Amygdalops lineola DE MEIJERE, 1916

ROHÁČEK J., 2008, Revision Of The Genus Amygdalops Lamb, 1914 (Diptera, Anthomyzidae) Of The Oriental, Australasian And Oceanian Regions, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (4), pp. 325-400 : 331-336

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584953

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Amygdalops lineola DE MEIJERE, 1916


Amygdalops lineola DE MEIJERE, 1916 View in CoL

( Figs 1–13 View Fig View Figs 2–4 View Figs 5–7 View Figs 8–13 , 161 View Figs 161–162 )

Amygdalops lineola DE MEIJERE, 1916: 208 View in CoL [description]

Amygdalops lineola View in CoL : VOCKEROTH, 1977: 241 [catalogue]; Roháček, 1998 b: 172 [world checklist].

Type material: Holotype male labelled: “ Java I.’06, Semarang. Jacobson”, “ Amygdalops lineola [handwritten by de Meijere], det. de Meijere [printed], type [handritten]”, “ Amygdalops lineola de Meijere, 1916 , ZMAN type DIPT. 0044.1” [red label] ( ZMAN, genit. prep., examined).

Other material examined: INDONESIA: Flores I., X859, eastern periphery of village Mataloko, ca 10 km ESE’ Badjawa, 200 – 300 m E’ mission church and school, 8,49S 121,02E, creek valley, open cultivated land (vegetables, maniok), diverse herbaceous vegetation (– 2 m height), grazed by buffaloes, 24.ix.1992, 1 male 3 females ( ZSMC, in alcohol; 1 female in SMOC, dried from alcohol) GoogleMaps ; Flores I., X853, Detusoko, 33 road km NE’ Ende, 8,45S 121,45E, hot springs, grazed pastures between ponds and stream, swept, eclector, 21.ix.1992, 1 male; Java I., X846, western periphery of village Kaliurang, N’ Yogjakarta, eastern edge of canyon, partly grazed, partly cultivated land, moist vegetation, predominantly grass and Carices, 9.ix.1992, swept, eclector, 1 female ( ZSMC, in alcohol) , all M. v. Tschirnhaus leg. PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Central P., 20 km SE Port Moresby, swept, bushes, 27.xii.1987, 1 male , J. W. Ismay leg. ( AMSA). THAILAND: Bangkok, Pratomvan, at light, viii-ix. 1962, 3 males , J. Scanlon leg.; Bangkok, Pratoomvan Dist. , at light, 9–10.v.1959, 1 male ; Bangkok, Makasan Dist. , at light, 11–12.v.1959, 2 males 1 female ; Loey Pr., Meung Dist. , at light, 1–, 1 male ; Loey Pr., Dan Sai Dist. , at light, 6–, 1 male , all Manop leg. ( USNM, 1 male in SMOC) .

Redescription – Male. Total body length 1.43–2.06 mm. Body largely yellow (secondarily darkened orange-ochreous in the holotype), only head, scutellum and some markings on thorax and abdomen dark brown. Head slightly higher than long and (in contrast to most other Amygdalops spp. ) anteriorly rounded in profile. Occiput dark brown and bare, only postocular stripes and medial area above foramen sparsely greyish microtomentose. Frons relatively narrow, largely shining dark brown. Frontal triangle large, reaching to anterior fifth of frons, entirely (including ocellar triangle) dark brown, glabrous and polished. Anterior fifth to fourth of frons ochreous-yellow. Orbits largely For abbreviations see text dark brown (ochreous-yellow only anteriorly) and shining; long narrow stripes (darkened and slightly depressed) between frontal triangle and orbits silvery microtomentose and differently glittering. Face very narrow, pale yellow, its margin in front of eye ochreous; gena whitish yellow, sparsely whitish microtomentose. Mouthparts whitish yellow. Cephalic chaetotaxy: pvt small but crossed; vti distinctly shorter and thinner than vte, the latter longest of cephalic setae; oc about as long as vti; 2 long ors (posterior almost as long as vte and anterior markedly shorter) and only 1 small setula in front of anterior ors; no microsetulae in front of frontal triangle; 1 long vi and 1 distinctly shorter subvibrissa (about half to two-thirds of vi); only 3–4 small peristomal setulae; postocular setulae very minute; palpus with 1 subapical seta longer than subvibrissa. Eye convex, elongately ellipsoid; its longest diameter 1.4–1.5 times as long as shortest one. Gena very narrow, somewhat widened posteriorly; its smallest height about 0.05 times as long as shortest eye diameter. Antenna geniculate; pedicel yellow to pale ochreous; 1st flagellomere ochreous around base of arista, otherwise yellowish white and long whitish ciliate on anterior corner. Arista 2.0 times as long as antenna, dorsally very long-pectinate.

