Amygdalops pappi, ROHÁČEK J., 2008

ROHÁČEK J., 2008, Revision Of The Genus Amygdalops Lamb, 1914 (Diptera, Anthomyzidae) Of The Oriental, Australasian And Oceanian Regions, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (4), pp. 325-400 : 360-369

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584953

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Amygdalops pappi

sp. nov.

Amygdalops pappi View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 86–98 View Figs 86–91 View Figs 92–98 , 168 View Figs 167–170 )

Type material: Holotype male, labelled: „ THAILAND, Nan Prov., Mae Charim , waterfall, No.25”, „over and along rivulet, 7– 8.11.2004, L. Papp & Földvári” ( HNHM, genit. prep.) . Paratypes: same data as for holotype, 4 females; THAILAND: Mae Fang N.P., No. 14, over & along a forest brook, 1.xi.2004, 2 females; Doi Inthanon N.P., Pha Sum Ran Waterfall, No. 8, forest & along brook, 30.x.2004, 1 male, all L. Papp & M. Földvári leg. ( HNHM, 1 female SMOC, all with genit. prep.) .

Etymology – The species is named for LÁSZLÓ PAPP, the eminent Hungarian dipterist, in recognition of his tremendous contribution to the knowledge of the Oriental fauna of Diptera (see PAPP et al. 2006).

Description – Male. Total body length 2.02–2.26 mm. Very similar to A. nigrinotum in outer appearance. Occiput entirely dark brown. Orbit brown, with anterior third paler brown or ochreous-yellow, shining. Gena ventrally pale-brown margined and postgena dark yellow. Mouthparts light brown to dark ochreous including palpus, the latter with brownish darkened apex. Cephalic chaetotaxy as in A. nigrinotum . 8–9 small peristomal setulae. Eye broadly subovoid, with longest diameter 1.4 times as long as shortest one. Genal smallest height 0.06 times as long as shortest eye diameter. Arista 1.7–1.8 times as long as antenna.

Thorax as in A. nigrinotum . Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 prs, reduced to microseta; anterior dc reduced to a weak setula (only twice longer than dc microsetae); ac microsetae in 4 rows also between posterior dc; 2 sc, laterobasal small but slightly longer than anterior dc. f 3 with 5–6 shortened and thickened posteroventral setae in distal third. Wing ( Fig. 168 View Figs 167–170 ) with pattern and venation very similar to those of A. nigrinotum . Cross-vein r-m situated distinctly in front of middle of dm cell. Wing measurements: length 2.06–2.36 mm; width 0.61–0.68 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 1.75–1.90, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.38–3.82. Haltere as in A. nigrinotum .

Abdomen. Preabdominal terga dark brown, T4 with small to indistinct, T5 with larger yellow or ochreous anterolateral spot on each side. Preabdominal sterna becoming wider posteriorly, S5 the largest.

Genitalia. Epandrium ( Figs 86–87 View Figs 86–91 ) very similar to that of A. nigrinotum , with longer dorsomedial (1) and dorsolateral (1–2) setae; anal fissure large, rather parallel-sided in lower half ( Fig. 86 View Figs 86–91 ). Cercus shorter than gonostylus, projecting ventrally less than in A. nigrinotum . Gonostylus ( Figs 86–87, 89 View Figs 86–91 ) elongately subtriangular, in lateral view more bent and more pointed apically than in A. nigrinotum ; most of its outer side (also near apex) with micropubescence; inner side of gonostylus with longer setae, particularly in apical half anteriorly. Hypandrium ( Fig. 88 View Figs 86–91 ) moderate, with small pale-pigmented internal lobes; transandrium ( Fig. 90 View Figs 86–91 ) slender, simply bent (with concave ventral margin) and with small ventromedial process; caudal process formed as a weakly sclerotized, medially depigmented plate. Pregonite ( Fig. 88 View Figs 86–91 ) low, with posterior part doubly projecting ventrally and with only 6–7 setae, 1 of them longer. Postgonite ( Fig. 88 View Figs 86–91 ) longer than in A. nigrinotum , slender, almost straight with only apical fourth bent and pointed and with only sensillae on outer side; basal sclerite of postgonite small, hidden behind pregonite. Aedeagal part of folding apparatus attached to base of phallapodeme ( Fig. 91 View Figs 86–91 ) not darkened dorsally, provided with flat tubercles (smaller than in A. nigrinotum ); connecting sclerite narrow, long, distally widened and finely tuberculate. Basal membrane densely spinulose, particularly ventrally ( Figs 88, 90 View Figs 86–91 ). Aedeagal complex ( Fig. 91 View Figs 86–91 ) with phallapodeme thicker than in A. nigrinotum , with widened shortly forked base and robust pale apex with distinct lateral projections. Saccus of distiphallus voluminous, except for basal and ventral sclerites membranous and provided with short thorn-like spines dorsolaterally and with clusters of robust pigmented eral view. Scales: Fig. 89 View Figs 86–91 = 0.05 mm, others = 0.1 mm

