Ptychoderes callosus Jekel, 1855

Mermudes, José Ricardo M. & Napp, Dilma Solange, 2006, Revision and cladistic analysis of the genus: Ptychoderes Schoenherr, 1823 (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae, Ptychoderini), Zootaxa 1182 (1), pp. 1-130 : 51-54

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.1182.1.1

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scientific name

Ptychoderes callosus Jekel, 1855


Ptychoderes callosus Jekel, 1855

Figs. 54, 73, 87, 101, 115, 138–141, 221, 234, 260, 267

Ptychoderes callosus Jekel, 1855: 54 ; Gemminger & Harold, 1872: 2722 (cat.); Bovie, 1906: 219 (cat.); Wolfrum, 1929: 6 (cat.); Rheinheimer, 2004: 10 (cat.).

Ptychoderes callosa [sic]; Blackwelder, 1947: 765 (cat.).

Male. Vestiture ( Fig. 221): pale dorsal vitta with dense, appressed, whitish scales, intermingled with decumbent light­olivaceous­green to pale scales denser at sides of pronotum, elytral interstriae 1, 2 and 4, apical declivity and epipleura. Pygidium with predominance of olivaceous­green scales. Ventral body surface and legs clothed with dense, appressed, whitish scales, except pro­ and mesosternum sparsely pilose; sides of prosternum, below lateral carina, with dark vitta of blackish­brown scales narrowed posteriorly, and interrupted by whitish scales running along pleural suture. Sides of mesosternum with large, glabrous vitta. Anterior angles of ventrites with almost rounded spots of blackish­brown scales, surrounded or not with olivaceous­green or pale scales. Mesepisternum with sparse, coarse setigerous punctures, each provided with a brownish scale, the punctures shallower on metepisternum and sides of metasternum. Outer surface of meso­ and metafemora with two spots of blackish­brown scales. Tarsomeres I with a dorsal spot of blackish brown scales at base.

Rostrum 1.2–1.8 times as long as wide across base. Distance between scrobe and eyes from shorter to about half maximum width of eye. Sides looking tricarinate because of careniform upper margin of scrobe; carinae elongate, suboblique, weakly prominent near scrobal margin; impressed between carinae, more so near eyes. Scrobes careniform at dorsal and basal margins; extension shallow, wide and irregular with deep distal pit slightly wider than extension. Mentum finely, sparsely punctate, slightly impressed at sides and shallowly grooved at apical margin. Gula with sparse, fine punctures. Frons almost flat with prominent carinae.

Antennae ( Fig. 221) from short, reaching elytral basal third, to longer than body exceeding elytral apex by two club segments. Segments II–VI increasing in length, VII–IX decreasing; IX about 3 times as long as X; XI about twice as long as X (II = 0.4–1.8; III = 0.6–2.7; IV = 0.7–3.7; V = 0.6–3.9; VI = 0.5–4.2; VII = 0.6–3.9; VIII = 0.4–3.5; IX = 0.6–2.9; X = 0.4–0.9; XI = 0.7–1.6).

Prothorax ( Figs. 221, 260) longer than wide; sides slightly converging anteriorly from antebasal carina. Pronotal depression deep, divided by a prominent, more or less transverse, median tubercle reaching lateral margins of depression. Pronotum evidently rugose throughout, less so at sides near lateral carina. Antebasal carina interrupted at middle (subequal to twice width of carina), oblique towards lateral carina. Lateral carina slightly sinuous. Secondary carina straight, widely interrupted at middle, reaching lateral carina. Laterobasal carina not reaching posterior margin of prothorax. Prosternum ( Fig. 260) weakly raised, almost flat, with moderately coarse, shallow, sparse punctures; antecoxal furrow shallow, sinuous, strongly curved in front of procoxae, with developed, subtriangular prosternal projection at middle not interrupting furrow. Mesosternum with moderately coarse, shallow, irregularly sparse punctures, with deep, irregular, transverse impression near intercoxal process. Intercoxal process of mesosternum with longitudinal impression progressively deeper from apex to base, slightly swollen at lateral and apical margins, without lateroapical projections. Elytra about twice as long as wide across humeri; impressed along basal two thirds of interstria 2, convex at apical third; basal gibbosities weakly prominent; surface rugose from base to behind middle, more evidently at base, less so near suture. Sides slightly convergent apically from basal third. Anteapical tubercles ( Fig. 234) prominent, rounded, interstriae 3, 5, 7 and 9 feebly swollen. Wings with radial cell.