Thorax narrower than head, largely yellow or orange-yellow, with brown scutellum and postscutellum. Mesonotum ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) yellow to orange, with brown medial longitudinal band being posteriorly and (more so) anteriorly widened. Humeral and notopleural areas pale yellow; a narrow longitudinal stripe at dorsal margin of pleura (from anterior spiracle to haltere) brown; rest of pleura yellow to pale yellow. Thoracic chaetotaxy (see Fig. 1 View Fig ): 1 small prs; 2 dc, posterior very long but anterior short and weak; 4 (rarely 5) rows of ac microsetae on suture; 2 sc, apical slightly shorter than posterior dc, laterobasal small; ppl indistinct; 2 stpl, the anterior weaker; sternopleuron (katepisternum) otherwise with a few minute setulae. Scutellum rounded triangular with convex surface. Legs yellow, coxae and trochanters whitish yellow. f 1 with a row of posteroventral setae (usually 3 of them long) and a row of much shorter posterodorsal setae. f 3 with a short row of 6–7 thickened and shortened posteroventral setae in distal fourth. Wing ( Fig. 161 View Figs 161–162 ) narrow, with almost unicolourous pale yellowish ochreous membrane, only slightly darkened between R 4+5 and M. R 2+3 subparallel with C, apically slightly upcurved. R 4+5 and M close to each other, slightly convergent basally and apically. Cell dm rather short and narrow; r-m situated in its middle. CuA 1 and A 1 not reaching wing margin, the latter very short. Anal lobe and alula reduced. Wing measurements: length 1.42–1.93 mm; width 0.43–0.56 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 2.13–3.10, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 2.89–3.57. Haltere yellowish white to white.

Abdomen. Terga wide, largely yellow, only T1-T3 with lateroventral parts brown and T1-T4 (sometimes also T5) with medial faint spots (sometimes posteriorly widened) ochreous-brown. T1-T5 large, with short setae. T6 reduced, weakly sclerotized and unpigmented, bare. S1-S5 simple, becoming wider posteriorly (S5 largest), pale yellow to whitish, with finer setulae than associated terga. S6-S8 asymmetrical, all dorsally fused ( Fig. 3 View Figs 2–4 ). S6 transverse, pale brown, with thickened dark anterior margin; S7 twice longer than S6, pale brown with very narrow dark anterior margin; both S6 and S7 with 2 setulae; S8 long and dark brown as epandrium, setose as T5.

Genitalia. Epandrium ( Figs 2, 3 View Figs 2–4 ) small compared to internal genitalia, dark brown, sparsely and shortly setose, except for dorsomedial and laterocaudal longer setae. Cercus unusually small and short, with short setae. Medandrium ( Fig. 2 View Figs 2–4 ) also small, very low. Gonostylus ( Figs 2–4 View Figs 2–4 ) simple, proximally wider, distally tapered and apically acutely pointed, with short and sparse setae on inner side; its outer side with scarce setulae and micropubescence restricted to dorsal posterolateral area. Hypandrium relatively robust ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–7 ), with small membranous internal lobes; transandrium simple, almost straight; caudal process represented by 2 lateral ligulate sclerotizations in basal membrane ( Fig. 7 View Figs 5–7 ). Pregonite ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–7 ) projecting somewhat posteroventrally forming a distinct lobe, with 5 short setae. Postgonite ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–7 ) medium-sized, distinctly bent in apical third, with moderately acute apex and bearing 1 anterior setula in basal fourth; basal sclerite of postgonite small. Aedeagal part of folding apparatus attached to base of phallapodeme ( Fig. 6 View Figs 5–7 ) dorsally darkened, ventrally membranous, provided with elongate sclerotized excrescences; connecting sclerite pale-pigmented, slender, very finely granulose. Basal membrane ( Figs 5, 7 View Figs 5–7 ) and lateral sclerotizations of caudal process with dark short spines (larger laterally and ventrally, smallest posteromedially). Aedeagal complex ( Fig. 6 View Figs 5–7 ) with phallapodeme having widened bifurcate base and long apex. Aedeagus with short phallophore being connected with filum by a long ventral sclerite ( Fig. 6 View Figs 5–7 ). Distiphallus not very large, composed of distally membranous saccus and of slender twisted filum formed by 2 closely attached ribbon-like sclerites. Saccus with slender sharp spines in middle part and with small conical spines on apex. Base of filum widened and strongly sclerotized, apex largely membranous, with stripe-like sclerotization very fine. Ejacapodeme small, with usual digitiform projection.

