Stigmacoccus asper Hempel
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Plazi (2016-04-05 10:33:12, last updated 2024-11-26 05:45:00) |
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Stigmacoccus asper Hempel |
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Stigmacoccus asper Hempel View in CoL
(Fig. 14)
Material studied. BRAZIL, São Paulo, on trunk of Inga sp., 15.xi.1985, I. Foldi ( MNHN, 10370-1): 2/2adɗɗ, one slide with both bodies and other slide with 2 wings; bodies in fair condition but with some body contents still present.
Unmounted material. Not seen.
Mounted material. As in generic description plus: 3.82–4.15 mm long, 0.77–0.81 mm wide across prealare. Body setae short, with both hair-like setae (hs) and hairs (hrs); loculate pores (lp) each 6–8 ųm wide, mainly with 3 loculi, present sparsely on thorax and abdomen.
FIGURE 14. Adult male Stigmacoccus asper Hempel. On this and Figs 15 & 16: A = sclerotisation on antennal segments; B = loculate pores; C = abdominal tubular pores; D = claw; E = bifurcated setae; F = tibio-tarsal articulation; G = abdominal spiracle; H = campaniform sensilla; J = fleshy seta and K = hair-like seta. And, unless otherwise stated, abbreviations for setae and pores are shown on Fig. 15, and all other structures on Fig. 14; where: aed = aedeagus; al = alar lobe; an = anus; anp = anterior notal wing process; as = abdominal sternite; asp = abdominal spiracle; c = claw; ca = cranial apophysis; cdgt = claw digitule; ce = compound eye; cv = cervical sclerite; cx = coxa; dmep = dorsomedial part of epicranium; eph = eversible endophallus; epm3 = metepimeron; eps2 = mesepisternum; eps3 = metepisternum; f = furca; fem = femur; h = hamulohaltere; ham = hamulus; lpl = lateropleurite; m = mouth; mc = median crest; mdr = median ridge of basisternum; med = median vein; mr = marginal ridge; o = ocellus; ocs = ocular sclerite; pa = postalare; pcr2 = mesoprecoxal ridge; pcr3 = metaprecoxal ridge; pd = pedicel; phr1 = mesoprephragma; phr2 = mesopostphragma; pl1a = propleural apophysis; pla2 = mesopleural apophysis; plr1 = propleural ridge; plr2 = mesopleural ridge; plr3 = metapleural ridge; pn2 = mesopostnotum; pn2a = mesopostnotal apophysis; pn3 = metapostnotum (Fig. 15); pnp = posterior notal wing process; pocr = postocular ridge; pos = postoccipital suture; pra = prealare; prnr = pronotal ridge; procr = preocular ridge ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ); pror = preoral ridge ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ); prsc = prescutum; ps = penial sheath; pscr = prescutal ridge; pscs = prescutal suture; ps = penial sheath; pt = post-tergite; rad = radial vein; rd = ridge along posterior margin of scutellum; sc = scape; scl = scutellum; sclt = subcostal thickening; sct = scutum; sctr = scutoscutellar ridge; ser = subepisternal ridge; sp2 = mesothoracic spiracle ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ); sp3 = metathoracic spiracle (Fig. 15); stn1 = prosternum; stn2 = meso- or basisternum; stn3 = metasternum; stn3a = metasternal apophysis; ta1 = 1st-tarsal segment (Fig. 15); ta2 = 2nd-tarsal segment (Fig. 15); teg = tegular; ti = tibia; tr = trochanter; vmcr = ventral midcranial ridge ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ); vmep = ventromedial part of epicranium; vs = ventral sclerite; and where I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII refer to abdominal segmentation.
