Operclipygus arnaudi Degallier , 1982

Caterino, Michael S. & Tishechkin, Alexey K., 2013, A systematic revision of Operclipygus Marseul (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini), ZooKeys 271, pp. 1-401 : 327-331

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scientific name

Operclipygus arnaudi Degallier , 1982


Operclipygus arnaudi Degallier, 1982 View in CoL Figs 90 C–D, F, H91 A–BMap 31

Operclipygus arnaudi Dégallier, 1982: 158.

Type locality.

FRENCH GUIANA:Mana [5°39.5'N, 53°46.5'W].

Type material.

Holotype: "27-12-75 piége + cad. Oiseau+ lézard, Piste de l’Acarouany, P.K. 5 MANA Guyane Française, N. DEGALLIER" / " Operclipygus arnaudi nov. sp. N DEGALLER 1982" / “HOLOTYPE” (MNHN); examined 2010.

Other material.

BRAZIL: Acre: 1: Serra do Divisor, Cruzeiro do Sul, 15-23.ix.2007, D. Passoa Moura (UFPR); Amazonas: 1: Reserva Ducke, 26km NE Manaus, ii.1995, FIT, M.G.V. Barbosa (BMNH); Mato Grosso: 1: Cotriguaçu, Fazenda São Nicolau, Matinha, 9°50.3'S, 58°15.05'W, x.2009, FIT, M.S. Gigliotti (CEMT), 2: x.2010, FIT, F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello (CEMT); 1: Cotriguaçu, Fazenda São Nicolau, Mata Norte, 9°49.15'S, 58°15.6'W, 8-14.xii.2010, FIT, F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello (CEMT); Pará: 1: Monte Alegre, 3°09'S, 52°03'W, 17. vi– 3.vii.1992, FIT (CHND). COLOMBIA: Vaupés: 1: Parque Nac. Mosiro-Itajura ( Caparú), Centro Ambiental, 1°04'S, 69°31'W, 60m, 20-30.i.2003, FIT, D. Arias & M. Sharkey (IAVH). ECUADOR: Orellana: 1:Parque Nac. Yasuní, Via Maxus at Puente Piraña, 0°39.5'S, 76°26'W, 20-24.vii.2008, FIT, A.K. Tishechkin (AKTC). FRENCH GUIANA: 1: Régina, Réserve des Nouragues, 4°2.27'N, 52°40.35'W, 3.xi.2009, FIT, SEAG (CHND); 1: Roura, 27.4km SSE, 4°44'20"N, 52°13'25"W, 280m, 10.vi.1997, flat ascomycete, J. Ashe & R. Brooks (CMNC); 1: Roura, 39.4km SSE, 4°32'43"N, 52°8'26"W, 270m, 29. v– 10.vi.1997, FIT, J. Ashe, R. Brooks (SEMC); 2: Rés. Natur. De la Trinité, 4°4.011'N, 53°16.99'W, 7.ii.2011, Window trap, understory, SEAG (CHND); 1: Montagne des Chevaux, 4°43'N, 52°24'W, 18.iv.2009, FIT, SEAG (CHND), 2: 11.vii.2009, FIT, SEAG (CHND), 1: 22.xii.2008, FIT, SEAG (CHND); 1: Rés. Trésor, Route de Kaw Pk18, 4°36.63'N, 52°16.74'W, 225m, 21.xi.2009, FIT, SEAG (MNHN); 2: Belvèdére de Saül, point de vue, 3°1'22"N, 53°12'34"W, 30.xi.2010, Window trap, SEAG (CHND). GUYANA: 1: Essequibo R., Moraballi Creek, 5.ix.1929, Dark forest, Oxf. Univ. Expedn. (OUMNH). PERU: Junín: 1: 11km NE Puerto Ocopa, Los Olivos, 11°3.00'S, 74°15.52'W, 1200m, 29-30.iii.2009, FIT, A.K. Tishechkin, DNA Extract MSC-2146 (AKTC); Loreto: 1: Campamento San Jacinto, 2°18.75'S, 75°51.77'W, 172-215m, 9.vii.1993, FIT, R. Leschen (SEMC); 2: km 63, rd. Iquitos - Nauta, Rio Itaya, 4°15.205'S, 73°26.074'W, 140m, 9-13.i.2011, A.V. Petrov (AKTC, MUSM). SURINAME: Commewijne: 2: Akintosoela, CELOS Camp, 39km SE Suriname River bridge road to Redi Doti, 5°16'17"N, 54°55'15"W, 40m, 29. vi– 3.vii.1999, FIT, Z. Falin (SEMC); Para: 1: nr. Overbridge River Resort, 5°31.8'N, 55°3.5'W, 15-18.ii.2010, FIT, C. Gillet, P. Skelley, W. Warner (FSCA); Sipaliwini: 1: CI-RAP Surv. Camp 2: Sipaliwini River, 2°10.521'N, 56°47.244'W, 210m, 27. viii– 1.ix.2010, FIT, T. Larsen & A.E.Z. Short (SEMC); 2: CI-RAP Surv. Camp 3: Wehepai SE Kwamala, 2°21.776'N, 56°41.861'W, 237m, 3-7.ix.2010, FIT, T. Larsen & A.E.Z. Short (SEMC).