view. Scales: Figs 93–96 View Figs 92–98 = 0.1 mm, others = 0.05 mm

spines anteriorly (longer) and preapically (shorter), thus without fine spinulae. Filum of distiphallus formed by 2 stripe-like twisted sclerites (one distinctly darker and thicker) ending in slightly widened membranous and very finely tuberculate apex. Ejacapodeme with digitiform projection.

Female. Similar to male unless mentioned otherwise. Total body length 1.94–2.50 mm. f 3 without shortened setae. Wing measurements: length 2.20–2.48 mm, width 0.63–0.75 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 1.74–1.90, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.28–3.92. Abdomen with preabdominal terga similarly spotted as in A. nigrinotum . S3-S5 becoming slightly wider posteriorly, so S5 widest but slightly narrower than S6.

Postabdomen ( Figs 93–94 View Figs 92–98 ). T6 broader than T7, densely setose in posterior two-thirds, brown with pale yellow anterolateral spots. S6 pale yellow, very slightly narrower than T7. T7 dark brown, only anteriorly with paler marginal stripe, on ventral side embedding spiracles and with small marginal incision near them. S7 with simple pattern, brownish except for pale posterior margin, darkest sublaterally and near 4 posterior long setae, with a pair of characteristic small protuberances on anterior margin surrounding the sensory setulae. T8 only slightly paler than T7, plate-shaped, markedly microtomentose and with fine setae in posterior half. S8 also dark, as wide as S7. T10 small and short, dark and bare anteriorly and laterally, otherwise unpigmented and microtomentose, with a pair of longer setae. S10 subcordate, dark, bare anteriorly, micropubescent in posterior two-thirds (see also Fig. 95 View Figs 92–98 ). Internal sclerotization of genital chamber complex but pale, composed of 2 pairs of fused sclerites (medial pair narrow, lateral pair widened anterolaterally) and of twisted and thin annular sclerite ( Figs 95–96 View Figs 92–98 ); vaginal part with short spinulae ( Fig. 96 View Figs 92–98 ). Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 98 View Figs 92–98 ) membranous, formed by basally strangled pouch and slender digitiform, ventrally directed, terminal projection. Spermathecae spherical ( Figs 92, 97 View Figs 92–98 ), with small blunt spines around duct insertion; duct cervix short and pale-pigmented. Cerci ( Fig. 93 View Figs 92–98 ) characterized by short setae and apical seta modified to a small spine ( Fig. 96 View Figs 92–98 ).

Discussion – A. pappi sp. n. is externally very similar to A. nigrinotum but is generally darker in colour, resembling the most closely related A. curtistylus sp. n. (see above) but differs from the latter in having wider eyes and a light brown palpus with darkened apex. However, its dependable identification is only possible by referring to the form of the gonostylus, the large spines in the saccus of the distiphallus, the subquadrate female S7 and the cercus with a small apical spine. In the latter character it resembles A. geniculatus and A. sp. n. (c) but this sister-pair differs by its darkened brown distal part of the femora and its (sub)pyriform spermathecae with robust spines on the surface.

