Oecetis falcata, Wells, 2004

Wells, Alice, 2004, The long-horned caddisfly genus Oecetis (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) in Australia: two new species groups and 17 new species, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 61 (1), pp. 85-110 : 101

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2004.61.7



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Oecetis falcata

sp. nov.

Oecetis falcata sp. nov.

Figures 64–67, 121

Material examined. Holotype, male, Upper Jardine River , Cape York, Qld, 11°14’S 142°36’E, 26 Oct 1979, M.S. and B.J. Moulds ( NMV T-18515). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. Qld: 72 males, females, same data as for holotype ( NMV, ANIC) GoogleMaps .

Other material. Qld : male, female, Iron Range, Cape York Pen., 2– Jun 1971, E.F. Riek ( ANIC) ; male, female, Mt Molloy , 13 Jun 1971, E.F. Riek ( ANIC) ; male, 2 females, Iron Range , West Claudie River, 17 Sep 1974, Moulds ( NMV) ; male, Iron Range , Middle Claudie River, 2–9 Oct 1974, Moulds ( NMV) ; male, Jardine River , Cape York, 11°09'S 142°27'E, 11 Oct 1979, M.S. and B.J. Moulds ( NMV) GoogleMaps ; 7 males, 4 females, Jardine River , Cape York, 11°08'S 142°35'E, 14 Oct 1979, M.S. and B.J. Moulds ( NMV) GoogleMaps ; 3 males, Jardine River , Cape York, 11°17'S 142°35'E, 17 Oct 1979, M.S. and B.J. Moulds ( NMV) GoogleMaps ; 8 males, 2 females, Jardine River , Cape York, 11°19'S 142°37'E, 22 Oct 1979, M.S. and B.J. Moulds ( NMV) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Jardine River , Cape York, 11°14'S 142°36'E, 24 Oct 1979, M.S. and B.J. Moulds ( NMV) GoogleMaps ; male, Qld , Tributary of Bertie Creek, 250 m SW of Heathlands HS, 11°45'S 142°35'E, 11 Feb 1992, Cartwright and Wells, 11°45'S 142°35'E ( QM) (slide) GoogleMaps ; 3 males, 1 female, Cape York Peninsula , Pascoe River crossing (to Iron Range), 4.10.2002, G. Theischinger ( ANIC) ; 6 males, 7 females, Cape York Peninsula , Dul-hunty River crossing at Telegraph rd, 7.10.2002, G. Theischinger ( ANIC) .

Diagnosis. Forewing length about 4 times maximum width, footstalk on fork 1 almost equal in length to the fork. In the male genitalia, a pair of asymmetrical,scythe-like, sclerotised processes dorsally, one at each side of the phallus

Description. Spurs 1, 2, 2. Male forewing length 4.1–5.2 mm. Wings (Fig. 64): forewing with patches of dark membrane at crossveins of posterior anastomosis and, more proximally, triangles of dark membrane at several forks; narrow, tapered distally; footstalk on fork 1 equal in length to fork; t1 and t3 at about same level in wing, t2 more proximal. Male genitalia, Figs 65–67. Abdominal segment IX narrow, but broader than in O. ancala . Preanal appendages about twice as long as wide. Tergite X very slender, reaching almost to length of other genitalic parts. Inferior appendages in ventral view broad-based, laterally produced to about twice length of basal section, in lateral view more slender. Phallus broad. Dorsolateral processes unequal, the left one twisted in basal half, curved outwards in distal half, right one more or less that same shape, but less twisted.

Distribution. Far northern Qld (Fig. 121).

Remarks. As with O. ancala , grouping of this species is equivocal, as the homologies of the processes are uncertain.

Etymology. Latin, falcata — sickle-shaped, for the shape of the lateral processes.


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