Abdomen. Ventrite I with developed setiferous patch, varying from almost round to suboval, more evidently rounded at posterior half, and clothed with dense, erect, moderately long, yellowish pubescence; intercoxal process deeply grooved. Ventrite V emarginate at apex, lateroapical angles slightly projected, almost rounded. Pygidium ( Fig. 54) slightly wider than long, subconvex at anterior half, with short groove to fit elytra; apical margin rounded­truncate.

Terminalia. Tergite VIII ( Fig. 73) as wide as long, subparallel at sides, rounded at apex; sternite VIII ( Fig. 87) convergent at sides, apical margin emarginate with distinct lobes, apodeme triangular and membranous; apodeme of sternite IX ( Fig. 101) 4.6 times as long as arms. Tegmen ( Fig. 115) rounded at apex. Aedeagus ( Figs. 138–141) with arc between apodemes; tectum ( Fig. 139) curved at proximal margin, sides acuminate apically from middle; pedon ( Figs. 138, 140) with body slightly curved, narrowed apically, apex weakly pigmented and acuminate; apodemes slightly curved. Internal sac about as long as aedeagus, spiculated medially; lateral membrane with pigmented rods; median sclerites strongly sclerotized and narrow ( Fig. 141).

Female. Rostrum slightly shorter, 1.1–1.2 times as long as wide across base. Antennae shorter, exceeding middle of prothorax; segment XI longest (II = 0.5–0.7; III = 0.4–0.7; IV = 0.5–0.8; V = 0.4–0.8; VI = 0.4–0.6; VII = 0.4–0.7; VIII = 0.3–0.4; IX = 0.5–0.8; X = 0.4–0.7; XI = 0.6–0.9). Elytra more convex. Pygidium strongly impressed at middle near apex. Ventrite V less emarginate at apex. Terminalia similar to that of P. mixtus , differing by tergite VIII emarginate at apex; gland of spermatheca not observed.

Measurements in mm, male/female, respectively. TL = 10.7–22.8/13.3–20.7; RL = 1.4–4.1/1.6–2.7; RAW = 1.3–2.7/1.7–2.5; RBW = 1.1–2.2/1.4–2.1; HW = 1.7–3.2/ 2.0–3.0; DSO = 0.5–1.9/0.6–0.9; MLO = 0.9–1.8/1.1–1.7; PL =3.0–6.7/3.5–5.8; PW = 2.8–5.7/3.4–5.3; EL = 6.8–14.8/8.8–13.7; EW = 3.4–6.8/4.2–6.8.


P. callosus is the sister group of P. rugicollis , by having a rounded tubercle at halfway of elytral apical declivity, between the interstriae 3 and 9 (31 3), and lateral membrane with pigmented rods in the distal region of the internal sac (43 1). P. callosus differs by the olivaceous­green scales of the dorsal vestiture, and the prosternal furrow with a developed subtriangular projection at middle. In P. rugicollis , the scales are brownish, and the prosternal furrow narrow with a tiny median projection.

Ptychoderes callosus is similar to P. brevis mainly by the dorsal vestiture with olivaceous­green scales, differing by the almost flat prosternum with moderately coarse, shallow, sparse punctures; antecoxal furrow from slightly deep to shallow, sinuous, strongly curved in front of procoxae, and with a developed, subtriangular projection at middle; elytra with basal gibbosities weakly raised, anteapical tubercles prominent, and interstriae 3–9 slightly swollen. In P. brevis , the prosternum is raised with dense, deep, coarse punctures; the antecoxal furrow straight, deep, without projection at middle; and the elytra with prominent basal gibbosities, without anteapical tubercles and interstriae not swollen.

Type material

Three female syntypes from Cayenne, French Guiana ( MNHN) were examined. The three specimens set on a single label fixed at the bottom of the box, written: “ Callosus Jek., Ins. Saunders., Cayenne” .

