Cicadocoris henanensis, Xu & Huang, 2023

Xu, Min-Min & Huang, Di-Ying, 2023, A new species of Cicadocoris (Hemiptera, Coleorrhyncha, Progonocimicidae) from the Middle Jurassic of the Jiyuan Basin, China, Zootaxa 5396 (1), pp. 35-40 : 36-38

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5396.1.8

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scientific name

Cicadocoris henanensis

sp. nov.

Cicadocoris henanensis sp. nov.

Material. Holotype NIGP203498 View Materials , a complete left tegmen overlaps with hind wing. Another specimen is a nearly complete female ( NIGP203499 View Materials ) with head not preserved.

Etymology. Named after Henan, the province where the specimens were collected.

Diagnosis. Holotype, left tegmen. Small size; costal area widening towards dSc; veins dSc, R 1 and Rs sub-parallel, space of dSc and R1 smaller than that of R 1 and Rs; apex of radial cell reaching 2/3 of wing length.

Type locality and horizon. Yangshuzhuang Formation near the Anyao Village, Jiyuan Basin; Middle Jurassic (Callovian according the boundary of Middle Jurassic and Late Jurassic is 161.5 Ma).

Description. Holotype. Left tegmen relatively elongate, 3.20 mm long, 1.34 mm wide, L/W = 2.4, with widest part 2/3 along the length of wing; anterior margin weakly arcuate; pc long and weak, close to wing margin; costal area rather elongate, distinctly widening towards dSc; dSc straight, with a lower angle to wing margin; stem of R slightly convex at point of dSc origin; Rs, M 1, M 2, M 3+4, CuA 1, and av transverse and well well-parallel; M 3+4 as long as stem M; length of radial cell more than half as long as tegmen; length of medial cell more than 2/5 as long as tegmen; CuP reaching about half length of tegmen.

Additional specimen. Female, smaller than holotype, right tegmen 2.3 mm long; scutellum medium-sized, triangular, ca. 2 times as wide as long, anterior angle developed; legs robust; right tegmen dSc, R 1 and Rs almost parallel and nearly evenly spaced; cu-a, m-cu, base of M 3+4, M 1+2 and M 1 form a distinct and continuous transverse arc; ovipositor short and rather thick, blunt apically, slightly beyond tegmen .

Remarks. Among Chinese species of Cicadocoris , the new species is close to Cicadocoris parvus Jiang, 2016 , by sharing their small size (i. e., tegmen 3.2 mm long in new species holotype, 2.3 mm long in additional specimen vs. 2.5–3.8 mm) and veins dSc, R 1 and Rs sub-parallel and nearly evenly spaced on left tegmen. The new species differs from C. parvus by the apex of radial cell approximately reaching two third of tegmen instead of reaching the middle of tegmen length in the latter. Moreover, costal area widening towards dSc in new species but evenly in C. parvus .

Cicadocoris henanensis sp. nov. closely resembles C. complexus Popov, 1982 , sharing several distinctive characteristics such as the widening of the costal area towards dSc, the sub-parallel orientation of R 1 and Rs, and the apex of the radial cell reaching approximately two-thirds of the wing length. However, C. henanensis sp. nov. can be differentiated from C. complexus by its smaller size and a smaller space between dSc and R1 compared to that between R1 and Rs.

Furthermore, C. henanensis sp. nov. exhibits similarities to C. sogjutensis Popov, 1982 , as evidenced by an incomplete left tegmen. It differs from C. sogjutensis in that the costal area widens towards dSc, and dSc and R1 are nearly parallel. These distinctions are also observable when comparing the new species with C. cognatus ( Popov, 1982) . C. henanensis sp. nov. also resemble C. turanica . They are different by the features of dSc, M 1, M 2, and pace between dSc, R1, and Rs.

Additionally, C. henanensis sp. nov. resemble C. incompletus Popov, 1985 , represented by an incomplete right tegmen. Notably, C. incompletus features a significantly broader costal area and a medial cell much wider than the radial cell, presenting a clear differentiation from the characteristics of the new species.

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