Orthobula marusiki, Haddad & Jin & Platnick, 2022

Haddad, Charles R., Jin, Chi & Platnick, Norman I., 2022, A revision of the spider genus Orthobula Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Trachelidae) in the Afrotropical Region. I. Continental species, Zootaxa 5133 (3), pp. 355-382 : 371-374

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5133.3.3

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scientific name

Orthobula marusiki

sp. nov.

Orthobula marusiki View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 7, 8 View FIGURES 1–12 , 76–81 View FIGURES 70–81 , 83–89 View FIGURES 83–89

Diagnosis. Females of O. marusiki sp. nov. can be recognized by the transverse anterior ridge, comprising two slightly recurved parts, which are slightly separated from the broad copulatory openings ( Figs 83, 85 View FIGURES 83–89 ). Males can be easily recognized from continental congeners by the much longer, slightly curved embolus and by the shape of the bifid RFA, with the proximal and distal branches converging and almost touching ( Figs 87–89 View FIGURES 83–89 ).

Etymology. Named for arachnologist Yura Marusik, who collected the holotype, in recognition of his massive contribution to spider taxonomy, including papers on the genus under study here.

Female (holotype, Abuko, NCA 2018/33). Measurements: CL 1.16, CW 0.86, AL 1.35, AW 1.15, TL 2.39 (1.65–2.70), PERW 0.38, MOQAW 0.15, MOQPW 0.21, MOQL 0.18. Length of leg segments: I 0.81 + 0.32 + 0.73 + 0.62 + 0.31 = 2.79; II 0.71 + 0.30 + 0.57 + 0.55 + 0.29 = 2.42; III 0.59 + 0.27 + 0.46 + 0.52 + 0.28 = 2.12; IV 0.79 + 0.29 + 0.68 + 0.76 + 0.35 = 2.87.

Colour: carapace deep orange-brown, with black mottling around margins and sides; chelicerae yellow-brown; endites and labium yellow-brown, cream distally; sternum orange-brown, darker around margins; palps dark yellow-brown; legs with femora, patellae and tibiae I and II orange-brown, with dense black mottling laterally; distal ends of femora and tibiae with yellow rings; metatarsi and tarsi I and II yellow; legs III and IV deep yellow, femora with broad orange-brown band medially, patellae and tibiae with black stripe on retrolateral side only; abdomen dark grey dorsally, with pair of cream longitudinal patches anterolaterally and pair of transverse cream patches at midpoint; posterior half with seven fine grey chevrons, narrowing posteriorly; sides and venter pale grey; spinnerets creamy-grey.

Leg spination: femora and patellae: spineless; tibiae: I plv 7 rlv 6, II plv 6 rlv 5; metatarsi: I plv 4 rlv 4, II plv 4 rlv 4; tarsi: I plv 3 rlv 3, II plv 3 rlv 2.

Epigyne with broad CO positioned slightly posterior to broad, transverse anterior epigynal ridge, comprising two slightly recurved ridges merging mesally ( Figs 83, 85 View FIGURES 83–89 ); CD directed posteriorly, with slightly concave curvature, entering round SBB in posterior half of epigyne; SBB separated by slightly less than half their width; CD approximately twice as long as width of SBB; BU large, ovoid, with lollipop-shaped accessory gland on their anteromesal surface; SBB connected to ST I by short, strongly curving ducts, entering transversely oval ST I near their centre ( Figs 84, 86 View FIGURES 83–89 ).

Male (paratype, Mbigni, ZFMK 8896). Measurements: CL 0.93, CW 0.73, AL 0.88, AW 0.70, TL 1.84 (1.40– 2.00), PERW 0.30, MOQAW 0.13, MOQPW 0.17, MOQL 0.16. Length of leg segments: I 0.67 + 0.24 + 0.60 + 0.48 + 0.29 = 2.28; II 0.56 + 0.22 + 0.44 + 0.43 + 0.27 = 1.92; III 0.49 + 0.21 + 0.37 + 0.40 + 0.27 = 1.74; IV 0.62 + 0.22 + 0.56 + 0.59 + 0.32 = 2.31.

