); Salgado 2010: 213 (assignment to group ascutellaris), 2015: 34 [and Figs. 26–28 View FIGURES 26–27 View FIGURES 28–40 ].

Type material examined: Holotype male in NHRS (Gnaspini, 1996: 541). Labels: “Sta Catharina / Nova Teutonia / Brasil., /5.1939 / Fr. Plaumann ”. Specimen here illustrated.

Length: 2.0 mm (original description); 1.98–2.3 mm ( Salgado, 2015); 2.0 ( NHRS) and 1.9 ( NMPC) mm (our measurement).

Type locality: Nova Teutônia , Santa Catarina State, Brazil .

Additional material examined: 1 male (Szymczakowski det., 1963: 670— Brazil: São Paulo) in NMPC (Gnaspini, 1996: 541). Labels: “ São Paulo / Bras. Mráz lgt. / Mus. Pragense”. Note : the aedeagus, genital segment, and last ventrite confer with those of the holotype .

Taxonomic Note. Gnaspini (1996) corrected all species names in Adelopsis to the feminine gender. However, since latin words ending with -fer are either adjectives or nouns, and article 31.2.2. of ICZN (see ICZN, 1999) states that a name should be considered to be a noun in apposition when the original author did not state the intention either to use a noun or an adjective and there is no evidence of intention (although Szymczakowski wrongly used masculine adjectives for other species names in Adelopsis ), we here reestablish the original spelling.

Short Redescription. Eyes normal. Winged [differing from original description, as apterous]. Apex of the right lobe of the aedeagus pointy and triangular in both frontal and lateral views ( Figs. 209–212 View FIGURES 209–219 ). Left lobe of the aedeagus subtriangular and broad, resulting in a narrow, slit-shaped dorsal opening ( Fig. 210 View FIGURES 209–219 ). Flagellum shorter (about 1/ 4 in length) than aedeagus ( Fig. 210 View FIGURES 209–219 ). Proportion aedeagus/elytron = 0.42, considerably large in comparison with other species in the genus. Spiculum gastrale of the genital segment short and straight ( Fig. 214 View FIGURES 209–219 ). Male mesotibia regularly curved internally ( Fig. 218 View FIGURES 209–219 ).

Female originally unknown. Salgado (2015) added some records from near the type locality illustrating the spermatheca (his Fig. 28 View FIGURES 28–40 ).

Distribution. Brazil: Santa Catarina (original description; Salgado, 2015; here) and São Paulo ( Szymczakowski, 1963; here) States.

Taxonomic Remarks. The pointy aedeagus in both frontal and lateral views and the shape of the short left lobe of the aedeagus ( Figs. 209–212 View FIGURES 209–219 ) seem to help in the recognition of this species. As commented above, for group triangulifer nov., the resemblance of the genital features with those of the genus Ptomaphagus is high, including the elongate, pointy tiped aedeagus, the straight spiculum gastrale of the genital segment, and the ‘simpler’ spermatheca (S-shaped [from Salgado, 2015], and not coiled as in most species of Adelopsis ), except for the trapezoidal ligula, typical of species of Adelopsis .


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


National Museum Prague


















Adelopsis triangulifer Szymczakowski, 1961

Gnaspini, Pedro & Peck, Stewart B. 2019

Adelopsis triangulifer

Salgado, J. M. 2005: 963
Szymczakowski, W. 1961: 142
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