Rhoptobaris obrieni Prena, 2012

Prena, Jens, 2012, A Review of RhoptobarisLeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae) from North and Central America, The Coleopterists Bulletin 66 (3), pp. 233-244 : 240-241

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/072.066.0309

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scientific name

Rhoptobaris obrieni Prena

sp. nov.

Rhoptobaris obrieni Prena View in CoL , new species ( Figs. 9, 10 View Figs )

Diagnosis. Rhoptobaris obrieni has the antennal club much shorter than the funicle, whereas all known congeners have a noticeably elongate club. The species is on average smaller and, because of its inconspicuous setae, appears shiny black even under the microscope.

Description. As in the generic description above, with the following specific character states: Rostrum moderately and rather evenly curved, 1.06–1.13X (male) or 1.06–1.18X (female) longer than pronotum, male lateroventrally with row of erect setae, female without; antennal club approximately as long as distal 3 desmomeres together; elytral interstriae with 1 row of small, slender, white or light brown, decumbent setae set in minute pores; prosternum slightly tumescent in front of coxae, without median depression; tibia dorsally with appressed setae, ventrodistal spine distinct and projecting beyond distal setae; sclerolepidia projecting, peg-like; female with pygidium (tergite VII) slightly wider than long; body of aedeagus ca. 2.3X longer than wide; total body length 2.1– 2.6 mm, width 0.9–1.2 mm.

Distribution. This species is known from Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Biology. Unknown.

Etymology. The name is a patronym given in honor of Dr. Charles W. O’ Brien who provided the specimens of the type series and recognized the species as possibly belonging to Rhoptobaris .

Material Examined. Holotype: male, labeled “MEXICO, Mor., 10 mi. / S. Cuernavaca 3700′/ Aug. 14, 1974 C.W. & L./ O’ Brien & Marshall”, “ HOLOTYPE / Rhoptobaris / obrieni Prena ” ( California Academy of Sciences , currently as a long-term loan in CWOB) . Paratypes (2 males, 2 females): EL SALVADOR: Sonsonate Dep., 17 mi E Acajutla , 8.vi.1974, 1 male ( CWOB). HONDURAS: El Paraíso Dep., El Zamorano, E.A.P., 25.vii.1977, C.W. & L. O’ Brien & B. Marshall ,

2 females ( CWOB 2 ). MEXICO: Morelos, 10 mi S Cuernavaca , 14.viii.1974, C.W. & L. O’ Brien & B. Marshall , 1 female ( CWOB 1 ) .













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