HEAD. Details additional to generic description: triangular in dorsal view, length 475–520 ųm, width across ocelli about 620–640 ųm. Dorsally: postoccipital suture (pos) narrow; pos without setae and without a postoccipital ridge. Median crest (mc) covered in numerous short setae, perhaps mainly hrs anteriorly, each up to 40 ųm long, more posterior setae mainly hs and each about 14–18 ųm long; loculate pores (lp) absent. Lateral areas of dorsal epicranium (dmep) membranous, without setae. Laterally: compound eyes (ce) each about 350–370 ųm long, each with only about 17–20, mainly large, ommatidia (most ommatidia about 45–65 ųm wide, smallest about 10 ųm). Each ocular sclerite (ocs) with a single ocellus (o), size unclear; ocs without setae but with a few shallow ridges on dorsal surface. Ven t ra l ly with only a transverse preoral ridge (pror) visible, other ridges probably present and hidden by ce; setal distribution as follows: midcranial ridge (vmcr) with many setae as on median crest but without lp; other areas of ventral epicranium not visible. Ventral sclerite (vs) present posterior to each compound eye.
Antennae. Eight or 9 segmented (3 antennae 8 segmented, other 9 segmented), length 1.5–1.65 mm (ratio of total-body length to antennal length 1:0.39); all finger-like extensions rather variable in length. Scape (sc) 115–130 ųm long, 105 ųm wide, with many setae, shortest basally where each about 8 ųm long, increasing to about 20 ųm distally. Pedicel (pd) 128–186 ųm long, finger-like extension 225–400 ųm; with many short fleshy setae (each about 25–33 ųm long); also with a few hs about 15–18 ųm long; campaniform sensilla on dorsal surface not detected. Fleshy setae (fs) on more distal segments similar to those on pedicel; lengths of segments III–VIII (ųm): III: 125–240, extension 320–565; IV: 125–225, extension 215–605; V: 165–210, extension 330–615; VI: 125–190, extension 320–600; segment VII: 80–210, extension 230–540; VIII (on 8– segmented antennae) 440–500; on 9-segmented antennae, segment VIII long, extension 275; IX 500, without an extension.
THORAX. Details additional to generic description. Prothorax. Dorsally: post-tergites (pt) present, each 290–325 ųm long, each with a less sclerotised anterior and posterior end. Ven t ra ll y: cervical sclerites (cv) not appearing to articulate anteriorly with sclerotised ridges on head. Prosternum (stn1): median ridge about 450– 460 ųm long. Membranous areas covered in short hs + hrs (both 15–30 ųm long) as in generic description but pleural setal groups (pl1s) and anteprosternal setae (astn1s) with a few lp. Antemesospiracular setae: presence unknown.
Mesothorax. Dorsally: prescutum (prsc): length 410 ųm, width 420 ųm; each diagonal oval membranous area lying parallel to prescutal sutures (pscs) about 205 ųm long, 70 ųm wide; prescutum with about 15 small hs prescutal setae (pscrs) on posterior half. Scutum (sct): distance between prescutum and scutellum (scl) about 20–25 ųm; scutum with a group of 28–43 hs scutal setae (scts) on each side of antero-lateral margins of scutellum. Scutellum (scl) 255–280 ųm long, 515–575 ųm wide; without scutellar setae (scls). Laterally: antero-laterally, each membranous area with a large group of short hs tegular setae (tegs). Postero-ventral sclerite of mesepisternum (eps2) with a few short setae. Ve n t r a l l y: basisternum (stn2) large, length 560–605 ųm, width 730–750 ųm; with a well-developed, sclerotised median ridge (mdr); with a narrow band of short basisternal setae (stn2s) medially along mdr + small groups of longer setae near lateral margins. Postmeso-spiracular setae (pm2s): with a few hs posterior to each anterior spiracle only. Mesothoracic spiracles (sp2) not visible.
Metathorax. Dorsally: metapostnotum (pn3) possibly absent; with a narrow band of hs metatergal setae (mts) + a few lp extending across median part of segment; also with some hs dorsospiracular setae (dss) + lp laterally. Laterally: precoxal ridge (pcr3) well developed and about 250 ųm long, extending medio-ventrally. Metepisternum (eps3) slightly sclerotised, perhaps with a few hs postmetaspiracular setae (eps3s). Postalare setae (pas) absent. Postmetaspiracular setae (eps3s) absent. Ve n t r a l l y: postmesoprecoxal ridge setae (ppcr2s) few, about 3 hs per side; anterior metasternal setae (amss): a group of hs + a few lp medially; posterior metasternal setae (pmss): fewer, without lp. Posterior spiracles (sp3) unclear.