Colour: carapace orange, with black mottling on sides; chelicerae pale yellow-brown; endites and labium yellow-brown, cream distally; sternum pale orange, with darker margins; palps yellow-brown; legs creamy-yellow, anterior femora darker, with mottled patches on sides distally; anterior patellae and tibiae with mottling dorsally and laterally; anterior metatarsi with mottled ring distally; femora III with prolateral mottled stripe and distal patch retrolaterally; patellae and tibiae III with retrolateral stripe; femora, patellae and tibiae IV with mottled retrolateral stripes; abdomen dark grey dorsally, with indistinct, slightly lighter patches anterolaterally and at midpoint; venter cream, with faint grey mottling; spinnerets cream.

Leg spination: femora and patellae: spineless; tibiae: I plv 7 rlv 6, II plv 5 rlv 4; metatarsi: I plv 3 rlv 3, II plv 3 rlv 3; tarsi: I plv 3 rlv 3, II plv 3 rlv 2.

Palpal femur with small bifid RFA, proximal branch sharply hook-shaped, distal branch thumb-like, converging and nearly touching ( Figs 87, 89 View FIGURES 83–89 ); tibia with elongate, simple triangular apophysis; retrodistal tegular ridge strongly developed, curving around ventrally, ending close to base of embolus ( Fig. 88 View FIGURES 83–89 ); embolus long, slender, curving slightly in ventral view ( Figs 87–89 View FIGURES 83–89 ).

Type material. ♀ Holotype: GAMBIA: Banjul: Abuko Nature Reserve , 13°23.472’N, 16°39.003’W, 17.X.2008, leg. Y. Marusik (litter, primary gallery forest) ( NCA 2018 /33). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: BURKINA FASO: Cascades: 4 km NE of Dérégoué, 10°46’N, 04°04’W, 10.I–25.II.1983, leg. Schreiber & Paulus (gallery forest at Koba River ), 19♂ 2♀ ( ZFMK 8935 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps . CAMEROON: Adamaoua: ca. 30 km NE Tignere, Mbigni , 07°33’N, 12°53’E, 27.II–15.III.1984, leg. Kunze & Nagel, 1♂ ( ZFMK 8896 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps . COTE D’IVOIRE: Woroba: Touba [08°17’N, 07°41’W], III–IV.1994, leg. A. Russell-Smith (quadrat sample, upland rice), 1♀ ( BMNH). NIGERIA: Oyo: Ibadan [07°22’N, 03°54’E], I.I.T.A GoogleMaps ., VII.1973, A. Russell-Smith (fallow bush, COP R site), 1♀ ( BMNH) .

