Bulimus onslowi Cox, 1864

Breure, Abraham S. H. & Whisson, Corey S., 2012, Annotated type catalogue of Bothriembryon (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Orthalicoidea) in Australian museums, with a compilation of types in other museums, ZooKeys 194, pp. 41-80 : 50

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scientific name

Bulimus onslowi Cox, 1864


Bulimus onslowi Cox, 1864 Fig. 5H

Bulimus onslowi Cox 1864: 185; Kendrick and Wilson 1975: 308, pl. 5 figs 1 a–b; B.J. Smith 1992: 106.

Type locality.

"Dirk Hartog’s Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia".


See Remarks.


"Long. 0.85, diam. 0.60 unc. [H 21.6, D 15.2 mm]"; figured specimen H 21.7, D 13.9, W 4.6.

Type material.

AM C84882, syntype.


Kendrick and Wilson (1975) have discussed the type specimen, clarifying that the original label has been lost and that "the dimensions differ slightly from those given by Cox".

Current systematic position.

Bothriembryontidae, Bothriembryon onslowi (Cox, 1864).