Wings. Each 3.7–3.9 mm long, 1.67–1.73 mm wide (ratio of total-body length to wing length 1:0.95); with a large, distinct group of 50+ circular sensoria (sens) just posterior to base of subcostal ridge, plus a sparse line of 11 alar setae (als) and 13 sensoria (sens) on proximal half of wing. Hamulohalteres (h): length 400–410 ųm, width 150–155 ųm; each with 3 short hamuli (ham), each about 25–30 ųm long.
Legs. Coxae (cx): I 315–330; II 300–330; III 300–325 ųm; distal setae longest, up to 50 ųm long; setae both hs and fleshy-like setae (fs) present. Trochanter (tr) + femur (fm): I 735–765; II 705–720; III 785–860; femur without sclerotised rings as on antennae; with many fs-like + spur-like hs setae, each 30–35 ųm long. Tibia (ti): I 830–860; II 895–930; III 1050 –1075; each with 2–4 campaniform sensilla (camp) about half way along length; tibial spurs (tibs): longest a bifurcated seta, 40–45 ųm long. Tarsus (ta): length of ta1 + ta2: I 320–330; II 320–350; III 335–375 ųm. Claw (c): III about 70–85 ųm long, with two fine digitules (cdgt), each 12–18 ųm long.
ABDOMEN. Details additional to generic description: dorsal abdominal setae (ads) few, all hs; ventral abdominal setae (avs) also all hs, slightly more frequent; each ads and avs about 12–20 ųm long, but some pleural setae up to 30 ųm long. Loculate pores (lp) restricted to pleural areas. Tubular pores (tp) on segments VI and VII each about 33 ųm long, opening oval, greatest width about 14 ųm, each duct broadening into a funnel-shaped opening with perhaps 40 or so smaller, satellite pores (slp), each about 5 ųm wide and 5 ųm long; with 5–7 tpo on segment VI and 5 on segment VII; each group of satellite ducts surrounded by a group of longer setae, each about 25–28 ųm long. Setae as follows: ads (total hs across segment): I–VII about 17– 20; avs (totals) II–VI 23–30, VII 17, VIII 0; pleural setae (aps): in quite large groups of hs + hrs + lp on each side, most abundant on anterior segments, becoming much reduced on posterior segments; some setae also present more ventrally but without lp (ventral pleural setae?). Abdominal spiracles (asp): with distinct pairs of openings dorso-laterally on segments I and II and also on VIII; most other segments with trachea but openings obscure (each opening consisting of a membranous outer tube about 60 ųm long which opens into trachea). Anus (an) perhaps 40 ųm wide.
Genital segment. Penial sheath (ps) rather narrow, about 470 ųm long, 133 ųm wide anteriorly, narrowing to a blunt apex posteriorly. Aedeagus (aed) lightly sclerotised, broadest posteriorly; about 220 ųm long, 95 ųm wide at apex; setiferous, eversible endophallus (eph) perhaps 1.1 mm long.
Comment. The male of S. asper most resembles that of S. garmilleri but differs in having (characterstates on S. garmilleri in brackets): (i) no hairs on venter of abdomen (with hairs), (ii) penial sheath about 2.5+ times longer than wide (about 1.4 times longer), and (iii) presence of very few or no prosternal setae (a large group (with loculate pores) present). For other details, see key.
The above description is similar to that of Foldi (1999) but with some important additional details.
Foldi, I. (1999) Diversite morphologique chez les Cocheniles males des Margarodidae: l'example de Neomargarodes erythrocephala Green et Stigmacoccus asper Hempel (Hemiptera: Coccoidea). Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, 35, 319 - 327.
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Coccoidea |
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