Pendulomonas adriperis Tong 1997

Aydin, Esra Elif & Lee, Won Je, 2022, Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates Lakes in Turkey (Protista) from Two Hypersaline, Acta Protozoologica 61, pp. 85-98 : 94

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.22.008.17111


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scientific name

Pendulomonas adriperis Tong 1997


Pendulomonas adriperis Tong 1997 ( Figs 2k View Fig , 3q View Fig )

Cells are 4–9 μm long, ovoid or droplet-shaped, somewhat flexible and not flattened. The cells have two flagella similar in length that emerge subapically. The non-acronematic flagella are slightly longer than the cell. The anterior flagellum projects in front of the body and beats with an asymmetric pattern, and the posterior flagellum trails behind the cell and might be held in a curve or obliquely. Sometimes, the posterior flagellum beats stiffly and rapidly in non-swimming cells. The cells usually swim by slow rotating movements and do not wag. The cells may attach to the substrate by the tip of the trailing flagellum. In attached cells, the cells may wag or tremble rapidly. Description based on observations of 16 cells. Occurance: May to October at Acı Lake, temperature 1–23.5 °C, salinity 24–67.5 psu, dissolved oxygen 3.75–13.2 mg /L.

Remarks: Our observations are consistent with the original description of Tong (1997c). The genus Pendulomonas resembles the genus Cafeteria , but differs by the orientation and beating pattern of the flagella. The genus Pendulomonas also resembles the genus Phyllomitus in general cell shape, but differs by the two flagella of Phyllomitus insert together to an anterior pocket. Flagella of Pendulomonas emerge separately from a subapical pocket. A morphologically very similar species ( Wobblia lunata ) was reported by Moriya et al. (2000), but they didn’t compare with Pendulomonas adriperis despite of the striking similarities in cell shape and length. Therefore, Wobblia lunata has been regarded as the junior synonym of Pendulomonas adriperis ( Karpov et al. 2001, Al-Quassab et al. 2002, Lee et al. 2003, Lee 2006b). This species has been reported from Australia, England, Japan (as Wobblia lunata ) and Black Sea (Kazachya Bay) ( Tong 1997 c, Lee and Patterson 2000, Moriya et al. 2000, Al-Qassab et al. 2002; Lee 2006b, 2019; Prokina et al. 2017b).

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