Phyllohartmania taylori Pettibone, 1961

Salazar-Silva, Patricia, 2020, Paralbunea dayriti, Zoological Studies (Zool. Stud.) 59 (29), pp. 1-14 : 3-5

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2020.59-29

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scientific name

Phyllohartmania taylori Pettibone, 1961


Phyllohartmania taylori Pettibone, 1961 View in CoL ( Figs. 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Phyllohartmania taylori Pettibone, 1961: 170-172 View in CoL , Figs 2–3 View Fig View Fig . — Taylor, 1971: 82–84, Table 12–13. (partim).

Material examined: Holotype USNM 30010 View Materials , Seahorse Key, Florida, sand, Bird Point , 20 Jul. 1958, E. Lowe Pierce, J. L. Taylor, coll. Additional material: one specimen USNM 45517, Tampa Bay, Florida, 26 Jul. 1963, J. L. Taylor. One specimen. USNM 075623, Alabama, Mississippi Sound, 30°11'35"N, 088°16'32"W; 1 Apr. 1981, sta. 581, 12.2 m, Army Corp of Engineers coll.

Description (based on holotype): body dorsoventrally flattened, 2.0 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, 37 segments. Prostomium as wide as long, hexagonal, with distinct cephalic peaks, no facial tubercle, eyes small, of similar size. Median antenna shorter than prostomial length, tip filiform, surface finely papillated, ceratophore short inserted between prostomial lobes. Lateral antennae small, filiform, shorter than prostomial length, surface with filiform papillae and ceratophores inserted ventrally, short, not reaching prostomial front edge, not fused ventrally. Palps long, larger than prostomial length, tapering to fine tips surface with tiny papillae. Pharynx with 11 pairs of soft marginal papillae.

Tentacular segment not visible dorsally; tentaculophores with one or a few tiny chaetae; aciculae golden, thick, protruding; tentacular cirri filiform, as long as almost reaching palps tips. Segment 2 with anterior margin straight, without mid-dorsal nodules.

Elytra 15 pairs, completely covering dorsum, overlapping. Elytra in segments 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, and 32. First 12 pairs of elytra alternate with one dorsal cirri, except on segments 4 and 5; subsequent to pair 12 they alternate with 2 dorsal cirri; only dorsal cirri along last five segments. Elytral surface with numerous sclerotized microtubercles and short papillae, filiform with globular tips. Elytral margins with a fringe of short filiform papillae.

Parapodia long, biramous. Dorsal tubercles inconspicuous. Elytrophores rounded. Dorsal cirri long, very thin; tapering to filiform tips.

Notopodia well developed, shorter than neuropodia, acicular lobes pointed, aciculae stout| Neuropodia long, acicular lobes projected, aciculae stout, supra-acicular digitiform lobe; post-chaetal lobe rounded, shorter than pre-chaetal lobes.

Notochaetae abundant of two types; the thick are long, surface with rows of inconspicuous spines, and short tips; the slender with longer spinous region and capillary tips. Neurochaetae of two types; subacicular neurochaetae with rows of short spines; tips long, bare, unidentate; supraacicular neurochaetae longer, with long spinous region, long spines, tips bare unidentate. First pair of parapodia (on segment two) with notochaetae shorter and thicker, tips short.

Ventral lamellae present postero-laterally in each segment from fourth parapodia, small and round. Ventral cirri long, cirrophore thick. Nephridial papillae from third segment. Pygidium with terminal anus, two anal cirri.

Type locality: Bird Point, Florida, USA.

Distribution: Tampa Bay, Florida to Alabama, Mississippi Sound (30°11'35"N, 88°16'32"W).

Remarks: Pettibone (1961) described the species from a single specimen. The records provided here extend its distribution from Tampa Bay, Florida to Alabama, Mississippi Sound. The specimen from Tampa Bay ( USNM 45517) was recorded in Taylor’s dissertation (1971). Although they were collected at different times, the diagnostic features are consistent: body depressed, tapering posteriorly ( Figs. 1a View Fig , 2a View Fig ); prostomium with cephalic peaks and tentaculophores with thick aciculae ( Fig. 1b View Fig ). 15 pairs of elytrophores ( Fig. 1a View Fig ), elytra translucid ( Fig. 1a View Fig ) with microtubercles, papillae on both margins and surface; ventrally each segment with a small ventral lamellae ( Fig. 2b View Fig ); neuropodia with a supra-acicular round lobe ( Fig. 3a View Fig ); thick notochaetae, most with short tip ( Fig. 3b View Fig ) other slender with long capillary tips. Neurochaetae with long unidentate tips ( Fig. 3c–d View Fig ), the supracicular one with numerous long spines, and long tips.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Phyllohartmania taylori Pettibone, 1961

Salazar-Silva, Patricia 2020

Phyllohartmania taylori

Taylor JL 1971: 82
Pettibone MH 1961: 172
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