Ummidia beatula (Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940)

Godwin, Rebecca L. & Bond, Jason E., 2021, Taxonomic revision of the New World members of the trapdoor spider genus Ummidia Thorell (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Halonoproctidae), ZooKeys 1027, pp. 1-165 : 1

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scientific name

Ummidia beatula (Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940)


Ummidia beatula (Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940) View in CoL Figs 18 View Figure 18 , 19 View Figure 19 , Map 3 View Map 3

Pachylomerides beatulus Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940: 312; female HOLOTYPE (AMNH_IZC327743) from 5-6 miles S Dallas, Texas, United States, 32.6472 -96.7913 6, 189 m a.s.l., xii.1937, coll. J.C. Sanders, deposited in AMNH, examined.

Ummidia beatula Brignoli, 1983: 117.

Pachylomerides pygmaeus Chamberlin and Ivie, 1945: 558; female HOLOTYPE from Eagletown, Oklahoma, United States, 34.0333 -94.6167 1, 121 m a.s.l.,, coll. Standish-Kaiser, deposited in AMNH, examined, syn. nov.

Ummidia pygmaea Brignoli, 1983: 117.


Ummidia beatula are relatively small spiders which can be differentiated from U. rongodwini by males lacking a pale dorsal heart patch and from U. audouini and U. rosillos by lacking a brush on the retrolateral face of tarsus IV. In males, the comb on tarsus IV is less distinct than that of U. funerea and U. colemanae . Males can be differentiated from U. macarthuri and U. rongodwini by the presence of prolateral spines on tibia I. Males disperse from April to June.

Description of female holotype.

Specimen preparation and condition. Specimen preserved in 80% EtOH. Spermathecae removed, cleared, in vial with specimen. General coloration. Carapace and chelicerae strong brown 7.5YR 4/6. Legs dark reddish brown 2.5YR 2.5/4. Abdomen yellowish brown 10YR 5/6, spinnerets strong brown 7.5YR 4/6. Cephalothorax. Carapace 9.22 long, 9.33 wide. Pars cephalica 6.3 long. Foveal groove procurved with posterior pointed extension, 0.88 long, 1.97 wide. Eye tubercle low. AER procurved. PER procurved. Eye group 2.5 long, 3.6 wide, AME 0.96, PME 0.79, ALE 1.34, PLE 0.8. Sternum sparsely setose around outer margin, thicker anteriorly, STRl 10.17, STRw 11.23. Chelicerae with anterior row comprising eight teeth, posterior margin with six teeth. Palpal endites with 24 large cuspules across proximal half of endite face and 28 smaller cuspules distally, ENDw 2.1, ENDl 3.59. Labium with seven cuspules, LBw 4.21, LBl 3.15. Rastellum with many strong spines on process. Abdomen. Evenly setose. Legs. F1 6.42; F1w 2.14; P1 3.92; Ti1 3.75; Mt1 3.74; Tr1 1.59; F3 7.07; F3w 3.7; P3 3.6; Ti3 3.4, Sd3 2.71; Mt3 2.75; Tr3 2.3; F4 7.44; F4w 2.84; P4 4.24; Ti4 4.06; Mt4 4.35; Tr4 1.97. Retrolateral face tarsus IV with defined comb over length of tarsus. Pedipalps. PF 5.71, PP 3.03, PTi 3.36, PTr 3.17. Spermathecae simple and straight, bulbs facing anteriorly.

Variation, females

(n = 20). CL 3.25-8.48, 6.63 ± 0.33; CW 3.03-8.33, 6.5 ± 0.34; Cap 2.29-5.85, 4.54 ± 0.22; ENDl 0.47-1.19, 0.94 ± 0.04; ENDw 0.82-2.03, 1.61 ± 0.08; STRl 2.02-5.56, 4.18 ± 0.22; STRw 1.32-5.61, 4.11 ± 0.28; LBl 0.56-1.93, 1.21 ± 0.08; LBw 0.76-2.02, 1.55 ± 0.08; F1 2.09-5.52, 4.49 ± 0.22; F1w 0.83-2.56, 1.65 ± 0.09; P1 1.32-3.61, 2.84 ± 0.15; Ti1 1.14-3.51, 2.63 ± 0.14; Mt1 0.77-2.62, 1.9 ± 0.1; Tr1 0.59-1.2, 0.99 ± 0.04; F3 1.92-4.8, 3.74 ± 0.18; F3w 0.88-2.65, 2.03 ± 0.11; P3 1.16-3, 2.33 ± 0.12; Ti3 0.98-2.84, 2.18 ± 0.12; Mt3 0.85-2.19, 1.74 ± 0.08; Tr3 0.82-1.9, 1.52 ± 0.06; F4 2.41-5.9, 4.82 ± 0.23; F4w 1.03-2.68, 2.04 ± 0.1; P4 1.31-3.35, 2.64 ± 0.14; Ti4 1.38-3.33, 2.7 ± 0.13; Mt4 1.16-3.47, 2.75 ± 0.15; Tr4 0.92-1.93, 1.48 ± 0.06; PF 1.83-4.97, 4 ± 0.2; PP 1.12-3.04, 2.31 ± 0.12; PTi 0.33-3.08, 2.32 ± 0.17; PTr 1.06-2.7, 2.25 ± 0.1.