Biology – All known specimens were taken in forest by sweeping vegetation along brooks, in X–XI.

Distribution – Thailand.

Amygdalops nigrinotum SUEYOSHI et ROHÁČEK, 2003 View in CoL

( Figs 99–109 View Figs 99–103 View Figs 104–109 , 169 View Figs 167–170 )

Amygdalops nigrinotum SUEYOSHI et ROHÁČEK, 2003: 18–21 View in CoL , Figs 1 View Fig a-g, 2a, 3 [description, relationships]; ROHÁČEK, 2004: 189–194, Figs 66–76 View Figs 64–71 View Figs 72–77 , 128 View Figs 124–128 [redescription, relationships]; ROHÁČEK, 2006: 54–60, Figs 104–115 View Figs 104–109 View Figs 110–116 [redescription].

Amygdalops thomasseti View in CoL : HARDY et DELFINADO, 1980: 225–227, Figs 94 View Figs 92–98 a-e [misidentification]; VOCKEROTH, 1989: 548 [catalogue].

Type material: Holotype male, labelled: “Sueyoshi Park, Naha City, Ryukyu, Japan, 26.iii. 2000, H. Nakayama leg.” (lime green circle), “An 1081” ( BLKU). Paratype female, labelled: “Java, Jacobson” (handwritten), “ Amygdalops geniculata , det. de Meijere.” and “ Amygdalops geniculata , det. Dr. O. Duda” (both partly handwritten), “ Amygdalops geniculata de Meijere, 1916 , ZMAN type DIPT.0043” (red label), “ PARATYPUS f, Amygdalops nigrinotum sp. n., M. Sueyoshi & J.Roháček det. 2002” (yellow label) ( ZMAN, genit. prep.). For other paratypes see SUEYOSHI and ROHÁČEK (2003).

Note: The labelling of the female paratype from Java is listed in extenso because this specimen can be considered to belong to the type series of A. geniculatus (cf. SUEYOSHI & ROHÁČEK 2003: 21). However, it is not mentioned in the original description of the latter species (see DE MEIJERE 1916: 207) and was obviously recognized and subsequently appended to the true type specimens by de Meijere himself.

