Anillinus chandleri Sokolov, 2011

Harden, Curt W. & Caterino, Michael S., 2024, Systematics and biogeography of Appalachian Anillini, and a taxonomic review of the species of South Carolina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Anillini), ZooKeys 1209, pp. 69-197 : 69-197

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.125897

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scientific name

Anillinus chandleri Sokolov, 2011


Anillinus chandleri Sokolov, 2011 View in CoL

Figs 21 A, B View Figure 21 , 24 A View Figure 24 , 25 C View Figure 25 , 28 B, E View Figure 28 , 29 View Figure 29

Anillinus chandleri Sokolov, 2011: 11. View in CoL

Material examined.

Holotype male ( USNM), glued to card, genitalia mounted on clear plastic slide pinned beneath specimen, labeled: “ USA: SC: Edge. Co. Ft. Sumter Nat. For. Jct. Rds. 235 & 199 ” “ VII- 8-1987 RMReeves, sift forest litter ” “ Anillinus sp. det Bell ” “ HOLOTYPE Anillinus chandleri sp. n. Sokolov des. 2009 ”

Other material

(n = 20, CUAC, CWHc, NCSU, UGCA). USA • South Carolina • 1 ♂; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek ; 34.1352, - 82.3250; 12 Jan. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; CWH- 068, CUAC 000168267 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♀; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek ; 34.1356, - 82.3238; 15 Mar. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; CWH- 151 and CWH- 152, CUAC 000153578 About CUAC and CUAC 000153579 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; same data as previous; CWHc GoogleMaps ; • 4 ♂, 4 ♀; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek ; 34.1350, - 82.3239; 15 Mar. to 16 Jul. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; CWHc GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, off Cedar Springs Road ; 34.1086, - 82.3390; 25 Sep. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; CWH- 266, CUAC 000168266 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♀; Lexington Co.; West Columbia ; 34.001, - 81.064; 10 Mar. 1991; J. C. Ciegler leg.; CUAC 000153575 About CUAC and CUAC 000153576 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂, 2 ♀; Newberry Co.; Little Mountain ; 34.188, - 81.408; 8 Dec. 2007; J. F. and S. Cornell leg.; NCSU GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♀; Richland Co.; Ballentine ; 34.120, - 81.236; 5 Nov. 2006; J. C. Ciegler leg.; CUAC 000153574 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Union Co.; Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory ; 34.5866, - 81.6472; 26 Sep. 2016; R. Carrera-Martinez leg.; UGCA GoogleMaps .

Literature records.

The species was described from the male holotype only and has not been subsequently reported.


This is one of the largest species of Anillinus in South Carolina (Fig. 28 B View Figure 28 ), and that combined with the effaced microsculpture from the forebody distinguishes it from nearly all other known species in the state. There are two undescribed valentinei - group species that approach the size of A. chandleri , but both differ in the form of male genitalia. The median lobe of A. chandleri is distinctive: long and strongly twisted dorsally from the plane of basal lobes, strongly constricted proximally, and expanded distally, internal sac with a dense group of large dark spines surrounding the long flagellum in repose (Fig. 28 E View Figure 28 ).

Variation noted.

ABL = 1.89–2.26 mm, average = 2.11 ± 0.11 mm. Males (2.11–2.26 mm) larger than females (1.89–2.17 mm). The shape of the pronotum is variable, especially the relative width (PW / EW = 0.78–0.84). The proximal constriction of the median lobe is wider in the specimen from Union Co. than in other specimens studied. The number of spines in the internal sac is also variable, but the size and shape of the flagellum is constant. The ring sclerite (Fig. 24 A View Figure 24 ), not described previously, is relatively large (RL / ABL = 0.34) and oval, asymmetrically narrowed anteriorly.

Description of female genitalia.

Spermatheca (Fig. 21 A, B View Figure 21 ) broadly curved, gradually enlarged distally, proximally with abrupt perpendicular angulation. Spermathecal duct long and tightly coiled. Bursa with conspicuously sclerotized folds.


Although known only from South Carolina, this species has a larger range than most members of the valentinei group, from Abbeville and Edgefield Cos. east to Columbia and north to Union Co. (Fig. 29 View Figure 29 ).


At Long Cane Creek in Abbeville Co., SC, A. chandleri has been collected with A. dentatus , A. jancae and S. dunavani . Anillinus sp. “ South Carolina, Long Cane ”, an undescribed and apparently recently diverged member of the valentinei group, also occurs at Long Cane Creek. At Little Mountain, A. chandleri has been collected with S. monadnock .

Natural history.