Other material examined. BURKINO FASO: Cascades: 4 km NE Dérégué, gallery forest at Koba River , 10°47.4’N, 04°04.8’W, 14.I–18.II.1984, leg. H. Schreiber & M. Biegel (BF), 7♂ ( ZFMK 8929 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps , 4 imm. 2♂ 1♀ ( ZFMK 8930 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps , 6♂ 1♀ ( ZMFK 8933 ) , 1♂ ( ZFMK 8934 About ZFMK ) , 1♀ ( ZFMK 8936 About ZFMK ) ; Same data but savanna, 2♂ 1♀ ( ZFMK 8932 About ZFMK ) ; 10 km SE Tiéfora, gallery forest at Sinlo River , 10°34.4’N, 04°29.7’W, 11.I–19.II.1982, leg. Nagel, Schreiber, Kalmund (BF), 2♂ ( ZFMK 8931 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps . CAMEROON: Adamaoua: ca. 20 km S Minim , 06°49’N, 12°52’E, 1200 m a.s.l., XI–XII.1979, leg. Flacke & Nagel, 1 imm. 1♂ ( ZFMK 8881 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps ; ca. 30 km NE Tignere , 07°34’N, 12°50’E, 1000 m a.s.l., III.1983, leg. Flacke, Horras & Nagel, 1♂ ( ZFMK 8907 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps , 2 imm. 2♂ 1♀ ( ZFMK 8909 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps ; Tchabal Mbabo , SW slope, 07°25’N, 12°49’E, 1.IV.1983, 1500 m a.s.l., leg. R. Bosmans & Van Stalle (gallery forest litter), 3♀ ( MRAC 162235 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 1400 m a.s.l., 11.IV.1983, leg. R. Bosmans & Van Stalle (gallery forest litter), 1♀ ( MRAC 162214 View Materials ) ; Same locality, 1200 m a.s.l., 8.IV.1983, leg. R. Bosmans & Van Stalle (gallery forest litter), 2♂ ( MRAC 162249 View Materials ) ; Same locality, 7.IV.1983, 1300 m a.s.l., leg. R. Bosmans & Van Stalle (dry grassland), 1♂ 4♀ ( MRAC 162211 View Materials ) ; Same locality, 1600 m a.s.l., 10.IV.1983, leg. R. Bosmans & Van Stalle (transition between gallery forest and grassland), 1♂ 2♀ ( MRAC 162211 View Materials ) . CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Sangha- Mbaéré: Dzanga-Ndoki National Park , 37.9 km 169°S Lidjombo , 02°22’14’’N, 16°10’21’’E, 360 m a.s.l., 20–28.V.2001, leg. B. Fisher (beating low vegetation, rainforest), 3♀ ( CAS, CASENT 9068197 ) GoogleMaps . COTE D’IVOIRE: Lacs: Kossou , 06°57’N, 04°58’W, 23.V.1975, leg. R. Jocqué (savanna), 1♂ ( MRAC 152938 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Sassandra-Marahoué: Bouaflé, Klébo , 06°52’N, 06°08’W, I–III.1981, leg. J. Everts, 1♂ 1♀ ( MRAC 166428 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, II.1981, leg. J. Everts (pitfalls), 2♂ ( MRAC 166385 View Materials ) ; Bouaflé, Tuyankro , 06°59’N, 05°39’W, 5.II.1981, leg. J. Everts (pitfalls), 1♂ 1♀ ( MRAC 159532 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Savanes: Badenou / M’Bengué , 09°50’N, 05°50’W, 7.XI–18.XII.1982, leg. Dister, Huschens, Sumkeller (H 2 O), 2 imm. 4♂ 3♀ ( ZFMK 8958 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps , 1♂ 1♀ ( ZFMK 8965 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 19.XI–9.XII.1984, leg. Fliedner & Krüger (BF), 4♂ 2♀ ( ZFMK 8957 About ZFMK ) ; Near Korhogo , 09°27’N, 05°38’W, I.1980, leg. J. Everts (pitfalls, gallery forest), 2♂ 2♀ ( MRAC 169841 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Same data but I.1980, 1♂ ( MRAC 169839 View Materials ) ; Same data but III.1980, 1♂ ( MRAC 169840 View Materials ) ; Same data but V.1980, 1♂ 2♀ ( MRAC 169843 View Materials ) ; Riv. Badeni / Tawara , 25km N, 09°52’N, 05°39’W, 24.I–11.II.1983, leg. Krüger & Summkeller, 1♂ 3♀ ( ZFMK 8950 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps ; Riv. Bagoé / Guingéréni , 09°32’N, 06°36’W, 1–16.III.1984, leg. Krüger & Petermann (BF 2 Sav D), 1♂ ( ZFMK 8973 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 1–16.III.1984, leg. Krüger & Petermann (BF 2 Sav D), 1♂ ( ZFMK 8973 About ZFMK ) ; Same locality, 5–19.III.1984, leg. Krüger & Petermann (BF 5 Gw-D), 8♂ ( ZFMK 8976 About ZFMK ) ; Séguébé , SE Sirasso, 09°11’N, 06°03’W, X–XII.1983, leg. G. Rosner & R. Summkeller (BF FS), 1 imm. 2♂ 3♀ ( ZFMK 8953 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps ; Sirasso , 09°16’N, 06°05’W, 7.XI–18.XII.1982, leg. Dister, Huschens & Sumkeller (FS), 3♂ ( ZFMK 8952 About ZFMK ) GoogleMaps . NIGERIA: Oyo: Ibadan , 07°22’N, 03°54’E, I.I.T.A., 7.III.1974, leg. A. Russell-Smith (riverine woodland), 1♂ ( MRAC 160339 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . TOGO: Centrale: Between Bassari and Sokodé , 01°01’N, 09°01’E, V–VII.1984, leg. P. Dauben, 1♀ ( MRAC 169838 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Habitat and biology. A common ground-dwelling spider sampled from pitfalls and litter in various forest and savanna habitats.

Distribution. Widespread in West Africa and the western Congo Basin ( Fig. 101 View FIGURE 101 ).

Variation. Most of the O. marusiki sp. nov. specimens examined lacked comprehensive abdominal markings, with the majority having a uniform grey abdomen ( Figs 76, 79 View FIGURES 70–81 ). A smaller proportion, including the holotype female ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–12 ), have variable degrees of cream patches forming a reduced form of the typical X-marking of Orthobula (e.g. Figs 77, 78, 80, 81 View FIGURES 70–81 ).


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