Atopida westlandensis, Kiałka & Ruta, 2022

Kiałka, Agata & Ruta, Rafał, 2022, Revision of Atopida White, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea: Scirtidae), Zootaxa 5174 (4), pp. 401-443 : 436

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5174.4.6

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Atopida westlandensis

sp. nov.

Atopida westlandensis sp. nov.

( Figs 2O–P View FIGURE 2 , 5 View FIGURE 5 AA–BB, 8O, 10O, 16D, 17G)

Type material. Holotype, male ( CMNC): “ N. Zealand, WD \ Westland N. P. \ Franz Josef Glacier \ Jan. 2, 1984 \ L. Masner ”; paratype, male ( CMNC): same data as holotype; 1 male ( CMNC): “ N. Zealand, WD \ Lake Mahinapua \ 10km S. Hokitiwa \ Dec. 30, 1983 \ L. Masner ”; 3 females ( LUNZ): “ NEW ZEALAND, WD \ Westland NP \ L. Wombat track \ 180-240 m \ 11.i.1982 ”, “ J.W. Early \ swept ferns in \ podocarp/broad \ leaf forest”.

Diagnosis. Body moderately big (TL 4.2–4.9 mm), central portion of pronotal disc with normal, not granulate punctation in males, and almost impunctate in females, dorsum covered with erect setae. Penis similar like in A. montana , bursal sclerite with paired elongated triangular sclerites.

Description. Male. Body elongated, medium sized (TL 4.2–4.9 mm), convex. Body yellowish brown, elytra often with dark suture. Punctation on head and pronotum granulate, strong and dense, punctures doughnut-shaped, touching each other, punctation flattened and sparse in central portion of disc, separated by ca. 0.5 diameter; punctation on elytra simple, coarse, punctures separated by ca. 0.5× diameter of a puncture. Body covered with long, erect setae. Supraantennal ridges well-marked, elevated. Pronotum widest slightly before middle, sides bisinuate, anterolateral angles produced outwards, pointed, triangular, posterolateral angles right angled.Elytra without carinae, humeri well-marked. Ventrite 5 with regularly rounded apex. Penis (L 0.76 mm, W 0.29 mm) moderately elongated, trigonium narrow, rectangular, with rounded apex and parallel sides, slightly shorter than parameroids; parameroids elongated, apices pointing outwards, covered with numerous punctures, inner edge slightly crenulate; pala triangular, about the same length as parameroids. Tegmen (L 0.63 mm, W 0.41 mm) moderately wide, rectangular, parameres slightly tapered, subtriangular, with scarce punctures and very few delicate setae on the inner edge.

Female. Body relatively large (TL 4.80–4.85 mm), brachypterous. Supraantennal ridges well-marked, elevated. Central portion of pronotal disc smooth, with only sparse punctures, punctures separated by ca. 4.0× diameter of a puncture, interspaces with subtle secondary punctation, consisting of minute punctures, punctation of elytra coarser than in males, punctures separated by 0.3× diameter of a puncture. Base of elytra with concavity fitting pronotum but not as well developed as in A. villosa . Ventrite 5 subtriangular, with semicircularly emarginated apex. Lateral portions of ventrite 4 with rather big, oval setal patches. Bursal sclerite with two triangular sclerites (L 0.17 mm) consisting of two small sclerites hooked in posterior portion.

Measurements and ratios. Males (n = 3) TL 4.15–4.90 mm (4.62 mm), PL 0.75–1.0 mm (0.87 mm), PW 1.15–1.55 mm (1.40 mm), EL 3.35–4.0 mm (3.77 mm), EW 1.95–2.35 mm (2.17 mm), TL/EW 2.09–2.18 (2.16), PW/PL 1.53–1.76 (1.65), EL/EW 1.68–1.82 (1.77), EL/PL 3.95–4.71 (4.59), EW/PW 1.47–1.70 (1.58). Females (n = 2) TL 4.80–4.85 mm (4.83 mm), PL 0.90–0.95 mm (0.93 mm), PW 1.60–1.65 mm (1.63 mm), EL 3.85–3.90 mm (3.88 mm), EW 2.30 mm, TL/EW 2.09–2.11 (2.10), PW/PL 1.74–1.78 (1.76), EL/EW 1.67–1.70 (1.68), EL/PL 4.05–4.33 (4.19), EW/PW 1.39–1.44 (1.42).

Distribution. Restricted to Westland area of South Island ( Fig. 18L View FIGURE 18 ).

Etymology. Specific epithet refers to the area where the species occurs—Westland area of South Island.


Lincoln University Entomology Research Museum















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