Odontosphindus denticollis LeConte, 1878

Webster, Reginald P., Sweeney, Jon D. & DeMerchant, Ian, 2012, New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Sphindidae, Erotylidae, Monotomidae, and Cryptophagidae, ZooKeys 179, pp. 169-192 : 171-172

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Odontosphindus denticollis LeConte, 1878


Odontosphindus denticollis LeConte, 1878 Map 1 View Map 1

Material examined.

New Brunswick, Carleton Co., Meduxnekeag Valley Nature Preserve, 46.1907°N, 67.6740°W, 20.VI.2009, R. P. Webster, mixed forest on slime mould ( Stemontis sp.) on rotted log (5, RWC). Queens Co., Cranberry Lake P.N.A. (Protected Natural Area), 46.1125°N, 65.6075°W, 11-18.VI.2009, 18-25.VI.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère, old red oak forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC, RWC); same locality data and forest type but 13-25.V.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, Lindgren funnel trap (1, RWC). York Co., Charters Settlement, 45.8395°N, 66.7391°W, 18.VII.2006, R. P. Webster, mixed forest, on slime mould ( Stemontis sp.) on rotted log (1, RWC); 15 km W of Tracy off Rt. 645, 45.6848°N, 66.8821°W, 28.VI-7.VII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère, old red pine forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC, RWC).

Collection and habitat data.

This species was reported on the slime mold, Fuligo septica (L.) Wigg. by Lawrence and Newton (1980). In New Brunswick, adults were collected from Stemontis species (slime mold) on rotted logs in mixed forests and from Lindgren funnel traps deployed in an old red oak ( Quercus rubra L.) forest and an old red pine ( Pinus resinosa Ait.) forest. Adults were collected during May, June, and July.

Distribution in Canada and Alaska.

ON, QC, NB, NS ( Lafontaine et al. 1987; Campbell 1991a; Dollin et al. 2008; Bishop et al. 2009; Majka 2010).