Description of male exemplar.

Specimen preparation and condition. Specimen preserved in 80% EtOH. Color faded, cephalothorax broken. Left palp, leg I, and right leg I removed, in vial with specimen. General coloration. Carapace and chelicerae very dusky red 10R 2.5/2, legs strong brown 7.5YR 4/6. Abdomen dark brown 10YR 3/3. Cephalothorax. Carapace 3.73 long, 3.6 wide. Pars cephalica 2.32 long. Foveal groove procurved, 0.26 long, 0.68 wide. Tubercle moderate. AER procurved. PER straight. Eye group 0.92 long, 0.52 wide, AME 0.26, PME 0.2, ALE 0.29, PLE 0.2. Sternum sparsely setose around outer 1/3, STRl 2.17, STRw 1.99. Chelicerae with anterior tooth row comprising five teeth, posterior margin with five teeth. Palpal endites with 14 cuspules spread over proximal half of endite face, lacking distal endite cuspules, ENDw 0.89, ENDl 1.42. Labium with six cuspules, LBw 0.71, LBl 0.43. Rastellum with many spines. Abdomen setose. Legs. F1 3.55; F1w 0.74; P1 1.72; Ti1 2.29; Mt1 1.68; Tr1 0.8; F3 2.37; F3w 0.94; P3 1.22; Ti3 1.44; Sd3 0.82; Mt3 1.47; Tr3 1.05; F4 3.12; F4w 0.91; P4 1.38; Ti4 2.18; Mt4 2.18; Tr4 1.22. Retrolateral face of tarsus IV with sparse/indistinct comb. Leg I spination pattern: TSp 0, TSpv 10, TSrd 0, TSr 0, TSrv 21, MtSp 0, MtSr 8, TrSp 0, TrSr 8. Pedipalps. PTl 2.27, PTw 0.82, Bl 1.76. Embolus evenly curved, bulb relatively large.

Variation, males

(n = 26). CL 3.02-4.84, 4 ± 0.1; CW 2.92-4.73, 3.95 ± 0.1; Cap 2.04-3.1, 2.59 ± 0.06; ENDl 0.41-0.73, 0.59 ± 0.02; ENDw 0.77-1.5, 1.06 ± 0.03; STRl 1.81-2.81, 2.39 ± 0.06; STRw 1.66-2.93, 2.39 ± 0.07; LBl 0.48-0.83, 0.63 ± 0.02; LBw 0.67-1.1, 0.87 ± 0.02; F1 3.11-4.79, 3.99 ± 0.09; F1w 0.65-1.08, 0.9 ± 0.02; P1 1.39-2.26, 1.91 ± 0.05; Ti1 1.98-3.28, 2.71 ± 0.07; Mt1 1.37-2.27, 1.82 ± 0.04; Tr1 0.72-1.08, 0.93 ± 0.02; F3 2.02-3.26, 2.76 ± 0.07; F3w 0.87-1.4, 1.12 ± 0.03; P3 1.06-1.72, 1.44 ± 0.04; Ti3 1.18-1.98, 1.65 ± 0.04; Mt3 1.14-1.95, 1.62 ± 0.04; Tr3 0.92-1.45, 1.23 ± 0.03; F4 2.9-4.38, 3.8 ± 0.08; F4w 0.82-1.35, 1.08 ± 0.03; P4 1.3-2.01, 1.71 ± 0.04; Ti4 1.9-2.95, 2.48 ± 0.06; Mt4 1.94-3.61, 2.61 ± 0.07; Tr4 0.36-1.8, 1.32 ± 0.05; TSp 0-11, 4.76 ± 0.58; TSpv 1-15, 7.56 ± 0.7; TSr 0-8, 1.56 ± 0.42; TSrv 15-36, 23.12 ± 0.94; PTl 0.8-2.78, 2.35 ± 0.08; PTw 0.74-2.15, 0.98 ± 0.05; BL 1.19-1835, 75.17 ± 73.33.