This species was thoroughly described by its author, but we take this opportunity to present some useful additional diagnosticcharacters: length: 2.18-2.56 mm, width: 1.87-2.09 mm; body broadly oval, largely impunctate dorsally; frons broad, depressed at middle, lateral arms of frontal stria diverging arcuately; frontal and supraorbital striae complete and continuous; submarginal pronotal striae rather removed from lateral and anterior margins, nearly meeting behind eye, with very narrow interruption; central portion of anterior pronotal margin distinctly projecting at middle; median pronotal gland openings beyond ends of recurved anterior submarginal stria, about 8 puncture widths from anterior margin; elytra with outer subhumeral stria complete, strongly impressed apically, inner subhumeral stria absent, striae 1-3 complete, 4th stria present in apical half, 5th stria present in apical third, sutural stria present in apical two-thirds; prosternal keel produced at base, carinal striae complete, sinuately subparallel, united by anterior arch; mesoventrite shallowly emarginate, marginal stria complete; mesometaventral stria weakly arching forward at middle, continuous with lateral metaventral stria which runs posterad toward inner third of metacoxa; 1st abdominal ventrite with complete inner lateral stria, outer stria variable, complete, fragmented, or absent; propygidium with ground punctation sparse, but with uniformly close, small deep punctures separated by one-third their diameters; pygidium with dense ground punctation, sparse coarser punctures and a complete, deeply crenu late, but rather thin marginal sulcus. Male genitalia (Figs 90 C–D, F, H): accessory sclerites absent; T8 parallel-sided for most of length, apices abruptly angled to apex, apical emargination narrow, basal emargination deep, nearly reaching basal membrane attachment line, ventrolateral apodemes most strongly developed at middle, not meeting at midline; S8 parallel-sided, with very narrow apical guides, halves weakly diverging along midline to near apex; T9 with ends only weakly convergent, subacute; T10 with halves separated; S9 narrowed just at middle, with basal and apical stems more or less parallel sided, basal third of stem largely desclerotized, apex with deep, acute median emargination, upturned apical flanges absent; tegmen with sides rounded, widest about one-third from apex, very weakly curved ventrad toward apex, lacking medioventral process; basal piece about one-third tegmen length; median lobe about three-quarters tegmen length, with strong proximal apodemes and broad gonopore.


This distinctive species can be recognized by its broad lateral pronotal margin (Fig. 91A), weakly produced anterior pronotal margin, complete outer subhumeral stria, very coarse propygidial punctation (Fig. 91B), and complete marginal pygidial sulcus.













