Lathrobium (s. str.) dimidiatipenne Bernhauer,, 1910

Ryvkin, Alexandr B., 2011, On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s. str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 11 (2), pp. 135-170 : 143-144

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13204329

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scientific name

Lathrobium (s. str.) dimidiatipenne Bernhauer,


Lathrobium (s. str.) dimidiatipenne Bernhauer, View in CoL


Lathrobium dimidiatipenne Bernhauer, 1910 View in CoL , Societas Entomologica, 25: 73

Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne View in CoL ; Bernhauer & Schubert, 1912: 258

Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne View in CoL ; Wüsthoff, 1942, Mitteilungen der Münchener Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 32: 586 Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne View in CoL [? pars]; Tichomirova, 1973: 179

Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1976, Revue d’Entomologie de l’URSS, 55(3): 611

Lathrobium dimidiatipenne [? pars]; Kurcheva, 1977: 70

Lathrobium dimidiatipenne View in CoL ; Bordoni, 1980, Frustula Entomologica (Nuova Serie), 2(15): 18 Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne View in CoL ; Coiffait, 1982, Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie. Suppl., 12(4): 367

Lathrobium dimidiatipenne View in CoL ; Gusarov, 1989, Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Seria 3, 1989(3) (17): 8

Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne ; Shavrin, 2007b, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 7(2): 174

Material. ALTAI TERRITORY: 1 female ( AR) : Altai Mts., Chelyush. 17.06.1987. V. V. Belov leg.— 1 male ( AR): Altaiskiy Nature Reserve, Teletskoye Lake , cordon Chiri. 14– 20.06.1987. V. V. Belov leg. KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY: 1 male, 1 female ( AR): Yermakovskiy District, Sayano-Shushenskiy Biosphere Reserve, Yenisei River , Shugur cordon, 550 m a.s.l., litter near rill, among Poaceae gen. sp. etc. 21.05.1989. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 female ( AR): Beryozovskiy District , ‘ Stolby’ Nature Reserve , Mana River near Berly cordon, bank of rill: litter and mosses under Alnus sp .,

Ribes sp. , Matteuccia struthiopteris , etc.; sedge swamps with Filipendula sp. etc. 20.06.1990.

Ryvkin A.B.

A.B.Ryvkin leg.— IRKUTSK AREA: 1 male ( AR): right side of Nizhnyaya Tunguska River near mouth of Yuktakon River, 2 km below Yerbogachen, swampy side of flood-plain lake with Carex acuta , C. rostrata , Acorus calamus (about 400 m off Nizhnyaya Tunguska River). 18, 26.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Irkutsk. 10.10.1969. E.Berlov leg. [‘ Lathrobium (s.str.) ? dimidiatipenne Bh. Shavrin det. 99’]— BURYATIA REPUBLIC: 1 male (AVSh):Tunkinskaya valley, 2 km SW Turan. 21.08.2006.A. V.Shavrin leg. [somewhat damaged by dermestids]— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): Tunkinskaya valley, Malyi Zanginsan River. 24.08.2007. A. V.Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Ilyinka, bank of Selenga River. 01.08.1997. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium (s.str.) ? viduum Epp. det. Shavrin A. 99’]— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): 5 km N of Mostovka, bank of Selenga River. 31.07– 01.08.1997. A.Shavrin leg.

Remarks. Having been originally described from Irkutsk, L. dimidiatipenne is also recorded for N Anatolia ( Coiffait 1982), the Donets Basin, NW Caucasus ( Tichomirova 1976), and the Crimea ( Gusarov 1989). Tichomirova (1976) believed the range of the species had a disjunction from the Caucasus to Eastern Siberia. I do not know any reliable specimens from territories westwards of Ural; all the specimens supposed to be L. dimidiatipenne were in fact either L. tichomirovae Coiffait, 1981 or L. bernhaueri Koch, 1937 ; the new data cited above widen the siberian range of L. dimidiatipenne largely westwards. I do not know this species also from the Far East; the mention by Tichomirova (1973) seems to be based on misidentification and has not been cited in the later paper ( Tichomirova 1976). The citations of this record by the subsequent compilers (Kurcheva 1977; Shavrin 2007), without providing new material, are likely based on the named mistake of the previous author.


Pomor State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Lathrobium (s. str.) dimidiatipenne Bernhauer,

Ryvkin, Alexandr B. 2011

Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne

Tichomirova, A. L. 1973: 179

Lathrobium (s.str.) dimidiatipenne

Bernhauer, M. & K. Schubert 1912: 258
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