Anolis dunni Smith 1936

Köhler, Gunther, Pérez, Raúl Gómez Trejo, Petersen, Claus Bo P., Méndez, Fausto R. & Cruz, De La, 2014, A revision of the Mexican Anolis (Reptilia, Squamata, Dactyloidae) from the Pacific versant west of the Isthmus de Tehuantepec in the states of Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Puebla, with the description of six new species, Zootaxa 3862 (1), pp. 1-210 : 137-143

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Anolis dunni Smith 1936


Anolis dunni Smith 1936

Figs. 112–117 View FIGURE 112 View FIGURE 113 View FIGURE 114 View FIGURE 115 View FIGURE 116 View FIGURE 117

Anolis dunni Smith 1936: 9 ; type locality: “on a boulder in the high mountains, within the evergreen zone, between Rincón and Cajones, Guerrero,” Mexico [now called Agua de Obispo]. Holotype: FMNH 100109 (originally Taylor and Smith collection 1506). Gadow 1905, Mosauer 1936, Taylor 1944, Smith & Spieler 1945, Stuart 1948, Smith & Taylor 1950 a,b, Davis 1954, Stuart 1955, Etheridge 1959, Davis & Dixon 1961, Duellman 1961, 1965, Fitch 1970, Meyer & Wilson 1971, Smith 1972, Fitch & Henderson 1973, Fitch 1976, Fitch & Henderson 1976, Fitch et al. 1976, Smith & Smith 1976, Lieb 1981, Fitch & Hillis 1984, Gorman et al. 1984, Flores-Villela 1993, Flores-Villela & Gerez 1994, Lieb 1995, Liner 2000, Pérez-Ramos et al. 2000, Lieb 2001, Poe 2004, Santamaría & Flores-Villela 2006, Liner 2007, Fläschendräger & Wijffels 2009, Flores-Villela et al. 2010, Urbina-Cardona & Flores-Villela 2010, Wilson & Townsend 2010, Köhler et al. 2013 a,b,Wilson et al. 2013, Köhler 2014, Köhler et al. 2014

Anolis gadovii: Smith 1933

Norops dunni: Savage & Guyer 1989 , Liner 2000, Nicholson 2002, Nicholson et al. 2012

Diagnosis. A moderate-sized to moderately large species (SVL in largest male 58.5 mm, largest female 51.0 mm) of the genus Anolis (sensu Poe 2004) that differs from all other Mexican and Central American congeners except A. gadovii , A. liogaster , A. omiltemanus , A. peucephilus , and A. taylori by having (1) smooth ventral scales; (2) an oval patch of usually three greatly enlarged supraorbital scales; (3) a pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in males. Anolis dunni differs from A. liogaster , A. omiltemanus , and A. peucephilus by having the middorsal scales not or only 2-4 rows slightly enlarged (vs. 10–15 rows of dorsal scales moderately enlarged in A. liogaster , A. omiltemanus , and A. peucephilus ) and by having a pinkish to orange red male dewlap with semicircular pale streaks and blotches (vs. uniform purple to pink in A. liogaster , and uniform orange yellow in A. omiltemanus and A. peucephilus ). Also, A. dunni has longer hind legs than A. omiltemanus and A. peucephilus with the longest toe of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to a point between ear and eye or to posterior border of eye, rarely to ear opening or to mideye (vs. to level of ear opening or to a point between shoulder and ear opening in A. omiltemanus and A. peucephilus ) and usually only a single pair of greatly enlarged sublabial scales in contact with infralabial scales (vs. usually two pairs in A. omiltemanus and A. peucephilus ). Anolis dunni differs from A. gadovii by having shorter hind legs with the longest toe of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to a point between ear and eye or to posterior border of eye, rarely to ear opening or to mideye (vs. to level of mideye or anterior border of eye in A. gadovii ), absence of a bold reticulated body pattern (vs. such a pattern present in A. gadovii ), and a pinkish to orange red male dewlap with semicircular pale streaks and blotches (vs. pink to purple in A. gadovii ). Anolis dunni differs from A. taylori by the lack of a bold color pattern consisting of contrasting white longitudinal body stripes in large males (vs. such a contrasting pattern usually present in adult males in A. taylori ) and by having a red or orange red male dewlap with yellow or whitish markings (vs. red with bold bluish purple semicircular markings in adult males in A. taylori ).