Distribution ( Fig. 267)

COLOMBIA, FRENCH GUIANA, PERU, BOLIVIA and BRAZIL (Amapá, Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, Pará, Ceará, Mato Grosso, Goiás, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina). Rheinheimer (2004) records P. callosus also from GUIANA and VENE ZUELA .

Material examined

COLOMBIA. 1 M, R . Bunch leg. ( BMNH). FRENCH GUIANA. Cayenne, 1 F, Bar leg. (Bowring 63 47*) ( BMNH) . PERU. Huanuco: Tingo Maria (800 m), 1 M, VIII . 1971 (at light) C. & M. Vardy leg. (B. M. 1971–533) ( BMNH), Rio Huallaga , 650–800 m, 1 M, Dirings leg. ( MZSP) . BRAZIL. 2 F, Bates leg. (Bowring 63 47*) ( BMNH). Amapá: Oiapoque ( Res. Indígena Manga ), 1 F , X.1980, Magno leg. ( MNRJ); Porto Grande (assentamento – Nova Colina ), 1 F , I.2001, Magno leg. ( MNRJ); Serra do Navio , 1 F, XII .1987, Magno & Costa leg. ( Assentamento ), 1 F , X.1996, Magno leg. ( MNRJ). Acre: Rio Branco, 2 M, 3 F, Oliveira leg. ( MNRJ). Rondônia: Forte Príncipe da Beira , 10 M, 19 F, XI .1961, Oliveira leg. ( DZUP, MNRJ); Ouro Preto d’Oeste , 1 F , X.1987, Elias leg. ( MNRJ), 1 M, 2 F , X.1980, Roppa, Seabra & Becker leg., 1 M, 2 F, X.1983, Becker, Roppa & Silva leg., 11 M, 14 F, X.1986, Roppa, Becker, Silva leg. ( MNRJ); Pimenta Bueno , 2 F , X.1986, Roppa, Magno & Becker leg. ( MNRJ); Porto Velho (Guaporé), 1 M, 3 F, XI .1954, Pereira, Werner, Dente, Alvarenga leg. ( MZSP), 2 M, 3 F , X.1954 (no leg.), 1 F, XI .1954, Ferreira, Werner, Dente, Alvarenga leg. ( MNRJ); Vilhena , 4 M, 8 F, XII .1986, 2 M, 1 F, I.1987, Elias leg. (Proj. Polonoroeste) ( DZUP, MZSP). Amazonas: Aripuanã (Cidade Humboldt), 1 F, III .1977, Dias leg.. ( INPA); Benjamin Constant , 1 M, XI .1960, Schneider leg. ( DZUP), 2 F, IX.1955, 3 F, IX.1960, Pereira leg., 2 F, IX.1955, Lima leg., 1 F, X.1956, Oliveira leg. ( MNRJ), ( Rio Javari ), 1 F, VII .1956, 1 M, I.1960, 2 M, 2 F,

