Amygdalops, ROHÁČEK J., 2008

ROHÁČEK J., 2008, Revision Of The Genus Amygdalops Lamb, 1914 (Diptera, Anthomyzidae) Of The Oriental, Australasian And Oceanian Regions, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (4), pp. 325-400 : 369-371

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584953

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scientific name


sp. n.

Amygdalops View in CoL sp. n. (b) near nigrinotum

( Figs 110–116 View Figs 110–116 )

Type material: REPUBLIC OF PALAU: Palau Is : Koror I., M–6317, 31.v.1957, 1 female , J.

W. Beardsley leg. (USNM, in poor condition, some extremities including one wing lost, genit. prep.)

Description – Male unknown. Female. Very similar to A. nigrinotum , differing as follows. Total body length 1.75 mm. Occiput uniformly brown, with a pair of medial silvery grey microtomentose spots above foramen. Frons as in A. nigrinotum but narrowed anterior corner of frontal triangle somewhat microtomentose and duller. Mouthparts yellowish (including palpus) and clypeus pale brown. Cephalic chaetotaxy as in A. nigrinotum but pvt smaller (apices not crossed), only 1 (posterior) microsetula in front of anterior ors and 1 pair of microsetulae medially in front of frontal triangle. Antenna with 1st flagelomere lost but plausibly similar to that of A. nigrinotum .

Thorax with colouring and chaetotaxy as in A. nigrinotum but anterior dc weaker and as long as laterobasal sc. Legs as in A. nigrinotum including their chaetotaxies. Wing with pattern and venation very similar to that of A. nigrinotum , with only preapical brownish spot. r-m situated slightly in front of middle of discal (dm) cell. Wing measurements: length 1.78 mm; width 0.54 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 2.33, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.89. Haltere as that of A. nigrinotum .

Abdomen with preabdominal terga similarly coloured as those of A. nigrinotum , thus T1 and T2 uniformly dark brown, T3-T6 with pale yellow anterolateral spot on each side; spots on T3 smallest, on T4 and T5 largest. Preabdominal sterna pale ochreous-yellow as in A. nigrinotum but S3-S5 becoming slightly wider posteriorly and, consequently, S5 largest (as broad as S6).

Postabdomen ( Figs 110, 113 View Figs 110–116 ). T6 large, broader than T7, with short thick setae, brown with pale yellow semicircular anterolateral spots. S6 pale yellow, narrower than T7, slightly wider than long, with fine setae. T7 dark brown but anteriorly and posteriorly pale-margined, setose in posterior half. S7 with pattern and chaetotaxy distinctly different from those in A. nigrinotum , larger (almost as broad as S6), with small darkened anterior laterally curved processes ( Fig. 113 View Figs 110–116 ), brown central part, and with long setae situated just behind the latter (posterior part of S7 damaged so that its pigmentation and setosity not visible). T8 very similar to that in A. nigrinotum . S8 dark, only slightly narrower than T8, posteromedially more projecting. T10 resembling in shape but with wider microtomentose area. S10 not wider than T10, narrower, elongately pentagonal, projecting posteriorly. Internal sclerotization of genital chamber ( Figs 114, 116 View Figs 110–116 ) weak, pale-pigmented but formed by a long complex of sclerites (anteriorly widened) and a twisted, very fine and poorly visible annular sclerite ( Fig. 116 View Figs 110–116 ); vaginal part finely spinulose near genital opening. Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 115 View Figs 110–116 ) membranous, smooth on surface, with a finger-like, ventrally directed, terminal projection; receptacular duct distally dilated, finely granulose. Spermathecae shortly pyriform ( Figs 111–112 View Figs 110–116 ) as in A. nigrinotum but with less dense robust spines on basal half of spermatheca; duct cervix short. Cerci ( Fig. 110 View Figs 110–116 ) somewhat wider and shorter than in A. nigrinotum .

Discussion – This species undoubtedly is very closely related to A. nigrinotum – a number of external and postabdominal characters of these two species are identical or highly similar. Although the majority of differences from female A. nigrinotum are small, the formation and armature of the postabdominal sclerites (S6-S 10 in particular) demonstrate that the Palau taxon is a distinct species, most probably endemic to the Palau archipelago.

Biology – Unknown. The only female was colected in V.

Distribution – Republic of Palau (Koror I.)

tral view (micropubescence omitted). Scales: Figs 110, 113 View Figs 110–116 = 0.1 mm, others = 0.05 mm











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