Poa nemoralis L., Sp. Pl. 69. 1753 subsp. nemoralis

Ortega-Olivencia, Ana & Devesa, Juan A., 2018, Updated checklist of Poa in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, PhytoKeys 103, pp. 27-60 : 27

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scientific name

Poa nemoralis L., Sp. Pl. 69. 1753 subsp. nemoralis


6. Poa nemoralis L., Sp. Pl. 69. 1753 subsp. nemoralis

Poa angustifolia var. nemoralis (L.) Huds., Fl. Angl., ed. 2: 41. 1778.

Paneion nemorale (L.) Lunell, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 222. 1915.

Poa nemoralis nemoralis Ill. Portal (2005: 282).


" Habitat in Europa ad radices montium umbrosas" (lectotype designated by Soreng 2000, pg. 255: icon in Scheuschzer, Agrostogr. Helv. Prodr. t. 2, 1708; epitype designated by Soreng and Edmondson in Soreng 2000, pg. 255: BM) .


April to August (November).


Grasslands in shady, usually deciduous forests and in pastures, margins of alpine wetlands ( “borreguiles”) and fissures of rocks; edaphically indifferent; (135) 550-2980 m a.s.l.


Europe, temperate Asia and NW Africa (Morocco); introduced in other parts of the world (e.g. Canada, USA, Patagonia and Guatemala). N half and S third of the Iberian Peninsula. And. Por.: BA DL TM. Spa.: (A) (Ab) Al Av B Bu Ca Cc Cs Cu Ge Gr Gu Hu J L Le Lo Lu M (Ma) Na Or O P S Sa Sg So SS T Te To V Va Vi Z Za.


Poa nemoralis is a polymorphic species with two recognised patterns of variation and numerous transitional forms in the territory encompassed by Flora iberica. The first recognised variety, Poa nemoralis var. Poa nemoralis [ Poa cinerea Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 2: 126. 1787, type: "Il vient au même endroit que le précédent - Poa angustifólia -."; P. debilis Thuill., Fl. Env. Paris ed. 2: 43. 1799, type: "Habitat in pratis"; P. miliacea DC. in Lam. & DC., Fl. France ed. 3, 3: 64. 1805, type: " .. par M. Ramond, qui l’a trouvée dans les Pyrénées; ..."; P. nemoralis var. montana Gaudin, Alpina 3: 27. 1808, type: "In den Wäldern des Jura Ṩ. Bl. im Jun. un Jul."; P. nemoralis subsp. vulgaris Gaudin, Agrost. Helv. 1: 179. 1811, nom. superfl.; P. nemoralis subsp. firmula Gaudin, Agrost. Helv. 1: 181. 1811, type: "In plantici dumetis non rara"; P. nemoralis subsp. coarctata Gaudin, Agrost. Helv. 1: 185. 1811, type: "In aridis apicisque, ad muros etiam alpinis hawd infrequens"; P. nemoralis var. miliacea (DC.) Godr. in Gren. & Godr., Fl. France 3: 541. 1856; P. nemoralis var. eunemoralis Hack. in Briq., Prodr. Fl. Corse 1: 141. 1910, nom. inval.], is widely distributed in the area covered by Flora iberica [And. Por.: BA DL TM. Spa.: Al Av B Bu Ca Cc Cs Cu Ge Gr Gu Hu J L Le Lo Lu M Ma Na Or O P S Sa Sg So SS T Te To V Va Vi Z Za]. This taxon includes plants that are usually green or sometimes glaucous, generally with smooth and flexible stems and with most leaves flat and flexible, linear or linear-lanceolate and erect or erect-patent. The other variety, Poa nemoralis var. rigidula Mert. & W.D.J. Koch, Deutschl. Fl. 1: 617. 1823 [type: "Auf Wiesen, im Gebüsche der Triften, am Saume der Wälder”], is dispersed throughout the region [And. Port.: TM. Spa.: (A) (Ab) Al Av Bu Cc Gr Hu L M Na P S Sg Te Z] and includes plants that are usually glaucous, with rigid and often rough stems and usually convolute leaves that are setaceous, linear or linear-lanceolate, ± rigid and erect. For a representative list of studied materials, see Suppl. material 1.














Poa nemoralis L., Sp. Pl. 69. 1753 subsp. nemoralis

Ortega-Olivencia, Ana & Devesa, Juan A. 2018

Paneion nemorale

Lunell 1915

Poa angustifolia var. nemoralis

Huds 1778