Gibbosella Chłond, 2010
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Carolina (2021-08-30 01:22:53, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 20:06:45) |
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Gibbosella Chłond, 2010 |
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Gibbosella Chłond, 2010 View in CoL
Plates 1, 5, 8, 12, 13C, 15C, 16D, 17A, 18A, MAP 1. Localities of Gibbosella brunalvus , G. conisi- 19A, 19B, 20A–C, 21A, 21B, 22A, 23A, 23B, 24; milis, G. megafrons , G. mirabilis , G. pallidacorium , maps 1–3
and G. pallidalata .
Gibbosella Chłond, 2010, 2522: 62 .
5. Forefemur with anterior subapical and medial TYPE SPECIES: Gibbosella mirabilis Chłond , protuberances and mid and hind femora 2010. with anterior and posterior subapical and REVISED DIAGNOSIS: Males recognized by the medial protuberances in both sexes (pl. small body size, shallow anteromedial depression 16E); body glabrous except on antenna and on the ventral head surface, large antennal shield tibiae; DFLA divided into two pseudoseg- that does not conceal the antennal insertion in ments, thus, antenna appearing 6-seg- lateral view, depressed postclypeus, 8-segmented mented............. Glymmatophora Stål antenna (6-segmented in G. pallidalata ), dorsally
– Femora unarmed in males, with small papillae oriented long and slender scutellar processes (pl. 16D) in females; body with dense vesti- (short, stout, and horizontally oriented in G. ture; DFLA divided into two or three pseu- planiscutum ), basally fused distal part of M and dosegments, thus, antenna appearing 6- or Cu, dorsal laterotergites transversely bicolored 7-segmented.......................... 7 pale yellow and brown and with posterolateral
6. Males only known; meso- and metasterna protuberances, and apex of abdomen with very completely divided by a transverse suture long setae. Females recognized by the apterous
condition, reduced pale markings, head about as cave, smooth, collar distinct (pl. 15B); anterior wide as anterior margin of pronotum, 6- or pronotal lobe shorter than posterior lobe, more 8-segmented antenna with short vestiture, scape than half as wide as posterior lobe; pronotal lon- (pl. 14A) longer than distance between anterior gitudinal furrow reaching anterior but not postemargin of eye and apex of head, anterior prono- rior margin of pronotum, foveate posteriorly (pl. tal lobe much longer than posterior lobe, scutel- 15B); pronotal transverse furrow distinct; lateral lar processes reduced and dorsally directed, and depressions on posterior pronotal lobe distinct; dorsal laterotergites with posterior protuber- scutellum with two moderately separated apical ances reduced or absent. Males are similar to processes, directed dorsally in most species (horimales of the monotypic Afrotropical genus Syn- zontally directed in G. planiscutum ), disc medially avecoris Villiers, 1968b (pl. 12), but the presence depressed; MGE with shallow meshlike cuticle of the antennal shield, lack of femoral armature, that does not extend dorsally in lateral view (pl. separation of the proximal part of M and Cu (pl. 16B, C); fossula spongiosa on foretibia, absent on 17A), and armature of the dorsal laterotergites mid tibia in some species; hemelytron (pl. 17A) differentiate males of Gibbosella from Synaveco- with corium restricted to areas adjacent to basal ris. Due to reduced morphological features in wing veins, with pterostigmalike appearance on both genera, females of Gibbosella appear very anterodistal margin; proximal parts of M and Cu similar to females of Synavecoris but may be dis- veins separate; distal parts of M and Cu fused tinguished by the apterous condition, dorsally basally; distal part of M extending beyond apical directed scutellar processes, and the pronotum junction of M+Cu. ABDOMEN (pl. 18A): Dorsal lacking lateral carinae. laterotergites II–VI with posterolateral protuber-
REDESCRIPTION: MALE: Macropterous, small ances; sternal intersegmental sutures (pl. 18B, C) body size. COLORATION: Pale to dark brown carinulate; spiracles circular; pygophore process color patterns. VESTITURE: Sparse to dense, directed dorsoposteriad, not surpassing posterior semierect to erect, long pale to brown setae on margin of pygophore; DPS apex rounded (pl. 21A, head, thorax, legs, corium of hemelytra, and abdo- B); endosomal struts with anterior ventral process men; setae longer on apex of abdomen compared (pl. 22G); endosoma weakly to strongly scleroto rest of vestiture on body; setae on tibiae stouter tized medially (pl. 21A, B). FEMALE: Differs and denser near apex. STRUCTURE: HEAD (pl. from males in the following characteristics: apter- 13C): Circular, ovoid, or cylindrical; shorter than ous; reduced pale markings; head about as wide as pronotum; ventrally with shallow anteromedial anterior pronotal margin; in some species, head depression; clypeal apex not dorsally elevated rela- ventrally with