Female (new). Similar to male unless mentioned otherwise. Total body length 1.75–2.40 mm. Antenna with 1st flagellomere more darkened, brown around base of arista. f 3 posteroventrally simply finely setulose. Wing measurements: length 1.71–2.02 mm, width 0.49–0.62 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 2.06–2.69, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 2.50–3.75. Abdomen yellow, with brown lateral spots on T1-T5 and T6 also laterally somewhat darkened. T1-T6 with darkened medial spots (being posteriorly wider and darker). Preabdominal sterna (S1-S5) pale yellow to whitish, becoming wider posteriorly, S5 narrower than S6.

Postabdomen ( Figs 9–10 View Figs 8–13 ) short and wide, sparsely setose. T6 broad, yellow with faintly darkened lateral sides and dorsomedial spot ( Fig. 9 View Figs 8–13 ). S6 transverse, wider than preceding sterna, whitish yellow. T7 long, dark brown, reaching far on ventral side of postabdomen, ventromedially anteriorly connected by pale (in specimens from Thailand – see Fig. 10 View Figs 8–13 ) to dark brown bridge (in specimens from Java and Flores) and embedding 7th spiracles. S7 short, transversely subtrapezoidal, with bipartite pigmentation ( Fig. 10 View Figs 8–13 ) and only 8 long setae. T8 dark, transverse, plate-shaped, tapered posterimm, others = 0.05 mm

orly, setose only at posterior margin. S8 dark, small, slightly narrower than S7, with indefinite anterior margin and relatively long fine setae. T10 small, short, paler than T8, with dark sides and with a pair of long setae on protruding (see Fig. 13 View Figs 8–13 ) posteromedial third. S10 wider and paler than T10, with setulae at posterior margin. Internal sclerotization of genital chamber distinctive ( Figs 11, 13 View Figs 8–13 ), composed of large, wing-like, anterolaterally expanded anterior sclerites and narrower medial sclerites; annular sclerite reduced to indefinite membranous twisted stripe; vaginal area without spinulae. Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 12 View Figs 8–13 ) membranous, short, tapered and strongly ventrally curved, with digitiform, subventrally directed apex. Spermathecae ( Fig. 8 View Figs 8–13 ) ball-shaped, with numerous blunt spines on surface of basal third, and with comparatively long sclerotized cervix. Cerci ( Fig. 13 View Figs 8–13 ) relatively robust, brown, with dense short setosity.

Discussion – A. lineola DE MEIJERE, 1916 is an easily recognizable species differing from all congeners by its largely yellow thorax and abdomen combined with dark brown head, anteriorly rounded head profile, almost unicolourous wing, very small male cercus, characteristic modification of the female T7 and S7 and many more features. Interestingly, the extended T7 and shortened S7 resemble somewhat those of the very distantly related Afrotropical species A. obscurior ROHÁČEK, 2004 . Because of the retention of several plesiomorphic characters, A. lineola is considered to be closest to the ancestor of Amygdalops thus forming a sister-group to all remaining species from the regions under study.

Biology – New data obtained from material collected by M. v. TSCHIRNHAUS suggest that A. lineola is associated with moist (often grazed) vegetation with grasses or sedges and that adults are attracted to light. Collection data are from V–VI, VIII–IX, XII–I.

Distribution – Thailand, Indonesia (Java, Flores), Papua New Guinea.


Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum


Zoologische Staatssammlung


Slezske Muzeum Opava


Albany Museum


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Amygdalops lineola DE MEIJERE, 1916


Amygdalops lineola

ROHACEK, J. 1998: 172
VOCKEROTH, J. R. 1977: 241

Amygdalops lineola DE MEIJERE, 1916: 208

MEIJERE, J. C. H. DE 1916: 208
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