Bryodemina ayalai, Lamas & Yamaguchi & Evenhuis, 2024

Lamas, Carlos J. E., Yamaguchi, Carolina & Evenhuis, Neal L., 2024, Revision of the genus Bryodemina Hull (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Lomatiinae) with descriptions of two new Neotropical species, Zootaxa 5496 (3), pp. 301-331 : 304-308

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5496.3.1

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scientific name

Bryodemina ayalai

sp. nov.

Bryodemina ayalai sp. nov.

( Figs 1–17 View FIGURES 1–8 View FIGURES 9–15 View FIGURES 16–17 )

Diagnosis. Bristles on face presenting sexual dimorphism, males with dark brown and females with white bristles; wing hyaline with light brown infuscated area on the corner of anterior ½ and proximal 3/5; male abdomen completely covered with dark brown bristles; female tergite 4 with yellow bristles except on middle 1/3, dense tufts of dark brown bristles on lateral margin of tergites; spermathecal bulb guitar-shaped.

Description. Male. Body length: 12.5 mm; Wing length: 14.0 mm; Head width: 3.2 mm. Head: frons brown, gray pollinose, with yellow central area above antennae, with sparse short, proclinate and thin dark brown bristles; face dark brown, with long, thin dark brown bristles ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–8 ); antenna dark brown, gray pollinose; scape cylindrical, twice as wide and long as pedicel, with dense tufts of long dark brown bristles on ventral surface; pedicel with short and thin dark brown bristles; postpedicel less than three times as long as pedicel, with apical stylus, laterally compressed in dorsal view; labellum oval with short, delicate and sparse dark brown bristles; palpus short, dark brown, gray pollinose; occiput dark brown, gray pollinose, with short, thin dark brown bristles mainly into lateral sinuosity of compound eye; with short yellow bristles on foramen margin; ocellar tubercle dark brown, with sparse proclinate, long and thin dark brown bristles on anterior half. Thorax: dorsal view ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–8 ): scutum velvety dark brown on center and reddish brown on lateral and posterior margins, with short, thin and sparse dark brown bristles on anterior third, dense, medium length and thin dark brown bristles laterally; notopleuron dark brown with long, thin dark brown bristles; 2 long and very strong dark brown prealar bristles; postalar wall with medium and thin light brown bristles on lower half and dark brown on upper, with row of more than 5 very long, strong dark brown bristles; scutellum reddish brown, with thin, sparse dark brown bristles longer on posterior margin; lateral view ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–8 ): postpronotal lobe with medium and thin dark brown bristles; anepisternum light brown, gray pollinose, with long, dense dark brown bristles on upper half, and medium, thin dark brown bristles on lower half; katepisternum light brown, gray pollinose, with sparse, short and thin dark brown bristles, stronger and denser on lower corner; anepimeron glossy light brown with long, thin dark brown bristles on posterior 3/4; meron dark brown, golden pollinose, bare; mediotergite glossy light brown with dense long, thin dark brown bristles; laterotergite light brown with long, thin dark brown bristles; metepisternum dark brown, golden pollinose; metepimeron light brown with medium, thin light brown bristles on upper half; stalk of halter dark brown; knob yellow with dark brown margin. Legs: dark brown; trochanters with golden pollinosity, with short, thin dark brown bristles; tarsus with short, strong dark brown bristles; first tarsomere longer than others; pulvillus smaller than claws; fore leg: coxa with medium, strong and dense dark brown bristles on anterior surface; femur with short shiny brown scales and medium, thin light brown bristles on posteroventral surface; tibia with short, strong dark brown bristles on anterodorsal, dorsal, ventral, posterior and posteroventral surfaces; mid leg: coxa with long, strong dark brown bristles; femur with short shiny brown scales and medium, thin dark brown bristles on posterior surface; tibia with short and delicate shiny dark brown scales, with row of short dark brown bristles on anterodorsal, anteroventral, posterodorsal and posteroventral surfaces; hind leg: coxa with long, strong dark brown bristles; femur with short shiny brown scales, with row of long, strong dark brown bristles and long, thin light brown bristles on ventral surface; tibia with short and delicate shiny dark brown scales, with rows of short, strong dark brown bristles on anteroventral, anterodorsal, posteroventral and posterodorsal surfaces; strong dark brown bristles around apex. Wing: hyaline with light brown infuscated area from base to apex of costal (c), basal ½ of r 1, basal 1/3 of r 2+3, all basal radial (br) and lighter basal ½ of discal medial (dm) cell, basal medial (bm) cell, basal 1/3 of m 4, extreme base of cua and alula; costal vein (C) with dense dark brown bristles longer near base and diminutive at posterior margin; tegula dark brown with medium dark brown bristles; R 4 strongly sinuate; cell r 5 open on wing margin; CuA and CuP meeting at wing margin, cell cua closed; alula light brown with dark brown margin, with medium and thin light brown bristles on margin; wing three times longer than wide ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Abdomen: dark brown pollinose; tergites 1–7 with long, thin dark brown bristles, longer laterally ( Figs 1 View FIGURES 1–8 , 83 View FIGURES 83–89 ); sternites with long, thin light brown bristles. Male terminalia: dorsal view ( Figs 9, 10 View FIGURES 9–15 ): ejaculatory apodeme short, ending at same level of gonocoxal apodeme limits; distiphallus short, not surpassing apex of posterior process of gonocoxa, with truncate apex; gonostylus conspicuously developed, hook-shaped; ventral view ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9–15 ): gonocoxites fused, with central ridge marking line of fusion on basal ⅔ of gonocoxa; apical ⅓ smoothly fused with only discrete line visible; lateral view ( Figs 12, 13 View FIGURES 9–15 ): gonocoxa elongate; basiphallus wide and distiphallus thin with truncate apex; gonostylus elongate, hook-shaped with pointed apex; epandrium cap visor-shaped with small central protuberance on anterior margin and deep notch on posterior margin ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 9–15 ).