Material examined.

United States: Arkansas: Bradley Co: 33.5087 -92.2236 7, 51 m a.s.l. (UMM0282, vi-vii.1964, 1♂, AMNH); Washington Co: Fayetteville, 36.0625 -94.1571 6, 406 m a.s.l. (UMM0263,, 1♂, Whitcomb, AMNH); (UMM0205, 14-31.vii.1961, 1♂, N Causey, MCZ); University of Arkansas, 33.591 -91.8117 4, 81 m a.s.l. (UMM0285,, 1♂, Dodge, AMNH); Fayetteville, 36.0625 -94.1571 6, 406 m a.s.l. (UMM0134,, 1♂, WB Peck, AMNH); Kansas: Cowley Co: Winfield, 37.2398 -96.995 6, 344 m a.s.l. (UMM0170, Summer 1935, 1♂, AMNH); Douglas Co: 5 mi S of K10 on Hwy59, 38.846 -95.3659 5, 332 m a.s.l. (UMM0830, 13.vii.1990, 1♂, Blackwood, OSU); Fitch Natural History Reserve, 39.0635 -95.196 5, 301 m a.s.l. (UMM0615,, 1♂, Guarisco, AMNH); Jefferson Co: 39.2739 -95.311 7, 335 m a.s.l. (UMM0827,, 1♂, OSU); Montgomery Co: Elk City, Elk City Lake, 37.2621 -95.7816 5, 287 m a.s.l. (UMM0826, 7.vii.1997, 1♂, E Miller, OSU); Mississippi: Grenada Co: 33.6963 -90.03 1, 76 m a.s.l. (UMM0700, 21-27.viii.1991, 1♂, GT Baker, MEM); Lafayette Co: 1 mi SW of Abbeville, 34.4891 -89.5103 4, 135 m a.s.l. (UMM0715, 17.x.2017, 1♂, PR Miller, MEM); 5 mi NW Oxford, 34.4477 -89.6499 6, 102 m a.s.l. (UMM0717, 1♂, TG Forrest, MEM); Oktibbeha Co: 7 mi S of Starkville, 33.3485 -88.8178 5, 81 m a.s.l. (UMM0175,, 1♀, G Miller, UFMNH); Osborn Prairie, 33.5113 -88.7355 1, 99 m a.s.l. (UMM0701,, 1♂, JA MacGown, MEM); (UMM0706, 22.vii.1991, 1♂, DM Pollock, MEM); Starkville, 33.4503 -88.8183 6, 101 m a.s.l. (UMM0174,, 1♂, WH Cross, UFMNH); Missouri: Benton Co: 4mi W of Warsaw, 38.2437 -93.4539 5, 254 m a.s.l. (UMM0182, 29.iv.1973, 1♀, RS Frank, UFMNH); Iron Co: Graniteville, 37.9939 -91.8407 8, 318 m a.s.l. (UMM0278, 10.x.1949, 1♀, Smith, Berger, AMNH); Johnson Co: Knob Noster State Park, 38.7496 -93.6065 5, 246 m a.s.l. (UMM0128,, 1♂, Peck, Peaslee, AMNH); (UMM0127,, 1♂, AMNH); (UMM0136,, 1♂, AMNH); (UMM0126,, 1♂, AMNH); Vernon Co: Nevada, 37.8391 -94.3546 6, 264 m a.s.l. (UMM0204,, 1♂, JW McReynolds, MCZ); Oklahoma: Carter Co: 34.1875 -97.3484 7, 273 m a.s.l. (UMM0833,, 1♂, L McDaniel, OSU); Coal Co: Lehigh, 34.4692 -96.2164 6, 189 m a.s.l. (UMM0613, 1♀, AMNH); Garvin Co: Paul’s Valley, 34.7394 -97.222 5, 267 m a.s.l. (UMM0821, 12.i.1987, 1♀, OSU); Kay Co: Ponca City, 36.7063 -97.0856 6, 308 m a.s.l. (UMM0828,, 1♂, B Parker, OSU); Logan Co: Guthrie, 35.8783 -97.4253 6, 292 m a.s.l. (UMM0125, 21.iv.1962, 1♀, RC Harrel, AMNH); McCurtain Co: Beaver’s Bend State Park, 34.1308 -94.6905 5, 196 m a.s.l. (UMM0838,, 1♂, DC Arnold, OSU); Oklahoma Co: Oklahoma City, 35.4555 -97.5107 7, 365 m a.s.l. (UMM0817, 12.ix.1990, 1♀, OSU); Payne Co: 1.6 mi W, 1 mi N Stillwater, 36.1376 -97.0972 5, 279 m a.s.l. (UMM0238, 10.iv.1965, 1♂, VV Barrd, AMNH); Oklahoma State University Campus, 36.1275 -97.0794 5, 292 m a.s.l. (UMM0235, 12.xi.1964, 1♀, RC Harrel, AMNH); (UMM0132, x.1964, 1♀, AMNH); Stillwater, 36.1142 -97.0551 6, 270 m a.s.l. (UMM0815, 10.i.1975, 1♀, DC Arnold, OSU); (UMM0834, 10.ii.1974, 1♂, DC Arnold, OSU); (UMM0548,, 1♂, DC Arnold, AMNH); (UMM0617, 14.iv.1958, 1♀, B Branson, AMNH); (UMM0818, 14.v.1968, 1♀, JT Pitts, OSU); (UMM0601,, 1♂, Arnold, AMNH); (UMM0837,, 1♂, DR Moiner, OSU); (UMM0814, 26.ii.1992, 1♀, WA Drew, OSU); (UMM0824, 7.x.1979, 1♀, B Ree, OSU); (UMM0812, 9.xi.1967, 1♀, WA Dres, OSU); (UMM0836, Summer 1973, 1♂, S Miller, OSU); Stillwater, Lake Carl Blackwell, 36.1299 -97.2341 5, 299 m a.s.l. (UMM0822, vii.1974, 1♀, R Wall, OSU); Stillwater, OSU forestry farm, 36.1142 -97.0551 6, 270 m a.s.l. (UMM0816, 28.ix.1967, 1♀, L Johnson, OSU); Tulsa Co: Bixby, 35.9447 -35.94475, 183 m a.s.l. (UMM0835,, 1♂, JM Nelson, OSU); (UMM0832,, 1♂, OSU); (UMM0839, 1♂, OSU); (UMM0831,, 1♂, OSU); Tulsa, 36.151 -95.9945 7, 223 m a.s.l. (UMM0823, 8.iii.1974, 1♀, D Ringer, OSU); Texas: 31.6485 -99.7837 8, 480 m a.s.l. (UMM0791, 7.x.1925, 1♂, R Watterschoid, MSU); Anderson Co: 11 mi ENE center of Palestine, 31.8178 -95.4144 1, 92 m a.s.l. (UMM0105,, 1♂, J Yantis, TAMU); Angelina Co: 5.9 air miles SE Zavalla, 31.1186 -94.3366 1, 82 m a.s.l. (UMM0851, 18.v.2013, 1♂, S Clarke, TAMU); (UMM0852, 26.iv-9.v.2012, 1♂, TAMU); 6 air miles SE Zavalla, 31.1164 -94.3345 1, 84 m a.s.l. (UMM0856, 18.v.2013, 1♂, S Clarke, TAMU); Angelina National Forest, 4 mi SE Zavalla, 31.1278 -94.3658 1, 81 m a.s.l. (UMM0846, 7-30.v.1996, 1♂, Clarke, Menard, Riley, TAMU); Bastrop Co: 30.1105 -97.3153 6, 111 m a.s.l. (UMM0502, 23.iv.1977, 1♀, C Benton, AMNH); Bell Co: 3 mi S of Belton, 31.0125 -97.4613 5, 147 m a.s.l. (UMM0271, 28.xii.1941, 1♀, AMNH); Bexar Co: 10 mi S of San Antonio at jct Hwy 16 and Medina River, 29.2614 -98.5823 4, 166 m a.s.l. (UMM0786, 1.ix.1974, 1♀, W Icenogle, AMNH); Bowie Co: Texarkana, 33.4256 -94.0475 6, 95 m a.s.l. (UMM0108, 20.xii.1993, 1♀, V Akins, TAMU); Brazos Co: Bryan, 30.6385 -96.3355 1, 86 m a.s.l. (UMM0842, 5.viii.2012, 1♀, PC Krauter, TAMU); College Station, 30.6239 -96.3342 6, 105 m a.s.l. (UMM0841, 27.iv.1979, 1♀, P Menefee, TAMU); College Station, Lick Creek Park, 30.5677 -96.2132 4, 74 m a.s.l. (UMM0102,, 1♂, T Henderson, TAMU); Cameron Co: Harlingen, 26.1911 -97.6976 5, 12 m a.s.l. (UMM0840, 30.viii.2009, 1♀, M Wilson, TAMU); Comanche Co: 8mi E of Rising Star, 32.0957 -98.8281 5, 460 m a.s.l. (UMM0110, 15.iv.1983, 1♀, CW Agnew, TAMU); Coryell Co: 31.4804 -97.8683 7, 286 m a.s.l. (UMM0409,, 