Derris entadoides (Z. Wei) Z.Q. Song, 2022

Song, Zhuqiu & Pan, Bo, 2022, Transfer of Millettia pachycarpa and M. entadoides to Derris (Fabaceae), supported by morphological and molecular data, Phytotaxa 531 (3), pp. 230-248 : 237-238

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.531.3.4


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Derris entadoides (Z. Wei) Z.Q. Song

comb. nov.

1. Derris entadoides (Z. Wei) Z.Q. Song , comb. nov.

Millettia entadoides Z. Wei (1985: 278 , fig. 7). Type: — CHINA. Yunnan, Chen-Kang Hsien [Zhenkang County], mountain slope, 1500 m, March 1936, Chi-Wu Wang 72150 (holotype: PE, not seen; isotypes: A00283892!, KUN0645004!, LBG00094202!) .

Liana large, climbing. Stems cylindric, dark brown, densely scattered with brown lenticels, pithy inside; young shoots yellow tomentose, glabrescent when mature. Stipules ovate-triangular, ca. 2 × 2.5 mm, rounded to acute at apex. Leaves imparipinnate, 9–13-foliolate (usually 11), juvenile at anthesis, reddish when young; rachis 9.7–21.6 cm long, including petiole 5.1–11.6 cm long; leaflet blades oblanceolate to oblong, 4.5–12.8 × 1.5–4.6 cm (ratio usually 2–4), papery to subleathery, glabrous above, appressed puberulent to glabrescent and glaucous beneath, acuminate at apex, cuneate to rounded at base; lateral veins 9–12 on each side of midvein, obvious, looped near margin; petiolules 5.5–6.5 mm long; stipels usually not persistent even on young leaves but occasionally present. Pseudoracemes 5–15 cm long, usually inserted in the leafless axil of leaf on the lower part of branchlets of current year; rachis appressed tawny hairy; brachyblasts distinct, wart-like or knob-like, up to 4 mm long and 1.5 mm wide on the lower part of the inflorescence, with 3–5 flowers on the top of each brachyblast; bracts inserted at base of brachyblasts and pedicels; bracteoles 2, inserted at the base of calyx. Flowers pink, ca. 1.3 cm long; pedicels 0.4–0.6 cm long, appressed tawny hairy; calyx campanulate, green at first and then becoming dark red, 4-lobed, with very short calyx lobes, pubescent outside, tube 2.5–3 mm long; standard blade glabrous, suborbicular, 11.0–11.6 × 10.5–11.5 mm, reflexed, emarginate at the apex, with a yellow-green patch and a 2.5–3.0 mm long claw; wing blade glabrous, oblong, 8.7–9.0 × 3.5 mm, with a 3.0– 3.5 mm long claw; keel blade pocketed at side, pubescent on the outer surface at apex, oblong, 8.8–9.0 × 3.8–4.5 mm, with a 3.0– 3.5 mm long claw; stamen 10, monadelphous, 11.5–12.0 mm long, with two small openings (fenestrae) at base; floral disk indistinct; ovary appressed hairy, with 5–6 ovules; style inflexed, glabrous; stigma minutely capitate. Pods compressed at first and becoming inflated with time, slightly to deeply constricted between seeds, 4.2–15.5 × 2.2–5.1 × 2 cm, pubescent, with a distinct beak at apex, without warts outside, usually indehiscent; sutures thickened; fruiting pedicels 0.4–0.6 cm long, ca. 1.5 mm wide. Seeds 1–4, large, dark brown, reniform, 3–3.7 × 2.6–2.8 cm.

Phenology and habitat: —Flowering from March to April, and fruiting from April to next March. The flowers and leaves develop together. It grows in evergreen forests at elevations of 600–1500 m.

Distribution: — China and Thailand. The species is first reported here for the flora of Thailand ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Additional specimens examined.

CHINA. Yunnan: Cangyuan, 16 Jun. 1974, Y. H. Li 12254 (HITBC), 680–700 m, 19 Jun. 1974, Y. H. Li 12352 (HITBC, KUN, SYS); Jiangcheng, 22 Jun. 2011, S. S. Zhou 10147 (HITBC), 846 m, 19 June 2020, D. P. Ye 919 (HITBC); Jinghong, 755 m, 21 Nov. 2006, T. Zhang et al. SCSB-B-000273 (KUN), 1300 m, 1987, G. D. Tao 14594 (HITBC, IBSC), 750 m, 9 Aug. 1977, G. D. Tao 16715 (HITBC), 1000 m, 21 Apr. 1957, Sino-USSR Exped. 8056 (IBSC); Jinggu, 950 m, 6 Aug. 2001, H. Wang 4886 (HITBC, IBSC); Lancang, 1400 m, 21 Oct. 1989, G. D. Tao & X. W. Li 39719 (HITBC); Menghai, 1200 m, 29 Oct. 2012, J. W. Li 2683 (HITBC), 1179 m, 31 Mar. 2021, Z. Q. Song 2021019 (IBSC); Mengla, 900 m, 31 Oct. 1983, Exped. 23833 (HITBC), 963 m, 20 Aug. 2020, Z. Q. Song 202039 (IBSC), cultivation, 19 Aug. 2020, Z. Q. Song 202033 (IBSC); Pu’er, 800–1300 m, 20 September 1955, P. I. Mao 6140 (KUN), 900 m, 14 Aug. 1977, G. D. Tao 17384 (HITBC); Shuangjiang, 1050 m, 13 Nov. 1981, Anonymous 2035 (SWFC); Zhenkang, 1500 m, Mar. 1936, C. W. Wang 72150 (A, KUN, LBG). THAILAND. Chiang Mai: Chiang Dao District, 1400 m, 27 Sep. 1994, W. Nanakorn et al. 1846 (HITBC, IBSC).














Derris entadoides (Z. Wei) Z.Q. Song

Song, Zhuqiu & Pan, Bo 2022

Millettia entadoides

Z. Wei 1985
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