Female. Body length: 11.5–14.3 mm; Wing length: 14.0– 15.7 mm; Head width: 3.3–3.5 mm. Similar to male, except for: Head: eyes dichoptic, separated by twice ocellar tubercle width; frons with sparse short, proclinate and thin white bristles; face with long, thin white bristles ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–8 ); scape with dense tufts of long white bristles on ventral surface; pedicel with short, thin mixed white and dark brown bristles; postpedicel more than three times longer than pedicel; ocellar tubercle with sparse proclinate, long and thin dark brown bristles. Thorax: 3–4 long, very strong dark brown prealar bristles; lateral view: stalk of halter dark brown; knob dark brown on dorsal surface and yellow on ventral ( Figs 3, 4 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Legs: mid and hind femora with row of medium strong dark brown bristles on anterior surface. Wing: fully infuscated but lighter basally than in males; CuA and CuP almost touching at wing margin, cell cua narrowly open in wing margin ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Abdomen: tergites 1–3 and 5–7 with long, thin dark brown bristles, longer laterally; tergite 4 with long, thin yellow bristles, except for short, thin dark brown bristles on central 1/3 ( Figs 3 View FIGURES 1–8 , 84 View FIGURES 83–89 ). Female terminalia: acanthophorite (tergite 9+10) short in length, with 1/4 width of tergite 8; acanthophorite spines very thin, spatulate, 1.5 times length of cerci ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 16–17 ). Spermathecae: spermathecal bulb guitar-shaped, longer than wide, two times longer than sperm pump; basal spermathecal duct thinner than apical duct; sperm pump placed at ½ of spermathecal duct, with sclerotized collars, equally developed on apical and basal ends of sperm pump; furca U-shaped, with membranous base, not projected; lateral bars parallel with right angle median fold; bar apexes divergent and curved upwards ( Figs 16, 17 View FIGURES 16–17 ).

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: Venezuela: GUÁRICO, San José de Tiznados, Hacienda La Esperanza (9.38 / -67.56), 16.x.1965. J.M. Ayala col. (MZ002361) ( MZUSP) . PARATYPES: Venezuela: unknown locality, 1899, F. Geay col. (1 ♀, MNHN) ; ARAGUA, Maracay , La Floresta (10.27 / -67.58), viii.1986, J.M. Ayala col. (MZ002362) (1 ♀, MZUSP) ; ARAGUA, Maracay , Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) (10.27 / -67.60), 14.v.1983, J.M. Ayala col. (MZ002363) (1 ♀, MZUSP) .

Etymology. Named after José Manuel Ayala Landa who collected and kindly donated three specimens of the type-series of Bry. ayalai sp. nov. to the MZUSP collection.

Geographical records. Venezuela (Guárico and Aragua).


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