Other material examined: AUSTRALIA: SE Queensland: Mt Glorious, Raiforest Circuit tr., 27.20S / 52.46E, No. 20, rainforest. 24.x.2002, 1 female, Merz, Földvári & McNeil leg. ( MHNG) GoogleMaps . INDIA: Assam: 10 mi N Tinsukia , 6.iii.1944, 1 female, D. E. Hardy leg. ( USNM) . INDONESIA: Flores I., X859, eastern periphery of village Mataloko, ca 10 km ESE’ Badjawa , 200–300 m E’ mission church and school, 8,49S 121,02E, creek valley, open cultivated land (vegetables, maniok), diverse herbaceous vegetation (– 2 m height), grazed by buffaloes, 24.ix.1992, 85 males 70 females ( ZSMC, FBUB, SMOC, DEBU, in alcohol or dried from alcohol) GoogleMaps ; same, X858, Vicia and Zea mays fields, swept, aspirated, 1 male 3 females; same, X857, 2–3 km E’ mission church and school, coffee-plantage under high trees, many weeds, swept, eclector, 1 female ( ZSMC) , all M. v. Tschirnhaus leg.; Sulawesi I., Dumoga, low forest, 200 m, Blue Zone , “Rothamsted 2”, Malaise trap,–10.vii.1985, 1 female /with teratologically deformed 7th and 8th postabdominal segment/ ( BMNH) . JAPAN: Okinawa: Geoku , light trap, xi.1961, 2 males 1 female ; Okinawa: Camp-Kae , light trap, iii.1962, 3 males 2 females ; Okinawa, no locality, 5.–18.viii.1961, 1 female, all W. F. Pippin leg. ( USNM) . PHILIPPINES: Mindanao I.: Mt. Apo School , 15 km SW Davao, 500 m, 22.–31.x.1965, 1 male, D. Davis leg. ( USNM) . TAIWAN: Kaohsiung Hsien, Liukuei, Shan-Ping LTER Site , creek valley, No. 13, 31.iii.–1.iv.2003, 1 male, L. Papp & M. Földvári leg. ( HNHM) ; Changhua, Tatu, X 1154, 2.iii.1996, 1 male, Kung-ju Lin leg. ( ZSMC) . THAILAND: Bangkok, Plukchit , light, viii.-ix.1962, 1 female, J. Scanlon leg. ; Bangkok, Pratoomvan Dist. , light, 9.–10.v.1959, 3 males 1 female ; Thonburi Pr., Bangkoknoi Dist. , light, 5.–6.v.1959, 2 males 3 females ; Thonburi Pr., Mueng Dist. , light, 7.v.1959, 2 males 1 female, all Manop leg. ( USNM) ; Mae Fang N. P., over & along a forest brook, No. 14, 1.xi.2004, 1 male 1 female ; 8 km E Doi Anh Kang, over a rocky brook, No. 17, 2.xi.2004, 1 male ; Nan Prov., Ban Na Lae nr. Pua, over a rocky forest brook, No. 19, 5.xi.2004, 1 male ; Nan Prov., Mae Charim waterfall, over and along rivulet, No. 25, 7.–8.xi.2004, 1 male ; Trang Prov., Khao Chong Botanic Garden, rainforest, No. 43, 22.xi.2004, 1 male, all L. Papp & M. Földvári leg. ( HNHM) ; Chiang Mai Prov. /24, Mae Hia , 19.05.41N / 98.56.11E, 350 m, 25.xii.2003, 2 males 2 females, P. Schwedinger leg. ; Chiang Mai Prov., 4.5 km N Pai , 19.40N / 98.44E, 570 m, 23.x.2000, 1 female, B. Merz leg. GoogleMaps ; Uttaradit Pr., Nam Pat Dist., Phu Soay Dao N.P., 17.42N / 100.57E, 750 m, evergreen forest, 23.xii.2005, 1 female, P. Schwedinger leg. ( MHNG) GoogleMaps . USA: Hawaii Is. : Oahu I., no locality, light trap, vi.1958, 1 male, J. Rodgers & E. J. Ford, jr. leg .; Oahu I., Kunia , light trap, 18.viii.1945, 1 male,? leg .; Oahu I., Palolo Valley , light trap, 12.ii.1946, 2 males, Wirth leg. ; Oahu I., Hickam Field , light trap, i.1946, 1 male,? leg .; Oahu I., Ewa, light trap, ix.1945, 1 female, MCAS leg., same, ii.1946, 1 female, W. W. Wirth leg., same, xi.1955, 1 male, J. W. Beardsley leg., same, viii.1958, 1 male, D. E. Hardy leg.; Oahu I., Honolulu, Univ. of Hawaii, light trap, iv.1960, 1 male, H. Toba leg. ; Oahu I., Honolulu, at light, i.1951, 1 female, v.1951, 1 male 1 female, x.1951, 1 male, xi.1955, 1 female, all D. E. Hardy leg., same, at light, ii.1945, 2 females,? leg.; Oahu , Honolulu, T.H ., 6.x.1951, 1 male, 7.x.1951, 2 females, same, at light, x.1950, 6 males 4 females, all J. Beardsley leg., same, 12.xi.1929, 1 female, Mangelsdorf leg.; Oahu I., Wahiawa , light trap, 28.iii.1966, 1 male, Public Health Dept. leg. ; Oahu I., Kanuku , light trap, 28.iii.1966, 1 female, Public Health Dept. leg. ; Oahu I., Lanaki , on window, xii.1950, 1 male, D. Fullaway leg. ; Oahu I., Pupukea, 4.ii.1964, 1 female, D. Gubler leg., same, banana thicket, vii.1958, 1 female, D. E. Hardy leg.; Oahu I., Waipio , light trap, 24.i.1946, 3 females, Denison leg. ; Hawaii I., Hilo , light trap, xi.1945, 1 female,? leg .; Hawaii I., Kohala , 26.xii.1950, 1 male, H. Higa leg. ; Hawaii I., Wapio Valley , light, i.1956, 1 male, J. Beardsley leg. (all USNM) . Most specimens with genit. prep.