Most of the material we have seen was collected from deep soil habitats. Several large litter samples collected from Long Cane Creek at various seasons (January, February, March, July, September) failed to produce specimens. Several specimens collected by J. Ciegler were sifted from litter, as were the holotype and the specimen from Union Co. The Union Co. site, the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, contains habitats that are an extreme example of highly eroded Piedmont forests, due to poor historical agricultural practices. The apparent persistence of a blind, flightless beetle such as A. chandleri at such a site is notable.


Two undescribed species related to A. chandleri are discussed below.

Anillinus sp. “ South Carolina, Long Cane ”

Figs 28 C, F View Figure 28 , 29 View Figure 29

Material examined (n = 2, CUAC). USA • South Carolina • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek   GoogleMaps ; 34.1095, - 82.3397; 5 May 2023; C. W. Harden leg.; CWH- 516 and CWH- 517, CUAC 000182318 About CUAC and CUAC 000182319 About CUAC .

GenBank: OR 853246, OR 839276, OR 839722, OR 837938, OR 838268, OR 853245, OR 839275, OR 839723, OR 837939.

Diagnosis. Large (ABL of male = 2.13 mm), dorsoventrally flattened and parallel-sided (Fig. 28 C View Figure 28 ). The median lobe of the aedeagus is similar to A. chandleri except it is not constricted basally, the ventral margin is less curved, the flagellum is shorter, and the spines in the internal sac are fewer and smaller (Fig. 28 F View Figure 28 ).

Notes. The two specimens were collected together underneath the same large rock. Several previous collecting visits to the same locality had produced specimens of A. chandleri , S. dunavani , and A. cf. jancae . The DNA sequences from the two specimens of A. “ South Carolina, Long Cane ” are nearly identical to those of A. chandleri , despite the apparent sympatry (Fig. 29 View Figure 29 ) and morphological distinctiveness of the male genitalia.

Anillinus sp. “ South Carolina, Waldrop Stone ”

Figs 2 M View Figure 2 , 28 A, D View Figure 28 , 29 View Figure 29

Material examined (n = 4, CUAC). USA • South Carolina • 1 ♀; Oconee Co.; Martin Creek   GoogleMaps landing; 34.638, - 82.866; 12 Apr. 2022; C. W. Harden leg.; Under large rock; CUAC 000170070 About CUAC , CWH- 440; • 1 ♀; Oconee Co.; Martin Creek   GoogleMaps landing; 34.6389, - 82.8663; 26 May 2022; C. W. Harden leg.; Underside of large rock after heavy rain; CUAC 000170071 About CUAC , CWH- 447; • 1 ♂; Pickens Co.; Clemson Forest, Waldrop Stone Falls   GoogleMaps . 34.7385, - 82.8252; 4 Aug. 2018; M. Caterino leg.; CUAC 000109295 About CUAC , CWH- 433; • 1 ♀; Pickens Co.; Chimneytop Gap   GoogleMaps ; 35.0630, - 82.7969; 21 Mar. 2023; C. W. Harden leg.; CUAC 000066900 About CUAC , CWH- 489.

GenBank: OR 853159, OR 839217, OR 839704, OR 837929, OR 838097, OR 838264, OR 853160, OR 839218, OR 839673, OR 837920, OR 838081, OR 839219, OR 839353.

Diagnosis. A large (ABL = 2.10–2.53 mm) and unusually setose member of the valentinei group (Fig. 28 A View Figure 28 ). The armature of the internal sac as well as the shape of the flagellum are similar to those of A. chandleri , but the median lobe lacks the pronounced proximal constriction characteristic of that species (Fig. 28 D View Figure 28 ).

Notes. Repeated attempts to collect additional specimens of this species at Waldrop Stone Falls have been unsuccessful. The individuals from Martin Creek Landing and Chimneytop Gap are all female, so their association is tentative and mostly based on DNA sequence data. The individual from Chimneytop Gap (Fig. 2 M View Figure 2 ) is smaller (2.10 mm) than the specimens collected near Clemson (2.47 and 2.53 mm), is divergent in DNA sequences from those specimens, and could represent a different species. With scattered material, only one male, and the allopatric distribution with respect to A. chandleri (Fig. 29 View Figure 29 ), the support for our hypothetical distinctiveness of this species is not strong. Further sampling and collection of additional males, and perhaps more extensive molecular data, are required to clarify the status of this species and A. sp. “ South Carolina, Long Cane. ”


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Clemson University Arthropod Collection


North Carolina State University Insect Museum














Anillinus chandleri Sokolov, 2011

Harden, Curt W. & Caterino, Michael S. 2024

Anillinus chandleri

Sokolov IM 2011: 11