Description. Anolis dunni is a moderate-sized anole (maximum recorded SVL 58.5 mm in males, 51.0 mm in females); dorsal head scales in internasal region mostly strongly keeled, some rugose or weakly keeled, other dorsal head scales mostly smooth to rugose; moderately deep prefrontal depression present, shallow to moderate parietal depression; 5–6 postrostrals; anterior nasal usually single, occasionally divided, the lower scale in contact with rostral and first supralabial; 6–8 internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles well defined, forming a rounded ridge, especially anteriorly, largest scale in semicircles larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles broadly in contact; 0–3 scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size, usually longer than wide, larger than ear opening; enlarged supraoculars separated from supraorbital semicircles by one or two complete row(s) of small scales, or these scales broadly in contact; 2–3 rows of granular scales between enlarged supraoculars and superciliaries; 2–3 elongate superciliaries, anterior one longest, followed posteriorly by a series of 5–6 rounded or squarish keeled scales of moderate size; usually 3 enlarged canthals, the second canthal largest; 5–9 scales between second canthals; 7–10 scales present between posterior canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 18–36 mostly keeled (some smooth or rugose) loreal scales in a maximum of 4–6 (usually 5) horizontal rows; 5–8 supralabials to level below center of eye; suboculars keeled, in broad contact with supralabials (1–4 suboculars in contact with 2–4 supralabials); ear opening vertically oval, oriented slightly obliquely; scales anterior to ear opening smooth or keeled granulars, at least twice as large than those posterior to ear opening; 5–7 infralabials to level below center of eye; 2–6 (usually 4) postmentals, outer pair at least four times larger than adjacent median postmental scales; one to two enlarged sublabials in contact with infralabials on each side; faintly keeled granular scales present on chin and throat; male dewlap large extending from level below anterior margin of eye to level of chest; 9–10 horizontal gorgetal-sternal rows with 8–15 scales per row; modal number of marginal pairs 2–4; female dewlap absent or very small to small; a nuchal crest and a dorsal ridge present in males; scales on middorsum subimbricate, weakly keeled, with rounded posterior margins, grading into smaller granular lateral scales; 2–6 middorsal scale rows slightly to moderately enlarged; lateral scales more or less homogeneous; 58–80 dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 51–80 in females; 32–48 dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in one head length in males, 26–42 in females; ventral scales on midsection about twice the size of largest dorsal scales; scales on midventer smooth, flat, usually subimbricate with rounded posterior margins, slightly heterogeneous in size; 46–64 ventral scales along midventral line between levels of axilla and groin in males, 37–64 in females; 32–44 ventral scales contained in one head length in males, 22–40 in females; 122–162 scales around midbody in males, 118–150 in females; tube-like axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales smooth; males with a pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal scales; tail moderately compressed in cross section, tail height/tail width 1.13–1.48 in males, 1.19–1.60 in females; basal subcaudal scales usually smooth, occasionally faintly keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, although an indistinct division in segments is discernible; dorsal medial caudal scale row slightly enlarged, keeled, not forming a crest; scales on anterodorsal surface of brachium and on dorsal surface of antebrachium subimbricate to imbricate, weakly keeled, unicarinate; 22–29 subdigital lamellae on Phalanges II–IV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 5–8 subdigital lamellae on distal phalanx of Toe IV of hind limbs; digital pads dilated, 3 to 4 times the width of distal phalanx. In the specimens examined, the longest toe of the adpressed hind leg reaches to level of between beyond tympanum and anterior border of eye. For variation in selected scalation and morphometric characters see Table 12 View TABLE 12 .

