Troporhogas Cameron, 1905

Quicke, Donald L. J., Ranjith, A. P., Loncle, Marisa K., Van Achterberg, Cornelis, Long, Khuat Dang & Butcher, Buntika A., 2024, Revision of Troporhogas Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae) with six new species from India and Thailand, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 99-136 : 99-136

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1206.120824

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Troporhogas Cameron, 1905


Troporhogas Cameron, 1905 View in CoL View at ENA

Troporhogas Cameron, 1905: 92 (type species Troporhogas tricolor Cameron, 1905). View in CoL

Iporhogas Granger 1949: 167; synonymised by Quicke et al. 2021: 16. View in CoL

Generic diagnosis.

Antenna usually ~ 1.5 × fore wing length; palpi normal; face at least with some transverse striation; malar suture shallow; eyes emarginate; temple with fine striation; frons rather flat, usually with transverse of oblique striation, usually with a pair of carinae running posteriorly from the lateral margins of antennal sockets and then converging more or less joining anterior to median ocellus separating frons into anterior and posterior portions (Figs 15 B, C View Figure 15 , 17 B View Figure 17 ); occipital carina complete, joining hypostomal carina ventrally well-removed from base of mandible; mesosoma largely smooth shiny; notauli moderately deep and crenulate, converging but not uniting posteriorly, not reaching posterior margin of mesoscutum; prepectal carina complete or nearly so; precoxal sulcus present; scutellar sulcus wide with single mid-longitudinal carina; metanotum with mid-longitudinal carina at least posteriorly, though sometimes indistinct; propodeum areolate, with at least a trace of submedial carinae close together anteriorly, gradually diverging posteriorly; tarsal claws usually with small to large, pointed or angulate basal lobe (except absent in T. guangxiensis and T. simulatus ); fore wing vein 1 m-cu antefurcal, slightly curved, gradually merging into vein 1 CUb; 2 nd submarginal cell elongate, vein 2 RS> 1.7 × width of cell; hind wing vein 1 M straight, approximately as long as M + CU; hind wing vein RS weakly curved basally and only short basal stub, tubular and sclerotised; hind wing vein m-cu absent; hind wing veins M + CU and 1 M of approximately same length; middle tibial spurs largely setose and nearly straight; apex of hind tibia with distinct comb of specialised setae medially; hind tibial spurs curved and at least apical half glabrous; T 1 not widened basally, with large dorsope, dorsal carinae united behind level of spiracles to form complete mid-longitudinal carina, and without pair of submedial carinae; T 2 with distinct mid-basal triangular area, giving rise to complete or nearly complete mid-longitudinal carina; TT 3–6 without mid-longitudinal carina; TT 2–5 with sharp lateral crease, largely finely longitudinally striate; hypopygium large, ventrally slightly convex and apically truncate; ovipositor sheath rather slender.

Type species.

Troporhogas tricolor Cameron, 1905 (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ).


Antenna longer than body, slender, setose, 40–50 flagellomeres. Eyes large, clearly emarginated on inner side; malar space short (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ). Maxillary palp very long, slender, setose, 4–5 jointed (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ). Temple short, oblique. Occiput sharply margined, transverse (Fig. 3 C View Figure 3 ). Metanotum with two roundly diverging carina basally (Fig. 3 E View Figure 3 ). Mesopleuron with a depression ventrally (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ). Legs long and slender; femora narrowed basally (Fig. 3 J View Figure 3 ). Fore wing 2 nd submarginal cell 2.0 × longer than wide, of equal width throughout; anal vein not interstitial (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ); vein (RS + M) b short; vein r-rs less half the length of 3 RSa; vein 3 RSb longest and curved upwards (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ). Tarsi longer than tibiae; basitarsus longer than two following joints combined (Fig. 3 J View Figure 3 ). Hind tibial spurs glabrous (Fig. 1 I View Figure 1 ). Metasoma 2.0 × as long as mesosoma (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ); TT 1–3 closely longitudinally striated (Fig. 3 G View Figure 3 ); TT 4–6 with posterior transverse furrows; base of TT 4–6 depressed, apex of TT 4–6 raised and clearly separated from the base. Hypopygium large, cultriform; ovipositor shortly projecting, the sheaths stout (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ). Head rufous; mesosoma largely orange with propodeum largely piceous; metasoma cream-white with medial black mark on T 2, with larger black marks on TT 3 and 4 which reach lateral margins posteriorly.












Troporhogas Cameron, 1905

Quicke, Donald L. J., Ranjith, A. P., Loncle, Marisa K., Van Achterberg, Cornelis, Long, Khuat Dang & Butcher, Buntika A. 2024


Quicke DLJ & Fagan-Jeffries EP & Jasso-Martínez JM & Zaldivar-Riverón A & Shaw MR & Janzen DH & Hallwachs W & Smith MA & Hebert PDN & Hrcek J & Miller S & Sharkey MJ & Shaw SR & Butcher BA 2021: 16
Granger C 1949: 167