Lycophantis stenopetala Li, 2016

Cong, Peixin & Li, Houhun, 2016, Taxonomic study of the genus Lycophantis Meyrick from China (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) with descriptions of three new species, Zootaxa 4084 (1), pp. 105-114 : 113

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4084.1.4

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scientific name

Lycophantis stenopetala Li

sp. nov.

Lycophantis stenopetala Li , sp. nov.

Figs. 3e View FIGURE 3 , 4e View FIGURE 4

Type material. Holotype ♂, CHINA: Paizhen, Milin, Xizang Autonomous Region, 2900 m, 2.viii.2010, coll. Houhun Li et al., genitalia slide no. LTT12242.

Diagnosis. This species is characterized in the male genitalia by the elongate valva with the length twice of its maximum width ( Fig. 4e View FIGURE 4 ), while the length of the valva is shorter than twice of the maximum width in its congeners. It is close to L. elongata , but can be distinguished by the distally narrowed saccus, and the slender cornuti 1/3 the length of the phallus in the male genitalia; in L. elongata , the saccus is dilated distally, and the stout cornuti are 3/4 length of the phallus.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 3e View FIGURE 3 ): Wingspan 12.0 mm. Head snowy white; frons white, mixed with pale yellowish brown scales. Antenna 2/3 length of forewing; scape snowy white, with ochreous pecten; flagellum with ventral surface greyish white, dorsal surface deep greyish brown in basal 1/5, greyish white in distal 4/5, annulated with greyish brown, distal 2/3 weakly serrate. Labial palpus brown. Thorax and tegula white. Forewing with length six times of maximum width; anterior part greyish brown with golden luster between costa and above lower margin of cell extending to end of fold, deep greyish brown at base, posterior part snowy white; costal margin with a row of white dots in distal 3/5, mixed with black scales towards apex; termen with anterior 1/3 black, dotted with several white dots; medial part of lower margin of cell with a row of black strigulae interrupted by several white dots; cilia grey. Hindwing and cilia grey. Legs white, mixed with yellow; foreleg with tibia greyish black, tarsi pale greyish brown, with greyish black ring at apex of each segment.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 4e View FIGURE 4 ): Uncus with a small medial process posteriorly. Socius tapered, armed with setae, obliquely outward slightly. Valva elongately narrowed, with length twice of its maximum width, narrowed basally, slightly widened to before apex, distal half with a subcircular area bearing dense fine setae, apex bluntly rounded, with sparse long setae; costa extending to before apex of valva; sacculus reaching basal 2/3 of valva, with a row of clustered stout spines from base of its dorsal margin to basal 1/3 of valva on ventral margin. Saccus about 2.4 times length of socius, clubbed, widened basally, gradually narrowed to apex. Phallus 2.5 times length of valva; cornuti consisting of two slender spines, about 1/3 length of phallus, placed medially.

Female unknown.

Distribution. China (Xizang).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin stenopetalus (narrow), referring to the relatively narrow valva in the male genitalia.

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