Neotanais curvimanus, Larsen & Hansknecht, 2003

Larsen, Kim & Hansknecht, Tom, 2003, Three new species of the deep-sea genus Neotanais Beddard (Crustacea: Peracarida), Journal of Natural History 37 (23), pp. 2787-2806 : 2794

publication ID 10.1080/0022293021000007390


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Neotanais curvimanus

sp. nov.

Neotanais curvimanus View in CoL n. sp.

(figures 5–7)

Material examined. Holotype, non-ovigerous X with weakly developed oostegites, Cruise 1 B Garden Banks Area Block 516, Far-field 1 Stn. FF 1-BO1, 1 November 2000, 27°26.9960∞N, 92°29.1147∞W, 1000 m. ( NMNH 1004428 View Materials ). One adult W paratype, same locality ( NMNH 1004429 View Materials ). One non-ovigerous X, same locality.

Diagnosis (female). Pereonite 4 wider than long. Pereonite 6 only half as long as wide. Pleonite lateral margin nakedly rounded. Pleonites with weakly defined midventral keel and several lateral setulose setae. Antennular article 1 stout (l/w ratio 3.1), article 4 less than twice as long as combined length of articles 5–7. Cheliped with dactylus and fixed finger of subequal length, fixed finger bearing conspicuous denticles on inner margin. Last pair of pleopods not reaching apex of pleotelson. Uropods as long as or longer than pleon. Uropodal exopod with two articles, shorter than endopod article 1. Uropod attachment midlength on pleotelson and at 45° angle.

Etymology. Latin: curvi + manus =bent+hand. Reflecting the unusual arrangement of the male cheliped dactylus relative to the fixed finger.

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