The coloration in life of an adult male (SMF 96373) from near Santa Cruz El Rincón was recorded as follows: Dorsal surface of head Brown Cinnamon (270); dorsal surface of body Grayish Horn Color (268) grading into Glaucous (272) in vertebral area and Cream White (52) lateral spots that are edged by Dark Salmon Color (59); ventral surface of body, limbs and tail Cream White (52); dewlap Geranium (66); iris Tawny Olive (17). The coloration in life of the iris and dewlap of another adult male (SMF 96238) from Chilpancingo was recorded as follows: Dewlap ground color Peach Red (70) with Carmine (64) semicircular bands and a Salmon Color (251) in edge; iris Cinnamon Brown (43). The coloration in life of another adult male (IBH 26593) from Agua de Obispo was recorded as follows: Dorsal surfaces of head and body Sayal Brown (41) with suffusions of Natal Brown (49); lateral line Cream White (52) edged by Mikado Brown (42); dorsal surfaces of limbs Natal Brown (49) ventral surfaces of body Straw Yellow (53) with Cinnamon-Drab (50) suffusions; ventral surface of limbs Antique Brown (24); sub-ocular region Cream White (52); dewlap Dark Salmon Color (252) with Poppy Red (63) semicircular stripes; iris True Cinnamon (260). The coloration in life of another adult male (SMF 96190) from Agua de Obispo was recorded as follows: Dorsal ground color of head and body Sayal Brown (41) with Dark Brownish Olive (127) zigzag band and an Army Brown (46) interorbital bar; lateral stripe Cream, White (52); dorsal surface of tail Pale Cinnamon (55) with Vandyke Brown (282) bands; dorsal surface of limbs Dark Drab (45) with Sepia (279) bands; ventral surface of head Light Buff (2) with Glaucous (289) reticulations; ventral surface of body, limbs and tail Beige (254); dewlap Medium Chrome Orange (75) with Pratt´s Rufous (72) semicircular stripes; iris Warm Sepia (40). The coloration in life of another adult male (SMF 96252) from near Chilpancingo was recorded as follows: Dorsal ground color Cinnamon Drab (50) with mid-dorsal suffusions of Mikado Brown (42): lateral stripe Pale Buff (1) edged above and below by Chestnut (30); two series of Pale Buff (1) ocelli surrounded by Robin Rufous (29); ventral surface of head, body, limbs and tail Light Buff (2) with a suffusion of Drab (19); dewlap Burnt Orange (10) with indistinct ill-defined paler half-moon shaped markings; iris Warm Sepia (40). The coloration in life of the dewlap of another adult male (SMF 96253) from near Chilpancingo was recorded as follows: Dewlap Burnt Orange (10) with Spectrum Orange (9) half-moon shaped markings.

The coloration in life of an adult female (IBH 26588) from Agua de Obispo was recorded as follows: Dorsal ground color Cinnamon Brown (43) with mid-dorsal Fuscous (283) vertebral splotches; lateral side of body Cinnamon (255) with Beige (254) line; dorsal surface of limbs Natal Brown (49) with Mahogany Red (34) bars; dorsal surface of head Mikado Brown (42) with suffusions of Cinnamon-Drab (50) and Cinnamon Brown (43) and with a Burnt Umber (48) interorbital bar; chin Cinnamon-Drab (50) with Hair Brown (277) Mottling; venter Chamois (84) with suffusions of Flesh Color (249) and Hair Brown (277) stipples; ventral surface of limbs Ground Cinnamon (270) and ventral surface of tail Drab (19); sub-ocular region Cream Color (12); dewlap Burnt Orange (10) with Cream Yellow (82) gorgetals; iris Chestnut (30). The coloration in life of another adult female (SMF 96191) from Agua de Obispo was recorded as follows: Dorsal surfaces of head and body Sayal Brown (41) with suffusions of Army Brown (46): dorsal surfaces of limbs Mikado Brown (42) grading into Prout’s Brown (47) with Ferruginous (35) bands; ventral surface of body and head Cream White (52) with Dark Yellow Buff (54) and Dark Drab (45) suffusions; ventral surface of limbs Burnt Sienna (38); lateral line Pale Cinnamon (53); subocular region Straw Yellow (53); dewlap Light Pratt´s Rufous (71); iris Buff (15). The coloration in life o another adult female (SMF 96239) from Chilpancingo was recorded as follows: Dorsal surfaces of head and body Ground Cinnamon (270) with Grayish Horn Color (268) suffusions; lateral line Smoky Gray (266); dorsal surface of limbs Olive Brown (278) with Raw Umber (280) bands; venter Cream White (52) with Russet (44) suffusions; ventral surface of limbs Cinnamon Drab (50) with Cinnamon Brown (43) suffusions. The coloration in life of another adult female (IBH 26589) from near Chilpancingo was recorded as follows: Dorsal ground color Sayal Brown (41) with Vandyke Brown (282) chevrons and with Buff (5) indistinct lateral stripe; A Raw Umber (22) lyre form marking in occipital area; sub-ocular region Pale Pinkish Buff (3); ventral surface of head and body Light Buff (2) with Chestnut (30) and Fresh Ocher (57) stipples on chin; ventral surfaces of limbs and tail Pale Pinkish Buff (3) suffused with Drab (19); dewlap Burnt Orange (10) with a slightly paler basal blotch; iris Warm Sepia (40).

