Theocorys anaclasta Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970

Popova, Irina M., Baumgartner, Peter O., Guex, Jean, Tochilina, Svetlana V. & Glezer, Zoya I., 2002, Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Paleogene deposits of the Russian Platform (Voronesh Anticline), Geodiversitas 24 (1), pp. 7-59 : 49-50

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5375608

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Marcus (2021-08-29 23:15:52, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 19:16:24)

scientific name

Theocorys anaclasta Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970


Theocorys anaclasta Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970 ( Fig. 11G View FIG )

Theocorys anaclasta Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970: 530 , pl. 10, figs 2, 3.

Lamptonium (?) sp. aff. Phormocyrtis cubensis – Kozlova 1999: pl. 35, fig. 14.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. — Atlantic Ocean, tropical zone, Voronesh Anticline.

STRATIGRAPHIC RANGE. — Late early to middle Eocene (Sanfilippo & Riedel 1970; Kozlova 1999); middle to late Eocene (this study).

Theocorys anapographa Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970 ( Fig. 17G View FIG )

Theocorys anapographa Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970: 530 , pl. 10, fig. 4. — Sanfilippo et al. 1985: 683, fig. 24.2.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. — Atlantic Ocean, tropical zone, Voronesh Anticline.

STRATIGRAPHIC RANGE. — Late early to late middle Eocene (Sanfilippo & Riedel 1970); middle to late Eocene (this study).

KOZLOVA G. E. 1999. - Radiolarii paleogene boreal'noi oblasti Rossii [= Paleogene Radiolarians of the Russian Boreal Realm]. Practicheskoe rykovodstvo po microfayne Rossii. VNIGRI, Saint-Petersburg, 9, 320 p.

RIEDEL W. R. & SANFILIPPO A. 1970. - Radiolaria, Leg 4. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 4: 503 - 575.

SANFILIPPO A., WESTBERG- SMITH M. J., & RIEDEL W. R. 1985. - Cenozoic Radiolaria, in BOLLI H. M., SAUNDERS J. B. & PERCH- NIELSEN K. (eds), Plankton Stratigraphy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; New York: 631 - 712.

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FIG. 11. — Middle-early late Eocene Radiolarian association, Pirogovo Village, Well 510C, 44.0 m; A, B, Anthocyrtidium pupa Clark & Campbell, 1942; C, Lophocyrtis aspera (Ehrenberg, 1873); D, Clathrospyris sandellae Goll, 1980; E, Callimitra clavipes (Clark & Campbell, 1945); F, Heterosestrum formosum bispinum (Tochilina, 1972) emend.; G, Theocorys anaclasta Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970; H, Axoprunum visendum (Kozlova, 1966); I, Lophocyrtis ex. gr. Calocyclas semipolita Clark & Campbell, 1942; J, K, Hexacontium sp.; L, Lychnocanium sp. B; M Lophocyrtis norvegiensis (Bjørklund & Kellogg, 1972); N, Lophocyrtis auriculaleporis (Clark & Campbell, 1942); O, Lychnocanium sp. A; P, Desmospyris ex. gr. anthocyrtoides Bütschli, 1882. Scale bar: 100 µm.

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FIG. 17. — Early and middle-late Eocene Radiolarians from different localities; A, Druppatractus polycentrus Clark & Campbell, 1942, o/p 294/4, interval 6.3 m; B, Ellipsostylus anisoxyphos Clark & Campbell, 1942, o/p 294/6, interval 8.3 m; C, Hexacontium pachydermum Jørgensen, 1900, well 510C, interval 44.0 m; D, Heterosestrum formosum trispinum (Tochilina, 1972) emend., well 730C, interval 43.7 m; E, Lithomelissa sp. aff. ehrenbergi Bütschli, 1882, well 510C, interval 40.0 m; F, Euscenarium (?) sp., well 730C, interval 44.3 m; G, Theocorys anapographa Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970, o/p 294/3, interval 5.3 m; H, Periphaena decora Ehrenberg, 1873, well 730C, interval 43.7 m; I, J, Periphaena pentasteriscus (Clark & Campbell, 1942), well 510C, interval 40.0 m; K, Tripocyrtis (?) sp., o/p 294/11, interval 12.8 m; L, Porodiscus charlestonensis Clark & Campbell, 1945, well 510C, interval 44.0 m; M, S, Spongodiscus ex. gr. cruciferus (Clark & Campbell, 1942), well 730C, interval 43.7 m; N, Lithomelissa sp. aff. spongiosa Bütschli, 1882, o/p 294/4, interval 6.3 m; O, Ommatogramma sp. aff. biconstrictus (Lipman, 1953), well 730C, interval 38.8 m; P, Q, Peripyramis magnifica magnifica (Clark & Campbell, 1942), well 730C, interval 43.7 m; R, Prunobrachium (?) sp., well 730C, interval 43.7 m. Scale bar: 100 µm.