1♂, JH Robinson, AMNH); Dallas: 5-6 mi S Dallas, 32.6472 -96.7913 6, 189 m a.s.l. (IZC327743, xii.1937, 1♀, JC Sanders, AMNH); Fayette Co: 29.8901 -96.8351 7, 109 m a.s.l. (UMM0560, 15.v.1977, 1♀, C Benton, AMNH); Gregg Co: Longview, 32.5003 -94.7398 6, 96 m a.s.l. (UMM0600, 24.ix.1960, 1♀, N Brachi, AMNH); Harris Co: Houston, Rice Institute, 29.7166 -95.4026 4, 33 m a.s.l. (UMM0410, 5.x.1954, 1♀, RD Barnes, AMNH); Hays Co: 6 mi NW of Dripping Springs, 30.3803 -98.21 1, 408 m a.s.l. (UMM0850, 2.ix-5.x.2006, 1♂, EG Riley et al, TAMU); Hidalgo Co: Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge, McManus Unit, 26.0538 -98.0499 1, 32 m a.s.l. (UMM0853,, 1♂, J King, E Riley, TAMU); Houston Co: 19 mi NE of Crockett, 31.497 -95.2166 1, 109 m a.s.l. (UMM0106,, 1♂, J Yantis, TAMU); 4 mi NNE center of Kennard, 31.4064 -95.1592 1, 117 m a.s.l. (UMM0103,, 1♂, J Yantis, TAMU); 6 mi N of center of Radcliff, 31.4783 -95.1335 1, 66 m a.s.l. (UMM0104,, 1♂, J Yantis, TAMU); Kerr Co: 6.5 mi SW Hunt, 29.0969 -99.0622 1, 597 m a.s.l. (UMM0848, 2.ix-5.x.2006, 1♂, EG Riley et al, TAMU); Lubbock Co: Lubbock Lake, 33.6222 -101.8896 6, 978 m a.s.l. (UMM0506, 31.vii.1979, 1♂, JC Cokendolpher, AMNH); Madison Co: 5 mi S of center of Madisonville, 30.8763 -95.9102 5, 74 m a.s.l. (UMM0111, 1-10.x.2001, 1♂, J Yantis, TAMU); McMullen Co: 28.3104 -98.5721 7, 69 m a.s.l. (UMM0573, 31.vii.1977, 1♀, C Benton, AMNH); Newton Co: Bon Wier, 30.7397 -93.6429 6, 24 m a.s.l. (UMM0564, 1♂, AMNH); Robertson Co: Mumford, Holmes Pecan Orchard, 8 mi N Hwy 21 on FM 50, 30.7433 -96.56 1, 79 m a.s.l. (UMM0855,, 1♂, A Calixto, TAMU); San Patricio Co: Welder Wildlife Refuge, 28.113 -97.4164 5, 12 m a.s.l. (UMM0854,, 1♂, JM Mora, TAMU); (UMM0857, 1♂, TAMU); San Saba Co: 3 mi E McCulloch, San Saba Co line on Hwy 190, 31.2479 -99.041 1, 480 m a.s.l. (UMM0844,, 1♀, A Dean, S Dean, TAMU); Travis Co: Austin, 30.2671 -97.743 6, 148 m a.s.l. (UMM0421, 26.v.1946, 1♂, Brown, HE Frizzell, AMNH); Austin, 30.2671 -97.743 6, 148 m a.s.l. (UMM0568, ix.1941, 1♀, AMNH); Austin, 30.2675 -97.7438 6, 161 m a.s.l. (UMM0233, viii.1956, 1♀, G Henderson Jr, AMNH); Wichita Co: Midwestern State University Farm, 33.931 -98.7481 7, 313 m a.s.l. (UMM0803, 13.ii.1975, 1♀, T Emsoff, MSU); 33.931 -98.7481 7, 313 m a.s.l. (UMM0801, 1.v.1995, 1♀, C Davis, MSU); (UMM0808, 11.viii.1996, 1♂, NV Horner, MSU); (UMM0802, 13.x.1997, 1♂, MSU); (UMM0797, 6.vii.2003, 1♀, MSU); (UMM0800, 15.xi.2001, 1♂, R Lowery, MSU); (UMM0799, 17.x.1988, 1♂, LJ Nessel, MSU); (UMM0795, 2.viii.1984, 1♀, TA Austin, MSU); (UMM0789, 29.vii.1997, 1♂, W Hanss, MSU); (UMM0796, 9.xii.1990, 1♂, J Mitchell, MSU).