small tubercles; postclypeus not tive to labrum; maxillary plate not reaching dorsal depressed; antennal shield not expanded; ocelli clypeal surface (pl. 13E, I); postocular (hind eye absent; eye small; antennal vestiture much shorter; margin to posterior constriction; Pl. 13J) broad in scape longer than distance between anterior mardorsal view (pl. 13B); ocelli present, separated by gin of eye and apex of head; collar not distinct; less than diameter of ocellus; distinct constriction anterior pronotal lobe much longer than and as between postocular and neck; antennal shield not wide as or wider than posterior lobe (pl. 15A), concealing antennal insertion in lateral view; sometimes elevated dorsally; pronotal longitudiscape surpassing clypeal apex; pedicel (pl. 14A) nal furrow reduced to deep medial depression slightly curved; flagellum subdivided into BFLA near posterior margin of anterior pronotal lobe (pl. 14A, B) and DFLA (pl. 14A, C); BFLA divided (pl. 15A) and present or obsolete on posterior into two pseudosegments; DFLA divided into two lobe; lateral depressions on posterior pronotal or four pseudosegments; antenna thus appearing lobe present or obsolete; scutellum processes 6- or 8-segmented. THORAX (pl. 15C): Pronotum weakly developed, dorsally directed; meso- and wider than long, anterior margin distinctly con- metasterna convex; in some species, fore- and mid
trochanters and base of forefemur with ventral geographic data, we were unable to associate 16 patches of small papillae (pl. 16D) and femora of them with male-based species. The remaining ventrally with small tubercles (pl. 16D); hind three female specimens were associated with two femur slightly curved in dorsal view; fossula spon- male-based species ( G. brunalvus and G. planisgiosa larger; dorsal laterotergites with posterior cutum) using morphology and geographic data protuberances reduced or absent; external genita- (see species discussions). lia short, platelike (pl. 23A, B). There is scutellar and antennal variation DISTRIBUTION: Species are known from all among species in this genus: the short, stout scuprovinces and occur in habitats between 9–1600 tellar processes in G. planiscutum are horizonm elevation. Macrohabitats are described as spiny tally oriented (pl. 15D) and the antenna forests, tropical forests, mixed tropical forests, low 6-segmented in G. pallidalata . As previously and high altitude rainforests, tropical dry forests, mentioned, head shape is also variable among montane rainforest, sclerophyl forests, dwarf lit- Gibbosella species , ranging from spherical or toral forests, and secondary tropical forests. ovoid in most species to elongate and cylindrical DISCUSSION: Chłond (2010a) recently in two previously described species. described this genus and two species, G. mirabilis This genus is very similar to Synavecoris by and G. elongata , from single female representa- the small size, general dull coloration, ventral tives with no males or immatures known. One head depression restricted to the anteocular male specimen from undetermined material (apex of clypeus to anterior eye margin; pl. 13K) showed some morphological features similar to region, moderately separated scutellar processes, the described females, e.g., an elongate cylindrical shallowly depressed MGE that does not extend head, a slightly dorsally pronounced anterior pro- dorsally in lateral view, basally fused M and Cu notal lobe, dorsally directed scutellar processes, in the distal part of the hemelytron, and circular general color pattern, and body size. Given the spiracles, but is distinguished by the characters morphological similarities, we assign this male mentioned in the diagnosis. Maldonado (1990) specimen to the genus and to the species G. elon- incorrectly listed 1953 as the year Synavecoris gata (see species redescription for discussion on was described and indicated that the description species-level assignment). Examination of other was based on “nymphs, probably of Ectrichodia .” undetermined male specimens revealed similar Villiers (1968b) described Synavecoris based on morphology to the previously mentioned male: one macropterous adult male (pl. 12) and two general coloration, body size, dorsally directed micropterous adult females; nymphs of Synscutellar processes, slightly to very distinctly dor- avecoris were not described by Villiers. The small sally pronounced anterior pronotal lobe, and wing size of Synavecoris , relatively slender legs, pronovenation pattern, among many other features. tal structure, and wing venation patterns distin- Given the morphological similarities between guish Synavecoris from Ectrichodia Lepeletier these males and the male of G. elongata , we assign and Serville, 1825, and thus, we considered Synthese males to Gibbosella despite the fact that head avecoris a valid genus. shapes in these males are not elongated but rather spherical or short and ovoid.
