Parandra (Parandra) barclayi, Santos-Silva, 2015

Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2015, A new species of Parandra (Parandra) Latreille from Peru (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Parandrinae), Insecta Mundi 2015 (405), pp. 1-5 : 1-5

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.4645790

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scientific name

Parandra (Parandra) barclayi

sp. nov.

Parandra (Parandra) barclayi View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 1–9 View Figures 1–9 )

Holotype male ( Fig. 1–3, 5, 7 View Figures 1–9 ). Integument reddish-brown, shiny; pronotum dark reddish-brown, with margins blackish; head mostly blackish, except for center of vertex and gula, which are dark reddishbrown; antennae dark reddish-brown; scutellum dark-brown, with irregular reddish-brown areas; elytral suture, margins of ventral segments of thorax, narrow distal band on each abdominal ventrite, narrow distal band on femora, margins of protibiae, distal margin of tibiae, and tibial spurs blackish; basal fourth of tibiae dark reddish-brown to blackish.

Head. Width of head plus eyes equal to 0.9 times largest width of prothorax; dorsal surface very fine, sparsely punctate, laterally with fine punctures near clypeus-labrum and antennal tubercles; laterally, from base of antennal tubercles to anterior edge of prothorax, gradually, distinctly coarsely punctate (this area larger towards anterior margin of prothorax). Frontoclypeal suture incomplete, distinct only laterally. Clypeus very finely, sparsely punctate centrally, laterally fine, slightly denser punctate. Labrum finely, sparsely punctate; with very short, sparse setae; anterior edge centrally triangularly projected, with apex of projection sub-rounded. Antennal tubercles moderately finely, sparsely punctate; ocular carina wide, not distinctly separated from antennal tubercles; area between eyes and antennal carina, coarse, confluently punctate. Area behind upper eye lobes and basal half of lower eye lobes, coarse, abundantly punctate; area behind middle of lower eye lobes and gula, transversely sulcate, with fine sparse punctures. Gena moderately coarse, abundantly punctate under lower eye lobes, gradually finer, sparser towards mandibles. Gula fine, transversely, sparsely, weakly sulcate. Submentum coarse, abundantly punctate (punctures denser, anastomosed close to the anterior elevation; central area close to anterior elevation distinctly depressed; with short, sparse setae on depressed area; anterior elevation wide, shagreened, with coarse, shallow, sparse punctures, and very short, sparse setae. Eyes moderately small; posterior margin very distinct, abruptly projected from head. Antennomere III with very short, sparse setae near apex; antennomeres IV–X with moderately long, sparse setae; carina of ventral sensorial area of antennomere III, dividing the area into two regions of very different size (innermost about twice as long as outermost); antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 1.44; pedicel = 0.40; IV–X = 1.00. Mandibles slightly longer than head; dorsally fine, abundantly punctate, interspersed with coarser punctures at middle; laterally with punctures slightly coarser than dorsally; lateral carina wide, elevated from base to about middle; dorsal side with deep depression from base to just after middle (distinctly narrowed towards apex); inner margin with small, rounded tooth at distal third.

Thorax. Prothorax transverse. Pronotum very finely, moderately abundantly punctate; lateral sides sub-rounded, narrower at base than apex; lateral carina complete from anterolateral angle to posterolateral angle; middle lateral angle only slightly indicated; on each side, close to margin, between middle and posterior angles, with narrow, elongate depression. Hypomeron impunctate; with very short, very sparse setae between lateral pronotal carina and prosternum; with short, moderately abundant setae on projection of hypomeron. Prosternum laterally finely, sparsely punctate, with short, sparse setae; centrally with transverse, fine, weakly marked sulcus. Prosternal process centrally elevated (mainly towards apex); laterally with short, moderately sparse setae, distinctly more abundant at apex. Mesosternum centrally glabrous, impunctate; laterally moderately coarse, abundantly punctate, with long, abundant setae. Mesepisternum mostly coarse, abundantly punctate, with short, sparse setae (longer towards prothorax); laterally with wide, impunctate, glabrous area. Metepisternum moderately coarse, shallowly punctate; with short, moderately abundant setae. Metasternum mostly impunctate, except for sparse, fine punctures laterally; lateral sides and transverse area near metacoxal cavities with short, sparse (but distinct) setae (area with setae wider towards mesocoxal cavities). Elytra very finely, sparsely punctate.

