Troporhogas rogerfedereri Quicke, Loncle & Butcher, 2024

Quicke, Donald L. J., Ranjith, A. P., Loncle, Marisa K., Van Achterberg, Cornelis, Long, Khuat Dang & Butcher, Buntika A., 2024, Revision of Troporhogas Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae) with six new species from India and Thailand, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 99-136 : 99-136

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1206.120824

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Troporhogas rogerfedereri Quicke, Loncle & Butcher

sp. nov.

Troporhogas rogerfedereri Quicke, Loncle & Butcher sp. nov.

Figs 16, 21 E View Figure 21 View Figure 16

Type material.

Holotype ♀, Thailand, Surat Thani province, Khao Sok NP, Klong Morg unit, 23. vi. 2009, 84 m, Malaise trap, coll. Pongphan ( QSBG).


Troporhogas rogerfedereri sp. nov. is the only Thai species know with the submedial propodeal carinae forming a wide U-shape anteriorly (Fig. 16 G View Figure 16 ). It differs from the only other known species with this feature, T. flavistigma , in having the vertex strongly transversely striate.


Holotype, female, body length 6.0 mm; fore wing 4.2 mm; ovipositor sheath 0.5 mm.

Head. Antenna with 40 flagellomeres. Terminal flagellomere acuminate, 4.5 × longer than wide. Penultimate flagellomere 3.0 × longer than wide. First flagellomere 1.0 × and 1.05 × longer than the second and third, respectively, the latter 2.4 × longer than wide. Width of face: width of head: height of eye = 1.0: 2.3: 1.4. Face transversely striate with a smooth longitudinal ridge medially. Inter-tentorial distance 2.3 × tentorio-ocular distance. Carina running from anterior margins of antennal sockets well-developed and uniting medially anterior of median ocellus. Shortest distance between posterior ocelli: transverse diameter of posterior ocellus: shortest distance between posterior ocellus and eye = 1.0: 1.4: 1.0. Vertex and temple transversely striate. Occipital carina strong, more or less evenly and weakly curved, with deep transverse groove immediately in front of it.

Mesosoma. Mesosoma 1.5 × longer than high. Antescutal depression narrow. Mesopleuron and metapleuron setose. Mesoscutum shiny, without groove posteromedially, sparsely punctate. Scutellar sulcus with five carinae between outer pair. Raised anterodorsal area of mesopleuron below subalar depression with diagonal striation. Precoxal sulcus shallow, short, upcurved posteriorly, with weak irregular sculpture. Propodeum with pair of submedial carinae forming a wide inverted ‘ U’ - shape anteriorly; lateral to the carinae anteriorly with deep punctures that form close longitudinal rows, posteriorly with coarse irregular reticulations.

Wings. Fore wing. Lengths of fore wing veins r-rs: 3 RSa: 3 RSb = 1.0: 3.0: 5.3. Lengths of vein 2 RS: 3 RSa: rs-m = 1.2: 2.3: 1.0.

Legs. Lengths of fore femur: fore tibia: fore tarsus = 1.0: 1.1: 1.2. Lengths of hind femur: hind tibia: hind tarsus = 1.0: 1.1: 1.3. Length of hind femur and tibia 5.8 × and 15.0 × as long as medially wide, respectively. Hind tibial spurs distinctly setose on basal third. Tarsal claws with large acutely pointed basal lobe.

Metasoma. T 1 as long as posteriorly wide, T 2 1.4 × longer than T 3. TT 1 and 2 sparsely striate, with mid-longitudinal carina. TT 3–6 with distinct striate sculpture. Ovipositor sheath straight and shorter than hind basitarsus, ~ 0.3 × length of hind femur (including trochantellus).

Colour. Body tricoloured; scapus, pedicellus and flagellar segments dark brown to black. Head orange-red, and mouthparts paler ochraceous, stemmaticum ochraceous. Mesosoma orange-red, tegulae paler ochraceous. Front and middle legs brownish yellow, except coxae and trochanters white, fore tarsus somewhat darker; hind leg largely black, tarsus paler. Wings hyaline with dark brown venation that becomes distinctly more yellowish towards wing base, pterostigma dark brown. Metasoma bicoloured; TT 1–4 white with contiguous medial piceous to black marks that are narrowest at the junction of TT 1 and 2; T 5 largely except anteriorly, and T 6 entirely ivory white; hypopygium white.

Male. Unknown.


Peninsular Thailand.




This species is named after a Swiss former professional tennis player, Dr. Roger Federer who was ranked world No. 1 in singles by the ATP.











