Zercon kackaricus, Urhan & Ekiz, 2002

Urhan, R. & Ekiz, A. N., 2002, Systematic Studies On Zerconid Mites (Acari: Gamasida, Zerconidae) Of Turkey, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (3), pp. 225-235 : 226-228

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587466

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scientific name

Zercon kackaricus

sp. nov.

Zercon kackaricus sp. n.

( Figs 1A–D View Fig )

Type material. Holotype f. “ Turkey, Artvin, Yusufeli, Yaylalar village, Kackar mountains , 2100 m, 23 June 1994, collected by R. Urhan.” Sample from litter and soil underlying Rosa canina . Paratypes: 6 ff, 3 mm; from the same sample. Type deposition: holotype and 3 paratypes (2 ff, 1 m) at the Zoological Museum of Atatürk University , Erzurum, Turkey; other paratypes (4 ff, 2 mm) are deposited in the authors’ collection .

Female ( Figs 1A, B View Fig ). Length of idiosoma (excluding gnathosoma) of holotype 500 µm, width 364 µm. Measurement of 6 paratypes; mean length 498 (490–508) µm, mean width 364 (360–368) µm.

Dorsal setae ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). On the podonotum seta j1 feathered, setae r3–r6 delicately barbed. The remaining setae of podonotum smooth. On the opisthonotum setae J 1 –J 5 long and delicately barbed. Seta J 3 not reaching the base of seta J 4. Seta J 4 reaching to the base of seta J 5. Seta J 6 long and barbed with hyaline ending. Seta J 6 126 µm (on average) apart from each other. Setae Z 1 –Z 3 long and delicately barbed. Seta Z 3 not reaching the base of seta Z 4. Seta Z 4 similar to seta J 6, exceeding a third of itslength beyond margin of opisthonotum. Seta Z 5 similar to seta Z 1. The distance between setae Z 5 –J 6 is31 µm. Setae S 1 –S 3 similar to seta Z 3. Seta S 4 long and barbed with hyaline ending. Setae R 1 –R 4 delicately barbed, the remainder of thisrow smooth. Lengthsand their mutual distancesof opisthonotal setae are given in Table 1.

Pores. Pore po 1 situated anterior to the line connecting setae s 2 –j 3. Pore po 2 under the line connecting setae s 4 –j 4. Pore po 3 inside the line connecting setae s 5 –s 6. Pore Po 1 located anteroparaxially to the insertion of seta Z 1. Pore Po 2 posterior to the line connecting setae S 2 –Z 2. Pore Po 3 lieson the line connecting setae S 4 –Z 4. Pore Po 4 lieson the line connecting setae S 4 –Z 5, shifted toward seta S 4.

Sculpturing pattern. The ornamentation of the dorsal shields is shown in Figure 1 A View Fig . Dorsal cavities distinct, well sclerotized, equal in size, with axes parallel the body axis.

Venter ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). The chaetotaxy and shape of the peritrematal shield typical for the genus. Adgenital shields present. With four setae on the anterior margin of the ventro-anal shield.

Male ( Figs 1C, D View Fig ). Idiosoma (excluding gnathosoma) in 3 specimens; mean length 402 (398–405) µm, mean width 272 (270–274) µm. Setae, poresand sculpturing pattern on the podo- and opisthonotum as in female. The distance between setae J 6 -J 6 and Z 5 -J 6 average 102 µm and 27 µm, respectively. Lengths and their mutual distances of opisthonotal setae are given in Table 2.

Distribution. Artvin, Turkey.

Etymology. The new speciesisnamed after itslocality which isKackar Mountains( Turkey).

Diagnosis. The new species Zercon kackaricus sp. n. is closely related to Z. colligans BERLESE, 1920 and Z. hispanicus SELLNICK, 1958 ( BERLESE 1920, SELLNICK 1958). The distinguishing characters among the three related species of the genus Zercon are given in Table 3.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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