Achyrospermum africanum Hook.f. ex Baker

Meerts, Pierre, 2022, New identifications of Lamiaceae (Lamioideae and Scutellarioideae) from D. R. Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, Bothalia (a 9) 52 (1), pp. 1-7 : 2-3

publication ID 10.38201/

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scientific name

Achyrospermum africanum Hook.f. ex Baker


* Achyrospermum africanum Hook.f. ex Baker View in CoL

Distribution: Cameroon, D.R. Congo, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo.

Habitat: Understory of dense forests, rainforests; alt. 800–1300 m in D. R. Congo, alt. 900– 2380 m elsewhere .

Specimens examined: D.R. CONGO. Kasaï: Masapo, 06°56’S, 17°20’E, alt. ± 750 m, sous-bois, 14 Apr. 1953, Callens 1190 ( BR). Lac Albert: Kilo, 01°50’N, 30°09’E, forêt vierge, 28 Jun. 1914, Bequaert 4869 ( BR). Lacs Edouard et Kivu: Parc National Albert [Parc des Virunga], rivière Mulili, affl. droit Byangolo, 00°26’N, 29°46’E, alt. 1300 m, forêt ombrophile équatoriale, 23 Apr. 1952, de Witte 7641 ( BR) GoogleMaps .

Discussion: A. africanum was previously known from the Guinean region and the Sudanian region only. The new records in D.R. Congo represent a remarkable extension of the species’ range to the southeast. Interestingly, the three new records originate from different regions of D.R. Congo, suggesting that the species could be more widespread in the Congolian region. In the materials from D.R. Congo, the corolla is white, while it is either purplish or white in W African materials.

Bibliography: Baker (1900), Bruce (1936), Hepper & Keay (1963).

* Achyrospermum axillare E.A.Bruce

Distribution: D.R. Congo, South Sudan, Uganda.

Habitat: Rainforest, dense evergreen forest, swamp forest, gallery forests, fallow fields; alt. 500–1800 m in D.R. Congo.

Specimens examined: D. R. CONGO: Forestier central: Kivu, Territ, Walikale , env. Mutongo , 52 km NE de Masisi , 01°10’S, 28°37’E, piste Kaseke-Pinga , alt. 1100–1200 m, forêt ombrophile, 22 Jan. 1957, Troupin 3007 ( BR); Mishuli, Mutongo, territ Walikale, 01°10’S, 28°37’E, alt. 1050 m, forêt équatoriale, 6 May 1958, Gutzwiller 2822 ( BR); Lungoma, territ Walikale, 01°06’S, 28°39’E, alt. 1050 m, 11 Jun. 1958, Gutzwiller 3079 ( BR); Bambesa, 03°28’N, 25°43’E, alt. 600 m, forêt, 3 Dec. 1954, Gérard 1834 ( BR); Bambesa, forêt secondaire, 1 Mar. 1961, Gérard 4860 ( BR); Bambesa, recru, 18 Jan. 1963, Gérard 5519 ( BR); Bambesa, jachère, 11 Oct. 1956, Gérard 2477 ( BR); La Kulu, 03°28’N, 23°46’E, alt. 500 m, woud, 3 Feb. 1931 GoogleMaps , J.F. Van den Brande 407 ( BR) .

Ubangi-Uele: Parc National de la Garamba, env. Bagbele , 04°21’N, 29°17’E, alt. 800 m, partie marécageuse de galerie forestière, sol humifère humide, 20 Jan. 1950, Demoulin 18 in De Saeger 068 ( BR) GoogleMaps ; Piste frontière vers 68 km, crête Congo-Nil, riv. Mogbwemu , ± 04°20’N, 29°18’E, alt. 800 m, galerie forestière dense, 10 Mar. 1952, Troupin 388 ( BR) GoogleMaps . Lac Albert: Route Gabu-Golu, village Logu , 02°15’N, 30°35’S, alt. 1800 m, galerie forestière, 3 Dec. 1948, Taton 852 ( BR) ; Ituri District, Mongbwalu Mine Site , 01°58’N, 30°03’E, alt. 1200 m, 23 Oct. 2010, Luke & Bujo 14535 ( BR) GoogleMaps ; Réserve de Djugu , 01°56’N, 30°30’E, en forêt, 28 Nov. 1951, Smeyers 125 ( BR) GoogleMaps . Lacs Edouard et Kivu: Parc National Albert [Parc des Virunga], riv. Biangolo , 00°26’N, 29°46’E, alt. ± 1300 m, forêt ombrophile dégradée, 28 Apr. 1953, Frédéricq in de Witte 8884 ( BR) GoogleMaps .

Discussion: The new records are located in the N and NE of D.R. Congo, markedly expanding the species’ distribution range to the southwest; the westernmost locality (La Kulu) is situated ± 800 km to the west of the previous limit of the distribution range. Many specimens in collections had been previously misidentified as Achyrospermum schimperi (Hochst. ex Briq.) Perkins ex Mildbr. A. axillare is quite distinct, having a white corolla, pubescent bracts and acute calyx lobes [vs. purplish corolla, subglabrous bracts (except margin) and obtuse calyx lobes in A. schimperi ].


Bibliography: Bruce (1936), Paton et al. (2009).


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