Chrysopsenellidae Lepeco and Melo, 2024

Lepeco, Anderson & Melo, Gabriel A. R., 2024, Revisiting the phylogeny of the scolebythid wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) through Bayesian model evaluation and parsimony, with description of a new fossil family of Chrysidoidea, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201, pp. 57-85 : 64-65

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad113

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scientific name

Chrysopsenellidae Lepeco and Melo

fam. nov.

Family † Chrysopsenellidae Lepeco and Melo , fam. nov.

Type genus: † Chrysopsenella Lepeco and Melo , gen. nov..

Diagnosis: The new family can be diagnosed by the following combination of characters: mandible relatively long, bidentate; lower margin of antennal sockets level with clypeal apex; antenna with scape cylindrical and relatively long; flagellum with 11 flagellomeres; frons not raised in relation to clypeal surface; eyes relatively large, occupying most of the lateral surface of head; pronotal collar short, but anterior flange of pronotum covering propleura in dorsal view; basisternum well developed, slanting posteriorly and with strong longitudinal sulcus medially; mesepisternum with lateroventral sulcus traversing the mesepisternal pit; bidentate tarsal claws; metapostnotum medially extended into the propodeum as a semicircular depression; and posterior surface of propodeum not delimited by transverse carina or foveae.

Description: As for the genus (see below).

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