Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka, 2012

Schneider, Julio V. & Zizka, Georg, 2012, Quiina maracaensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka and Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka (Quiinaceae), two new species of Quiina Aubl. from the Neotropics, Candollea 67 (2), pp. 261-267 : 265

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Carolina (2021-11-22 20:04:57, last updated 2024-11-29 17:56:56)

scientific name

Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka

sp. nov.

Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka View in CoL , spec. nova

( Fig. 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig ).

Typus: ECUADOR. Zamora-Chinchipe: road Loja-Zamora, c. 35 km from Loja, Estación Científica San Francisco , 3°58’S 79°04’W, 1800 m, 16.III.2000, Homeier 333 (holo-: BIEL! GoogleMaps ; iso-: QCNE, MO, LOJA). GoogleMaps

Folia rigida. Inflorescentia hermaphrodita solum visa racemiforma, 1-11-flora, rhachidi 0,3-0,7 cm longa.

Trees. Terminal internodes terete, longitudinally furrowed, 2-3 mm in diameter, glabrous. Leaves petiolate; stipules caducous, (narrowly) triangular-ovate, 0.3-0.9 Χ 0.08-0.15 cm, apex acute, glabrous or adaxially puberulent, the adjacent stipules joint at base or to 0.3 mm distant; petiole canaliculate, 0.3- 0.65 cm long, 1.5-3 mm in diameter; lamina coriaceous, rigid, elliptical, 7-16 Χ 3.2-6.9 cm, base shortly attenuate to broadly cuneate, apex shortly (sub-)acuminate, the very apex rounded or obtuse, adaxially glabrous, abaxially sparsely hairy along midvein, the hairs red-brown, 0.3-1.1 mm long; margin not or minutely revolute, entire or very inconspicuously serrulate; secondary veins 8-16 per side, adaxially impressed to prominulous, abaxially prominent, 0.7-1.7 cm distant at middle of lamina, interspersed by 0-1(-4) intersecondary veins. Hermaphroditic inflorescence botryoid, 1-11-flowered, male inflorescence not seen; rachis 1(-3) per axile, subterete to inconspicuously quadrangular, longitudinally furrowed, 0.3-0.7 cm long, c. 1 mm in diameter, ± glabrous or sparsely puberulent with brownish hairs to 0.3 mm long; bracts subopposite, ovate, 0.6-1.3 Χ 0.6-1 mm, apex acute, puberulent, bracteoles not seen; pedicel below articulation to 2 mm long, above articulation subterete, apically inconspicuously widened, 5-10 mm long (in male flowers to 12 mm long), 0.7-0.8 mm in diameter, glabrous. Flowers subglobose in bud; sepals 4, coriaceous, elliptical to suborbicular, strongly concave, 2-3 Χ 1.3-4 mm, rounded, abaxially glabrous, margin ciliate; petals 5, obovate, reflexed, 4-5 Χ 2-4 mm, rounded, margin ciliolate; stamens in hermaphroditic flowers c. 17, in male flowers c. 65 (see remarks), filaments c. 5 mm long, anthers c. 0.4-0.7 Χ 0.3-0.6 mm, in male flowers larger; ovary 2-locular, styles 2, 2.5-3 mm long, stigma inconspicuously broadened. Fruit ellipsoid, longitudinally striate, 2-3 Χ 1.2- 1.5 cm, apically obtuse to subacute, glabrous; seeds not seen.

Distribution. – Only known from Ecuador. Occurs in tropical montane rain forest at about 1800 m.

Phenology. – Flowers in March.

Etymology. – The species epithet refers to the type locality near Zamora.

Additional material examined. – ECUADOR. Zamora-Chinchipe: road Loja-Zamora, c. 35 km from Loja, Estación Científica San Francisco , 1830 m, 7 Apr 2004, Homeier 1375 ( BIEL, FR).

Notes. – This species is similar in leaf shape to Q. florida , but contrasts in a rigid-coriaceous leaf texture. The leaf texture is similar to Q. integrifolia Pulle , but this species has longer inflorescences with more flowers. The short inflorescences, in turn, are similar to Q. blackii Pires . However, Q. blackii differs in chartaceous to subcoriaceous leaves and subulate stipules. Male flowers were provided by J. Homeier (no specimen seen).

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. – Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka. A. Branchlet with leaves and hermaphroditic inflorescence; B. Infructescence with immature fruits; C. Interpetiolar stipules at terminal node. [Homeier 333, BIEL] [Drawings: Anna Becker]

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. – Distribution map of Quiina maracaensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka (•) and Quiina zamorensis J. V. Schneid. & Zizka ().


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