IDENTIFICATION KEY TO THE MALES OF Nineteen female specimens have been identi-
SPECIES OF GIBBOSELLA fied as representatives of this genus based on morphological features mentioned in the generic 1. Scutellar processes slender, long and dorsally redescription, e.g., small body sizes, antennal directed (pl. 15C)..................... 2 segmentation, slightly dorsally projecting scutel- – Scutellar processes short, stout, and horizonlar processes, and dark coloration. Despite avail- tally directed (pl. 15D).................. ability of morphological, molecular, and................ planiscutum , new species
2. Head circular or ovoid in lateral view, not dis- 11. Ventral margin of labial segment III convex tinctly elongate and cylindrical.......... 3 (pl. 13C); anterior pronotal lobe not dorsally
– Head very elongate, cylindrical in lateral view projecting (pl. 15D); mesosternum with........................ elongata Chłond medial and lateral depressions......... 12
3. DFLA divided into four pseudosegments; – Ventral margin of labial segment III straight antenna thus appearing 8-segmented.... 4 (pl. 13G–I, K); anterior pronotal lobe dor-
– DFLA divided into two pseudosegments; sally projecting above pronotal disc (pl. antenna thus appearing 6-segmented..... 15C); mesosternum with one large, shallow................. pallidalata , new species medial depression.................... 14
4. Head as long as wide.................... 5 12. Postclypeus distinctly depressed (pl. 13B);
– Head longer than wide................... 9 synthlipsis width 1.5 times width of eye;
5. Head ovoid to subpentagonal; labial segment pronotal transverse suture complete, not II longer than III; anterior pronotal lobe not divided by paramedian ridges; vestiture laterally carinate....................... 6 sparse............................... 13
– Head nearly circular in lateral view (pl. 13C); – Postclypeus not distinctly depressed (pl. 13A); labial segments II and III subequal in length; synthlipsis width two times width of eye; anterior pronotal lobe slightly carinate later- pronotal transverse suture incomplete, ally............ pallidacorium , new species divided by paramedian ridges (pl. 15B); ves-
6. Synthlipsis about two times width of eye... 7 titure dense........ brunalvus , new species
– Synthlipsis less than two times width of eye. 8 13. Labial segment II longer than III; abdominal
7. Head subpentagonal; eye not reaching dorsal sternites convex, keellike; median pygophore and ventral head surfaces; fossula spongiosa process spadelike in caudal view (pl. 19B). absent on mid tibia; body length <7 mm ..................... vangocris , new species...................... nitida , new species – Labial segment II and III subequal in length;
– Head ovoid; eye almost reaching dorsal and abdominal sternites with shallow medial ventral head surfaces; fossula spongiosa longitudinal depression (pl. 18C); median present on mid tibia; body length> 7 mm. pygophore process subquadrate in caudal...................... fulva , new species view (pl. 19A)...... quadocris , new species
8. Synthlipsis about width of eye; fossula spon- 14. Synthlipsis width about 1.5 times width of giosa absent on mid tibia................ eye; eye not reaching dorsal and ventral................. betampona , new species head surfaces; sternal intersegmental sutures
– Synthlipsis less than width of eye; fossula spon- carinulate between II and III and laterally giosa present on mid tibia............... between III–VI..... conisimilis , new species................... mantella , new species – Synthlipsis width about width of eye; eye
9. Anteocular region shorter than postocular 10 reaching dorsal and ventral head surfaces;
– Anteocular region as long as postocular (pl. sternal intersegmental sutures carinulate 13C)................................ 11 between II–IV and laterally between IV–VI
10. Postclypeus not medially depressed (pl.................. notoconica , new species 13A); synthlipsis width about 2.5 times width of eye; sternal intersegmental sutures carinulate between II–IV....... IDENTIFICATION KEY TO THE FEMALES OF................ andasibe , new species SPECIES OF GIBBOSELLA
– Postclypeus medially depressed (pl. 13B); synthlipsis width about 3.5 times width of 1. Head elongate, cylindrical (pl. 12); anterior eye; sternal intersegmental sutures carinu- pronotal lobe strongly elevated dorsally in late between II–VI.. megafrons , new species lateral view; body length> 8 mm ........ 2
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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