Amara (Curtonotus) brevicollis Chaudoir, 1850

Li, Yihang, Li, Haoyuan & Shi, Hongliang, 2024, Revision of the macropterous subgenus Curtonotus from east China, with the description of a new species (Carabidae, Zabrini, Amara), ZooKeys 1190, pp. 39-73 : 39

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2024-01-23 02:28:57, last updated 2024-11-29 12:24:47)

scientific name

Amara (Curtonotus) brevicollis Chaudoir, 1850


Amara (Curtonotus) brevicollis Chaudoir, 1850 View in CoL

Fig. 6 View Figure 6

Leirus brevicollis Chaudoir, 1850: 151 (type locality: "O. Siberia" [= east Siberia]; holotype in MNHN); Lindroth 1968: 665; Hieke 1999: 170.

Curtonotus transversicollis Putzeys, 1866: 236 (type locality: “Amér. Russe.: Akina" [= Akima, Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia]; syntypes in MNHN); synonymized by Lindroth 1968: 665.

Amara (Curtonotus) kuznetzovi Lutshnik, 1928: 46 (type locality: "See Issyk-kul" [= Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan]; holotype originally in Lutshnik collection, now could be lost); synonymized by Hieke 1999: 170.

Specimens examined.

7 males, 5 females (CBJFU), China, Beijing, Songshan National Nature Reserve , 40.50806°N, 115.79111°E, 778 m, 2013.07.21 ~ 2013.8.10, Bo Liu leg GoogleMaps ; 4 males, 4 females (CBJFU), China, Beijing, Chinese Agricultural University , 2003. 09.14, Ye Liu leg. ; 2 males, 8 females (CBJFU), China, Beijing, Mentougou, Xiaolongmen Forestry Park , date between 2014. VIII-2019.VIII ; 1 male (CBJFU), Beijing, Huairou, Sidaohe , 2017.VI.10-14 ; 1 female (CBJFU), Beijing, Shunyi, Hanshiqiao , 2016.IX.17, Zhu pingzhou leg .; 1 female (CLYH), China, Beijing, Haidian district, Shucun Park , 40.024101°N, 116.305901°E, 45 m, 2021.05, Yihang Li leg. GoogleMaps ; 1 female (CBJFU), China, Jilin, Yanbian, Helong City , 42.5506°N, 128.9951°E, 435 m, 2019.08.02, Yizhou Liu leg. GoogleMaps ; 1 female (CBJFU), China, Heilongjiang, Muleng, Ziping Mt , 2017.07.10, Zhengtong Wang leg. ; 2 males, 1 female (CBJFU), China, Qinghai, Qilian County, Babao Township , 38.1804°N, 100.2454°E, 2727 m, 2019.08.16, Weifeng Yan leg. GoogleMaps , 1 male (CBJFU), China, Qinghai, Menyuan county, Xianmi, Taihua village , 37.2329°N, 102.1135°E, 2784 m, 2017.07.15, Pingzhou Zhu leg. GoogleMaps ; 2 females (CLYH), China, Gansu, Lanzhou, Yuzhong, Lanzhou University , 35.942353°N, 104.158454°E, 2022.09.22, Hanyu Yu leg. GoogleMaps

Chinese common name.



Medium-sized species, BL = 9.5-12.5 mm; dorsal surface dark brown, legs yellowish brown; head relatively large,> 1/2 pronotum maximum width; head with two supraorbital setae. Pronotum (Fig. 6B View Figure 6 ) transverse, widest near middle; finely and densely punctate through basal and mid-anterior regions; lateral margins usually shallowly sinuate before posterior angles; posterior angles usually rectangular or obtuse, less protruded than the previous species. Elytra basal border nearly straight; lateral sides of abdominal sternites sparely wrinkled and punctate. Male mesotibiae projection composed of only one large denticle (Fig. 6C View Figure 6 ): proximal denticle very large, a little beyond midpoint of tibiae, significant dilated; distal denticle absent. Male genitalia with apical lamella (Fig. 6F View Figure 6 ) shorter than the previous species, a little narrowed to apex, apex rounded-triangular; gonocoxite 2 (Fig. 6G View Figure 6 ) of ovipositor elongate, length ~ 2 × greatest width, apex narrowed.


This species is most similar to A. (C.) dux , but different by the absence of pronotum mid-lateral setae, presence of a distinct denticle near middle of male mesotibiae, and much shorter and narrower apical lamella of male genitalia. Besides these above, in most specimens of A. (C.) brevicollis , the pronotum posterior angles are obtuse or nearly rectangular, much less protruded than in A. (C.) dux . However, we also examined a few specimens of A. (C.) brevicollis from north China which has the pronotum outline almost identical to A. (C.) dux .


China (Beijing, Gansu, Guizhou, Hebei, Ningxia, Heilongjiang, Hubei, Jilin, Qinghai, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia), Russia (east Siberia, west Siberia, Far East, South European Territory), Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Europe.

Amara (Curtonotus) macronota species group

This species group includes six Chinese species. They are characterized by the dorsal surface being black or dark brown; head with two supraorbital setae on each side; pronotum mid-lateral setae present; pronotum impunctate or sparsely punctate on anterior portion; male mesotibiae projection varied.

Hieke, F, 1999. Zwei neue Arten und 22 neue Synonyme in der Gattung Amara Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Folia Heyrovskyana 7 (3-4): 151 - 199

Lindroth, CH, 1968. The Ground-beetles (Carabidae, excl. Cicindelinae) of Canada and Alaska Part 5. Opuscula Entomologica (Suppl. 33): 649-944.

Gallery Image

Figure 6. Amara (Curtonotus) brevicollis A dorsal habitus, male (Qilian, Qinghai) B pronotum posterior angle C male mesotibia D lateral view of aedeagus E right paramere F apical lamella G female gonocoxite (Lanzhou, Gansu). Scale bar: 5 mm (A); 1 mm (B-E); 0.5 mm (F, G).