Description – Male. Total body length 1.63–2.38 mm. Body bicolourous, brown and yellow. Head somewhat higher than long. Occiput brown to ochreous-brown, usually paler medially and around bases of vte and vti, with a pair of small silvery grey microtomentose spots medially above foramen. Frontal triangle reaching to anterior third of frons, with very narrowed anterior corner, largely bare and shiny, including ocellar triangle. Frons brown with yellow anterior third; stripes between frontal triangle and orbits distinctly darker brown than other parts of frons, greyish microtomentose and dull. Orbit bicolourous, its anterior third yellow and dull, posterior two-thirds brown and more shining. Face yellow to pale ochreous; parafacialia and gena whitish yellow to almost white, with silvery white microtomentum; also postgena pale yellow, contrasting with brown occiput. Mouthparts yellowish orange including palpus. Cephalic chaetotaxy: pvt small but distinct and strongly crossed; vti about two-thirds of length of vte, the latter longest of cephalic setae; oc about as long as vti; 2 long ors, posterior as long as vte or slightly shorter, anterior distinctly shorter but always longer than oc; 2 (rarely only 1) microsetulae in front of anterior ors, anterior orbital microsetula only half length of posterior one; usually 2 pairs of microsetulae medially in front of frontal triangle; 1 long vi and 1 subvibrissa about two-thirds to three-fourths of vi; peristomal setulae distinct, longer anteriorly, shorter posteriorly; postocular setulae very minute; palpus with usual subapical seta. Eye very convex, with longest diameter 1.5 times as long as shortest one. Gena anteriorly very narrow; its smallest height 0.07 times as long as shortest eye diameter. Antenna yellow to yellowish ochreous, more or less darkened on outer dorsal side of pedicel and around base of arista. Arista 1.9 times as long as antenna, long-pectinate.

Thorax narrower than head, bicolourous, brown and yellow. Mesonotum including scutellum brown, more rarely with a pair of pale ochreous spots medially just behind neck. Humeral and notopleural areas yellow or orange yellow; pleural part of thorax with brown dorsal band extending from propleuron to haltere and sharply delimited from pale yellow to whitish yellow ventral portion of pleura. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 very small and fine prs; 2 dc, posterior very long (about as long as apical sc), anterior short and weak, less than one-third of posterior dc; ac microsetae in 4 rows on suture, in 2 rows between posterior dc; 2 sc, apical long and strong, laterobasal as long as or shorter than anterior dc; 1 ppl, reduced to fine microsetula; 2 stpl, posterior longer; a few additional setae on ventral part of sternopleuron and also some hair-like setulae close to stpl macrosetae. Scutellum rounded triangular with slightly convex dorsal surface. Legs completely yellow to pale yellow. Pedal chaetotaxy: f 1 with posterodorsal and posteroventral row of longer setae, those posteroventral particularly long (3–4 middle longest); f 2 without peculiarities and t 2 with usual ventroapical seta; f 3 with long posteroventral row of setae, 7–8 of them in distal third shortened and thickened. Wing ( Fig. 169 View Figs 167–170 ) with simplified pattern, thus with only preapical spot brownish, rest of wing membrane almost unicolourous. R 4+5 and M subparallel, very slightly convergent apically; r-m situated near middle of discal (dm) cell. Wing measurements: length 1.62–2.30 mm; width 0.43–0.66 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 2.12–2.40, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.18–3.78. Haltere with ochreous stem and brown knob.