VIII.1960, 10 M, 13 F, X.1960, 2 M, 2 F, XI.1960, 1 M, 2 F, XII.1960, 1 F, II.1961, 2 M, 1 F, III.1961, 6 M, 8 F, IX.1961, 24 M, 30 F, X.1961, 4 M, 4 F, XII.1961, 1 F, I.1962, 1 M, III.1962, 1 F, IX.1962, 2 F, X.1962, 4 M, 4 F, XI.1962, 4 M, 4 F, XII.1962, 3 M, 6 F, I.1963, 1 F, IV.1963, 1 M, IX.1963, 1 F, X.1963, 2 M, 1 F, XII.1963, 1 M, IV.1964, 2 F, XI.1966, 1 F, XI.19[?], Dirings leg. ( MZSP); Lago Acará, Borba , 1 F , XI.1943, Parko leg. ( MNRJ); Manaus ( Sitio Vieiralves ), 2 M, 2 F , XII.1955, Elias & Roppa leg. ( MNRJ); Maturacá ( Rio Negro ), 2 F, I.1963 , Bechyné leg. ( MPEG), ( ATS Jatahy , AH 010– KM 45 ), 1 M , III.1982 (no leg.) ( INPA) ; São Paulo de Olivença ( Rio Solimões ), 1 F , XI.1960, 4 F, XII.1960, Dirings leg. ( MZSP). Tabatinga. 1 F (compared with type), X.1956 , Oliveira leg., 1 M, IV.1978, Pereira leg. ( MNRJ). Pará: Altamira ( Rio Xingu ), 1 F , XII.1963, Dirings leg. ( MZSP); Belém , 1 F , XII.1961, Bechyné leg. ( MPEG); Pascodivelas (?), 1 M , XI.1982, França leg. ( MPEG); Óbidos , 1 M, X.1953 , 1 F, XI.1956, Oliveira leg., (Colônia Rio Branco ), 2 M, 2 F , XII.1952, Teles leg. ( MNRJ), ( Traira ), 2 M, X.1961 , Dirings leg. ( MZSP); Tucuruvi (right margin), 1 M , III.1979, Overal leg., 1M, III.1979, Neto leg. ( MPEG); Ceará: Carquejo , 1 F , II.1963, Dirings leg. ( MZSP). Mato Grosso: Barra do Bugres. 1 F , XI.1983, Silva, Becker & Roppa leg. ( MNRJ); Chapada dos Guimarães , 1 F , XII.1983, Exp. DZUP – Polonoroeste leg. ( DZUP); Diamantino (Alto Rio Arinos, Faz. São João ), 2 M, 2 F, X.1983 , Becker, Roppa & Silva leg. ( MNRJ); Pontes e Lacerda , 1 M, X.1998 , Roppa, Magno & Becker leg. ( MNRJ); Sinop (12°31’S, 55°37’W, BR 163 , Km 500–600, 350 m), 5 M, X.1973 GoogleMaps , 19 M, 7 F, IX.1974, 8 M, 1 F, X.1975, 3 M, 1 F, IX.1976, Alvarenga & Roppa leg. ( MNRJ), ( Faz. Teles ), 5 M, 3 F, X.1974 , 3 M, 1 F, X.1976, Silva leg. ( MNRJ). Goiás: Mineiros , 1 M, 1 F, X.1994 , Magno leg. ( MNRJ); Rio Verde , 1 M , XII.1945 ( MZSP) . Rio de Janeiro : Itatiaia, 1 F, I.1968 , Dirings leg. ( MZSP). São Paulo: Franca , 2 M, 2 F , XII.1902, Dreher leg. ( MZSP); Indiana , 1 F , XII.1943, Pohl leg. ( MZSP), 1 M, XII.1934, 5 M, 1 F, I.1935, (no leg.) ( MNRJ) ; Porto Cabral, 1 M, Travassos, Carrera, Dente leg. ( MZSP). Paraná: Matelândia , 1 F , II.1962 ( DZUP) ; Rolândia, 1 M (compared with type), 1 F, XI.1949, 1 M, 3 F, VII.1954, 1 F, XI.1956, Dirings leg. ( MZSP), 1 M, XI.1953, Maller leg. ( MNRJ). Santa Catarina: Timbó , 1 M, 3 F , XI.1963, Dirings leg. ( MZSP). BOLIVIA. Beni: Rurrenabaque (175m), 1 M, X.1996 , L. Peña leg. ( ACMB). Cochabamba: Chapare ( Chipiri ), 1 F , IV.1945, Martinez leg. ( MZSP). Santa Cruz: Província Sara ( Nueva Moka ), 1 F , III.1950, Martinez leg. ( MZSP); 4–6 km SSE Buena Vista (Fauna & Flora Hotel), 2 M, I.2004 , Robin Clarke leg. ( ACMB, MZSP), 2 M, X.2004 , Wappes & Clarke leg. ( ACMB, MZSP), 1 F, I.2004 , 1 F, X.2004, Robin Clarke leg. ( ACMB).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi














Ptychoderes callosus Jekel, 1855

Mermudes, José Ricardo M. & Napp, Dilma Solange 2006

Ptychoderes callosa

Blackwelder, R. E. 1947: 765

Ptychoderes callosus

Rheinheimer, J. 2004: 10
Wolfrum, P. 1929: 6
Bovie, A. 1906: 219
Gemminger, M. & Harold, E. 1872: 2722
Jekel, H. 1855: 54
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