Cretopsenellinae Lepeco and Melo, 2024

Lepeco, Anderson & Melo, Gabriel A. R., 2024, Revisiting the phylogeny of the scolebythid wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) through Bayesian model evaluation and parsimony, with description of a new fossil family of Chrysidoidea, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201, pp. 57-85 : 70

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad113

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scientific name

Cretopsenellinae Lepeco and Melo

subfam. nov.

Subfamily † Cretopsenellinae Lepeco and Melo , subfam. nov.

Type genus: † Cretopsenella Lepeco and Melo, 2022a .

Diagnosis. Dorsal surface of pronotum well developed, at least as long as half of mesoscutum length; apical portion of pterostigma (apical to insertion of vein 2r-rs) very short, apical margin straight, forming a nearly right angle with the anterior margin of wing; marginal, submarginal and medial cells closed by tubular veins; vein Sc + R on hindwing ending at about midway to distal hamuli.

Comments: For additional characters, see generic diagnosis ( Lepeco and Melo 2022a).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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