Abdomen. Preabdominal terga large, with short and relatively thick setae, brown to dark brown but T4 with small, T5 with larger yellow or pale ochreous anterolateral spot on each side. T6 weakly sclerotized, short, bare and very pale. Preabdominal sterna small and narrow, finely setose, pale ochreous and becoming somewhat wider posteriorly; S3-S4 slightly longer than broad; S5 the largest, as long as broad. S6-S8 brown, dorsolaterally fused; S6 ventrally shortened, transversely band-like; S7 almost twice longer than S6, somewhat rectangular; both S6 and S7 with anterior darkened marginal ledge-like stripe (thicker in S6) and each usually with 2 microsetae; S8 relatively long, similarly setose to T5.

Genitalia. Epandrium hemispherical, medium-long ( Figs 99–100 View Figs 99–103 ), moderately setose, with 1 dorsomedial and/or also 1 dorsolateral pair of longer setae; anal opening large, rounded substriangular ( Fig. 99 View Figs 99–103 ). Cercus long, projecting ventrally, almost as long as gonostylus. Medandrium ( Fig. 99 View Figs 99–103 ) comparatively high and wide. Gonostylus ( Fig. 99–100, 103 View Figs 99–103 ) small, suboblong, with tapered but rounded apex; most of its outer side with dense micropubescence, only anterior margin bare; inner side of gonostylus with longer setae, particularly in apical half. Hypandrium ( Fig. 104 View Figs 104–109 ) moderate, with weak unpigmented internal lobes; transandrium ( Fig. 101 View Figs 99–103 ) simple, slender, with nearly straight ventral margin; caudal process represented by a pair of dorsally separate and weak sclerites each of which has small lateral projection. Pregonite ( Fig. 104 View Figs 104–109 ) very low, fused with hypandrium, incurved and only posteriorly slightly ventrally projecting, with only 3–4 setae, 1 of them longer. Postgonite ( Fig. 104 View Figs 104–109 ) slightly sinuous, proximally slender, widened in the middle, apically tapered but not acute, with a few sensillae on outer side; basal sclerite attached to postgonite robust, finely dotted and provided with some small teeth posteroventrally. Aedeagal part of folding apparatus attached to base of phallapodeme ( Fig. 102 View Figs 99–103 ) not darkened dorsally, provided with large flat polygonal tubercles; connecting sclerite very slender, long, pale-pigmented. Basal membrane densely spinulose, particularly ventrally ( Figs 101 View Figs 99–103 , 104 View Figs 104–109 ). Aedeagal complex ( Fig. 102 View Figs 99–103 ) with moderate phallapodeme, having bifurcate base and short apex with short lateral projections. Aedeagus with short frame-like phallophore and large distiphallus. Base of distiphallus bare. Saccus of distiphallus large, membranous except for base and provided with rich thorn-like spines dorsally, laterally as well as preapically; fine spinulae are only close to sclerotized base of saccus. Filum of distiphallus formed by 2 dark stripe-like twisted sclerites which are closely affixed except for proximal and distal end and terminate in tapered apex. Ejacapodeme small, with very slender projection.

Female. Similar to male unless mentioned otherwise. Total body length 1.86–2.66 mm. f 3 posteroventrally simply finely setulose, lacking shortened setae. Wing measurements: length 1.84–2.70 mm, width 0.53–0.78 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 2.00–2.39, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.27–3.54. Abdomen with preabdominal terga shorter, more transverse. T1 and T2 completely dark brown, T3-T6 with pale yellow anterolateral spot on each side; spots on T3 smallest, on T5 largest (extended over more than basal third of sclerite). Preabdominal sterna smaller and narrower than in male, pale ochreous-yellow; S4 and S5 subequal and as broad as S6.

