Zherichiniletus ponomarenkoi, 2011

Legalov, Andrei A., 2011, A new species of the genus Zherichiniletus Legalov, 2003 with systematic notes on the tribes Sanyrevilleini Auletini and Cesauletini (Coleoptera: Rhychitidae), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 11 (1), pp. 93-104 : 94-95

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Felipe (2024-08-03 04:27:41, last updated 2024-08-03 15:29:15)

scientific name

Zherichiniletus ponomarenkoi


Zherichiniletus (Zherichiniletoides)

ponomarenkoi Legalov , sp.n. (Figs. 1, 15)

Material. Holotype – male ( NMPC), Indonesia, S Kalimantan, Kandangan Distr. , 17 km NE Loksado, 3-22.IX.1997.

Description. Male. Body black. Mandible, apex of the rostrum, tarsi and antennae brownish. Body with adjoining, light setae. Rostrum long, 6.0 times longer than width, 1.2 times longer than pronotum, almost straight, weakly widened to apex, small punctate. Mandible with 1 tooth at exterior margin. Place of antennal attachment located subbasal. Eyes large, strongly convex. Frons wide, flattened, small punctate. Temples straight lines, short. Antennae long, reaching for pronotum first line. Scapus and 1st segment of the funicle oval. Scapus little longer than 1st segment. 2 nd- 4th segments elongated-oval, narrower. 2nd segment longer than 1st segment. 3rd segment hardly shorter than 2nd segment. 4th segment of almost equal to 3rd segment. 5th- 6th segments short-oval. Pronotum almost campaniform, 1.2 times wider than length, with weakly rounded sides, weakly narrowed to the basis and apex. Disk convex, small and densely punctate. The greatest width on the middle. Scutellum trapezoid. Elytra almost rectangular, elongated, 1.29 times longer than width. The greatest width located behind the middle. Humeri weakly smoothed. Striae reduced. Points large and deep. Intervals weakly convex. Elytral apex of elytra is rounded. Thorax small and sparsely punctate. Metepisternum narrow. Abdomen convex. 1st and 2nd ventrites wide. 2nd ventrite hardly wider than 1st ventrite. 3rd-5th ventrites narrower, narrower than 2nd ventrites, approximately of equal width. Pygidium convex, punctate. Legs long. Femora widened. Tibiae almost straight, weakly widened to apex. Protibiae narrower and long. Tarsi long, protarsi hardly more elongated than meso- and metatarsi. 1st segment elongated-triangular. 2nd segment wider-

Distribution. Indonesia.

Etymology. This new species is named in honour of A.G. Ponomarenko.

Tribe Auletini Desbrochers des Loges, 1908

Subtribe Auletobiina Legalov, 2001 Genus Auletobius Desbrochers des Loges, 1869

Subgenus Auletobius s. str.

Legalov A. A. 2001. Revision der holarktischen Auletini (Coleoptera, Attelabidae). Russian Entomological Journal 10 (1): 33 - 66.


National Museum Prague