The completely everted hemipenis of SMF 96253 ( Fig. 117 View FIGURE 117 ) is a moderate-sized, bilobate organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by well developed sulcal lips and opening into two apical fields void of ornamentation, one on each lobe; a low asulcate processus near tip of apex and a low asulcate ridge present; no surface ornamentation discernible.

Natural History Notes: We found Anolis dunni both in pristine and in disturbed habitats; some individuals were even collected within the city of Chilpancingo where these lizards perched on wooden walls used for backyard fencing. At night, A. dunni was found sleeping on bushes and branches of trees at 0.5–3.0 m above the ground; also, we collected sleeping individuals of this species on the vertical concrete walls of a house in a rural area.

Geographic Distribution and Conservation. As currently known, Anolis dunni is distributed on the Pacific versant from the southern central portion of the Mexican State of Guerrero to extreme western Michoacán at elevations between 628 and 1710 masl ( Fig. 111 View FIGURE 111 ). Given its usual abundance wherever this species occurs, it seems justified to classify A. dunni as Least Concern based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN 2012).

Specimens examined ⎯ Mexico: Guerrero: Acahuizotla , 1067 m: KU 87309 , MCZ R-78696–98, USNM 47753 About USNM ; Agua de Obispo , 960 m: FMNH 100109 About FMNH , 116751 About FMNH , IBH 26588, 26591–93 View Materials , KU 87306–08 , MCZ R-78722–23, SMF 96190–94 About SMF , 96371–72 About SMF , 96379–81 About SMF ; mountains near Agua de Obispo , km marker 350–353, 1010 m: UIMNH 20125 View Materials ; Cascada Iliatenco , 1185 m: SMF 96374–77 About SMF ; Río la Tejería , near Santa Cruz El Rincón, 628 m: SMF 96373 ; 7.1 mi S Puerto Gallo , 1710 m: UMMZ 130983 View Materials ; A. Malpais , S of Chilpancingo, 1235 m: UIMNH 20126 View Materials ; 1 mi SW Colotlipan : MCZ R-78719–21; Chilpancingo , 1290 m: SMF 96238–39 About SMF ; Petaquillas, near Chilpancingo , 1250 m: IBH 26589–90 View Materials , SMF 96252–54 About SMF ; Presa El Molino, near Tixtla, 1540 m: IBH 26594, 26611 View Materials , SMF 96255–56 About SMF .


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Biologia


Forschungsinstitut und Natur-Museum Senckenberg














Anolis dunni Smith 1936

Köhler, Gunther, Pérez, Raúl Gómez Trejo, Petersen, Claus Bo P., Méndez, Fausto R. & Cruz, De La 2014

Anolis dunni

Smith, H. M. 1936: 9
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