Pilophorus satoyamanus, Yasunaga & Duwal & Nakatani, 2020

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Duwal, Ram Keshari & Nakatani, Yukinobu, 2021, Reclassification of the plant bug genus Pilophorus in Japan and key to the genera and species of Japanese Pilophorini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae Phylinae), Zootaxa 4942 (1), pp. 1-40 : 23-25

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4942.1.1

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scientific name

Pilophorus satoyamanus

sp. nov.

Pilophorus satoyamanus n. sp.

( Figs 5 View FIGURE 5 A–B, 11E, 12F–H, 17I–O, 19D–F)

Pilophorus setulosus (nec Horváth, 1905): Yasunaga et al., 1993: pl. 5, fig. 10.

Pilophorus okamotoi View in CoL (nec Miyamoto & Lee, 1966): Yasunaga, 2001: 149 (diag., fig. 65).

Type material. Holotype (♂). JAPAN: Honshu, Ibaraki Pref., Tsuchi’ura City, Shishitsuka , paddy ridge, 36.081381, 140.164382, Artemisia sp., 23 Aug 2000, Y. Nakatani ( NIAES) ( AMNH _ PBI 00380674 About AMNH ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. JAPAN: Honshu : Same data as for holotype, 2 ♀ ( NIAES) GoogleMaps ; same data, except for date 31 Aug 2000, 1♂ ( NIAES) GoogleMaps . Shikoku : Kochi Pref., Ochi Town, 33.54, 133.21, 3 Jul 1999, T. Befu, 1 ♀ ( TYCN) ( AMNH _ PBI 00380675 About AMNH ) ; Kochi Pref. , Nankoku City , Hata-eda, Kochi Agricultural Exp. Sta., sweeping herbs, 33.592, 133.645, 15 Sep 1993, M. Takai, 1 ♂ ( TYCN) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Most closely related to P. okamotoi , from which this new species can be distinguished by characters in the above key (couplet 24) and different shape of the genitalia (e.g., hypophysis of right paramere reduced; endosomal median process with shorter branch more than half length of longer branch; apical ridge distinctly widened; and basal 2/3 of interramal lobe lacking spinules).

Description. Body brown to chestnut brown, moderate in size, moderately constricted; dorsal surface only with uniformly distributed, simple, short, reclining setae. Head shiny fuscous; head with eyes a little wider than high; vertex relatively wide. Antenna dark brown; segment I pale brown;, basal 2/3 of segment II reddish brown; basal half of segment III and extreme base of IV creamy yellow; segment II weakly clavate, about as long as or shorter than maximum width of hemelytra. Labium shiny chestnut brown, rather short, slightly exceeding base of mesocoxa. Pronotum fuscous, rather weakly shining; scutellum dark castaneous, with silvery scale-like setae aggregated on each corner; pleura dark brown; mesepimeron uniformly covered with scale-like setae. Hemelytron matte, with rather sparsely distributed, simple, semierect setae; median band of silvery scale-like setae on corium shifted or interrupted at M-vein (media); posterolateral part of corium (posterior to median band of scale-like setae) and cuneus more or less darkened; membrane pale smoky brown. Coxae pale brown, except for darkened mesocoxa; legs brown; profemur and each tibia paler; tarsi pale brown; tarsomere III darkened; pretarsal structure as in Fig. 17M View FIGURE 17 . Abdomen dark brown, with clustered scale-like setae laterally on sterna III–IV. Male genitalia ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 , 17 View FIGURE 17 N–O): Parameres heavily setose (17N–O); left paramere with sensory lobe strongly projected left-laterally; right paramere ovoid, with tiny hypophysis; endosoma with bifurcate median process and distinctly widened apical ridge ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 ); shorter branch of median process more than half length of longer branch. Female genitalia ( Figs 12 View FIGURE 12 F–H, 19D–F): Sclerotized ring thick-rimmed, narrowly folded laterally ( Fig. 12F View FIGURE 12 ); vestibular sclerite rather narrow ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ); basal 2/3 of interramal lobe lacking spinules ( Fig. 19D View FIGURE 19 ).

Measurements. See Table 2.

Etymology. Named from Satoyama [in Japanese, meaning the border zone or area composed of mountain foothills and/or broadleaf forests, and crop fields; cf. Berglund (2008)]; Latinized as an adjective.

Biology. Adults of this new species were collected from Artemisia or other herbs in and around agro-ecosystem, but the breeding host, immature form and life cycle are unknown. The adults were occasionally attracted to UV light.

Discussion. See discussion under P. okamotoi .


National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences


American Museum of Natural History














Pilophorus satoyamanus

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Duwal, Ram Keshari & Nakatani, Yukinobu 2021

Pilophorus okamotoi

Yasunaga, T. 2001: 149
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