Asaccotrema, Sokolov & Gordeev, 2019

Sokolov, Sergey G. & Gordeev, Ilya I., 2019, Asaccotrema vietnamiense n. gen.; n. sp. (Trematoda: Monorchioidea), a new aberrant representative of lissorchiid trematodes from the sidestripe rasbora, Rasbora paviana Tirant (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae), Vietnam, Zootaxa 4674 (4), pp. 451-462 : 453

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4674.4.4

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Asaccotrema n. gen.

Type species. Asaccotrema vietnamiense n. sp.

Distribution: Recorded only in Vietnam.

Etymology: Greek σάκκΟΣ, sakkos (“sac”) and a negative particle a (“not”) which reflect the absence of cirrussac in the representatives of this genus.

Zoobank Life Science Identifier: (LSID) for Asaccotrema n. gen. is .

Diagnosis: Lissorchiidae . Body elongate-oval. Tegument spinous. Oral and ventral suckers rounded. Pharynx present. Esophagus tubular. Ceca extend to anterior end of testis. Testis single. Cirrus-sac absent. Seminal vesicle saccular proximally and tubular distally, surrounded by prostate gland-cells. Pars prostatica tubular, terminating with sphincter. E jaculatory duct long, unarmed. Terminal portion of cluster of prostate gland-cells covered with thin-walled open-ended membrane. Genital pore dextro-sublateral, at about of midlevel of esophagus. Ovary entire, pretesticular. Muscular ovicapt distinct. Laurer’s canal present. Canalicular seminal receptacle conspicuous, sacсular. Uterus between ventral sucker and posterior end of testis. Metraterm unarmed. Eggs operculate. Vitelline follicles in two small lateral fields, usually in anterior half of hindbody. Excretory vesicle extends to anterior end of testis. Progenetic metacercariae in freshwater fishes; Mainland Southeast Asia.

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