Postabdomen ( Figs 105–106 View Figs 104–109 ). T6 large, markedly broader than T7, densely shortly setose, brown with pale yellow anterolateral spots which are medially connected by transverse stripe. S6 whitish yellow, distinctly narrower than T7, with fine setae. T7 narrow, dark brown, anteriorly shallowly emarginate and posterior margin narrowly pale, with dense short setae in posterior half. S7 with unpigmented central area, darkest anterolateral rounded corners and setose posterior pigmented part. T8 paler than T7, plate-shaped, with strongly rounded posterior corners and thin dense setae in posterior half. S8 dark, distinctly narrower than T8, finely densely setulose, posteromedially slightly bulging, with narrow mediodorsal incision as usual. T10 small and relatively short, dark and bare except for small posteromedial microtomentose area, and with a pair of longer setae. S10 also dark but wider than T10, micropubescent, with setulae at posterior margin. Internal sclerotization of genital chamber very weak, unpigmented and hardly visible; its vaginal part provided with short thorn-like spines near genital opening ( Fig. 109 View Figs 104–109 ). Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 108 View Figs 104–109 ) membranous, formed by strangled pouch and vermicular, ventrally directed, terminal projection. Spermathecae shortly pear-shaped ( Fig. 107 View Figs 104–109 ), narrowed at duct insertion, with dense curved spines inserted on basal half of spermatheca; duct cervix developed but short. Cerci ( Fig. 105 View Figs 104–109 ) moderate, with short setae.

Discussion – This widespread species differs from the majority of members of the A. nigrinotum group in having an usually paler occiput and spots around the bases of vte and vti setae and a relatively longer anterior dc seta. However, it can be identified with certainty only by the shape of the male gonostylus, the peculiar caudal process of the transandrium with lateral projections, the large basal sclerite of the postgonite, the saccus of the distiphallus with thorn-like spines, the characteristic female S7 and the pyriform spermathecae. It forms together with A. curtistylus sp. n., A. pappi sp. n., A. sp. n. (b), A. geniculatus DE MEIJERE, A. sp. n. (c) and A. abnormis sp. n. the A. nigrinotum subgroup characterized by the strongly spinose armature of the saccus of the distiphallus (see Fig. 175 View Fig ). However, inasmuch as the male genitalia are unknown in A. sp. n. (b), A. geniculatus DE MEIJERE and A. sp. n. (c), this character is only assumed to be present in these species. Despite this fact these species are considered the closest relatives of A. nigrinotum SUEYOSHI et ROHÁČEK together forming a cluster supported by the distinct synapomorphic character 24 (spermathecae pyriform with robust spines – see Fig. 175 View Fig ).

Biology – SUEYOSHI and ROHÁČEK (2003) recorded adults collected in III–V and VIII–XII. No other biological data have been available. The new material examined yielded data about the occurrence of the species in herbaceous vegetation of a creek valley grazed by buffaloes (over 150 specimens), at brooks and rivers in various forests and in light traps (numerous specimens from Hawaii and Thailand). Adults were found in I–XII .

Distribution – Hitherto, A. nigrinotum has only been known from Seychelles ( ROHÁČEK 2004), Indonesia (Java – SUEYOSHI & ROHÁČEK 2003), Japan (Izu, Ogasawara, Ryukyu Is. – SUEYOSHI & ROHÁČEK 2003, ROHÁČEK 2006) and Hawaii (Oahu I., Kauai I., Molokai I., Hawaii I. – HARDY & DELFINADO 1980, sub A. thomasseti, SUEYOSHI & ROHÁČEK 2003 ). However, it was originally an Oriental species which (probably recently) has expanded its distribution into the eastern Afrotropical, northern Australasian, eastern Palaearctic and Oceanian Regions. There are new records from India (Assam), Thailand, Taiwan, Japan (Okinawa), Philippines (Mindanao), Indonesia (Flores, Sulawesi) and Australia (Queensland).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Slezske Muzeum Opava


Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Zoologische Staatssammlung


Universitat Bielefeld


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph














Amygdalops pappi


Amygdalops nigrinotum SUEYOSHI et ROHÁČEK, 2003: 18–21

ROHACEK, J. 2006: 54
ROHACEK, J. 2004: 189
SUEYOSHI, M. & ROHACEK, J. 2003: 21

Amygdalops thomasseti

VOCKEROTH, J. R. 1989: 548
HARDY, D. E. & DELFINADO, M. D. 1980: 225
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