Tetramorium caldarium Roger, 1857

Bharti, Himender & Kumar, Rakesh, 2012, Taxonomic studies on genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) with report of two new species and three new records including a tramp species from India with a revised key, ZooKeys 207, pp. 11-35 : 21-23

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scientific name

Tetramorium caldarium Roger, 1857

new record from India

Tetramorium caldarium Roger, 1857 View in CoL new record from India Figs 13-15

Material examined.

11(w), India, Punjab, Patiala, 250m alt., hand picking, 07 April 2011, coll. R. Kumar, PUPAC.

Worker description.

Measurements (worker). HL 0.63-0.64, HW 0.53-0.56, SL 0.42-0.45, EL 0.12-0.13, WL 0.66-0.69, PW 0.37-0.38, PSL 0.03-0.05, PTL 0.13-0.14, PPL 0.18-0.20, PTW 0.18-0.19, PPW 0.21-0.23, PTH 0.20-0.21, PPH 0.18-0.19, CI 84.13-87.50, OI 21.82-23.21, SI 76.36-83.02, PSLI 4.76-7.94, PeNI 47.37-51.35, LPeI 61.90-70.00, DPeI 128.57-146.15, PpNI 55.26-62.16, LPpI 94.74-105.56, DPpI 110.53-127.78, PPI 116.67-121.05 (9 measured).

Head longer than broad, sides almost straight, posterolateral corners rounded, posterior head margin shallowly emarginated; clypeus consisting of flat basal half and steep apical half; anterior margin of clypeus entire without median notch; mandibles triangular, with 6 teeth, masticatory margin of mandibles with large apical and preapical tooth; third tooth slightly smaller than the preapical tooth followed by three denticles; frontal lobes weakly developed and elevated laterally, frontal area indistinct; antennal scrobes feeble, indistinct, very little concave and not bordered posteriorly; eye moderate in size, located laterally and almost at mid-length of head, composed of ca. 8 ommatidia in a series along its maximum length; antennae slender, 12-segmented; scape short from posterior head margin by one fourth of its length; mesosoma longer than head, broader anteriorly than posteriorly, dorsum flat and tapers to backward in lateral view; pro-mesonotal suture and metanotal groove indistinct; propodeal teeth small (PSL 0.03-0.05mm), acute, triangular almost equal to its width and propodeal lobes; propodeal lobes broad and roughly triangular in shape; posterior declivity of propodeum short, concave; petiole with a short peduncle, its node as broad as long with anterior and posterior faces parallel, weakly convex dorsum in lateral view; ventrally petiole weakly downcurved along its length; peduncle with a small anteroventral lamella; postpetiole broader than long, gaster oval.

Head feebly longitudinally rugose, interrugal space weakly granular or punctulate; frontal carinae feeble and developed to the level of the midlength of the eye behind which fade out or broken; mandibles weakly longitudinally rugulose; clypeus with a strong mid and two lateral carinae; dorsum of mesosoma weakly granular or punctulate with traces of rugulose sculpture; sides of mesosoma reticulate; petiole and postpetiole faintly rugulose and punctulate; propodeal declivity reticulate, upper half finely transversely rugulose, gaster unsculptured; legs smooth and shiny.

Whole body yellowish brown with gaster darker brown; body with short, erect, stiff, blunt hairs and few scattered pubescence on gaster; antennal scapes and hind tibiae with very short, fine, appressed pubescence.


Being tramp, it was collected from a disturbed area with high anthropogenic activities. It is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics, associated with man and living in hothouses, zoos or other constantly heated buildings ( Bolton 1980). It is uncommon in India and has been reported for the first time from India. It belongs to simillimum- species group ( Bolton 1980, Hita Garcia and Fisher 2011) and is very close to Tetramorium simillimum (Smith). From the latter, it can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: frontal carinae developed to the level of the midlength of the eyes behind which they become very weak or broken, or gradually fade out posteriorly, ground sculpture of head is feeble with surfaces dully shiny; antennal scrobes vestigial.