Abdomen. Ventrites I–IV centrally fine, sparsely punctate, laterally slightly denser; centrally with sparse setae (glabrous on ventrite I), laterally with setae moderately abundant. Ventrite V shallowly punctate, with very small asperities; laterally with sparse setae, denser on center distal half. Legs. Paronychium with four long setae, two at each side of apex, separated or together two by two.

Female ( Fig. 4, 6, 8, 9 View Figures 1–9 ). Head less robust, width plus eyes equal to 0.7 times largest width of prothorax. Eyes as in male. Mandible sub-triangular, length equal to 0.55 times that of head; sculpture similar to that of male; dorsal surface not depressed; lateral carina wide, slightly surpassing basal third; inner margin with three teeth: two large, before middle; one small, about middle. Labrum with setae slightly longer, more abundant than in male. Area behind upper eye lobes and basal half of lower eye moderately finely, sparsely punctate. Submentum not depressed close to anterior elevation; setae more conspicuous than in male.

Variation. Male paratype has pronotum and gula slightly lighter than in holotype; tooth of inner side of mandible much more distinct than in holotype.

Dimensions in mm (male/ female). Total length (including mandibles), 23.5–27.1/25.6; length of prothorax at center, 4.2–5.1/5.0; largest width of prothorax, 6.8–8.0/8.0; width of prothorax at posterolateral angles, 5.5–6.4/6.7; humeral width, 6.3–7.6/7.9; elytral length, 13.2–15.2/16.3. The largest dimensions of males are those of the holotype.

Etymology. The species is named for Maxwell V. L. Barclay (BMNH), collector of the type series, for his constant help with information on type specimens deposited at the BMNH.

Type material. Holotype male from Peru, Cuzco: Purmamarca (3550 m; 2 hours N of Ollantaytambo), IV.1999, M. V. L. Barclay col. ( BMNH) . Paratypes – 1 male ( MZSP), 1 female ( BMNH), same data as holotype.

Remarks. Parandra (Parandra) barclayi differs from P. (P.) glabra (De Geer, 1774) as follows: posterior margin of eyes distinct and abruptly projected from head in male ( Fig. 5 View Figures 1–9 ) and female ( Fig. 6 View Figures 1–9 ); eyes in female notably slender ( Fig. 8 View Figures 1–9 ); metepisterna and lateral sides of metasternum with short, but very distinct setae. In P. (P.) glabra the posterior margin of eyes is gradually projected from head in male ( Fig. 10 View Figures 10–14 ) and female ( Fig. 11 View Figures 10–14 ), the eyes in female distinctly wider ( Fig. 14 View Figures 10–14 ), and the metepisterna and lateral sides of metasternum are glabrous or, at most, have very sparse and short setae (more frequently on metepisterna). Parandra (Parandra) barclayi also differs from the other species of the subgenus by the shape of posterior margin of eyes.

Parandra (Parandra) barclayi can be included in the alternative of couplet “2” (male) and “12” (female), from Santos-Silva (2007) (translated):

2(1). Metepisterna without dense setae, but distinct setae throughout ............................................ 2’ – Metepisterna glabrous or with setae only on basal third, or very sparse throughout .............. 3

2’(2). Posterior margin of eyes very distinct, abruptly projected from head ( Fig. 5 View Figures 1–9 ). Peru.................. ............................................................................................................ P. (P.) barclayi sp. nov.

– Posterior margin of eyes gradually projected from head ( Fig. 12 View Figures 10–14 ). Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.... .................................................................................. P. (P.) humboldti (Santos-Silva, 2003)

12(11). Inner distal tooth of mandibles wide and truncate at apex. Costa Rica, Panama......................

............................................................................................ P. (P.) solisi ( Santos-Silva, 2007) – Inner distal tooth of mandibles narrow and acute towards apex ............................................ 12’

12’(12). Posterior margin of eyes distinct and abruptly projected from head ( Fig. 6 View Figures 1–9 ). Peru.................... ............................................................................................................ P. (P.) barclayi sp. nov.

– Posterior margin of eyes gradually projected from head ( Fig. 13 View Figures 10–14 ). Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.... .................................................................................. P. (P.) humboldti (Santos-Silva, 2003)


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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