Stenocephalum jucundum (Gleason) Robinson (1987: 583)
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Felipe (2024-10-01 19:42:41, last updated 2024-10-01 19:54:54) |
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Stenocephalum jucundum (Gleason) Robinson (1987: 583) |
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4. Stenocephalum jucundum (Gleason) Robinson (1987: 583) View in CoL . Vernonia jucunda Gleason (1919: 248) .
Type:— MEXICO. Chiapas. Sierra de Tonala, October 1913, C. A. Purpus 7060 (holotype UC 173434!, isotypes NY 00274528!,
US 00147274!). Figure 6 View FIGURE 6 . = Vernonia spinulosa Gleason (1925: 188) . Type:— COLOMBIA. Department of Bolivar. Sincelejo. 250 to 350 m, 26 Jan 1918, F. W. Pennell 4066 (holotype NY 00277683!, isotypes
GH 00013764!, US 00147361!). = Vernonia llanorum Badillo (1946: 281) . Type:— VENEZUELA. Cojedes: entre San Carlos y Tinaquillo, March 1946, V. M. Badillo 1338 (holotype VEN 17156!).
Erect shrubs, 40–80 cm tall. Stems branched, striate, tomentose, 4–5 mm in diameter, internodes 2–4 cm long. Leaves membranaceous, sessile, ascending, 5–8 cm long, 3–4 cm wide. Leaf blades ovate to oblong, entire, undulate at margin, acute to acuminate at apex, rounded at base, scabrous above, gray or white tomentose beneath. Capitula sessile, mostly solitary, rare glomerate, axillary, disposed in seriate cymose branches. Involucres cylindrical, purplish, 7–8 mm long, 2.5–4 mm wide. Phyllaries in 4–5 series, lanceolate, largely acuminate-aristate at the apex, purple, villous. Florets 6–7, purple. Corolla glabrous. Anther apical appendages ovate-lanceolate, 0.3–0.4 mm long. Style without basal node. Cypselas 4–4.5 mm long, pubescent, with non-glandular trichomes, pericarp with crystals and idioblasts. Pappus white, inner bristles 6–8 mm long, outer scales 1–1.2 mm long. Pollen grains oblate-spheroidal, 39–49 µm in diameter, colpus 20.50–27.50 µm long, spines 2.5–3.4 µm long.
Distribution and habitat:—This species grows on savanna and open campo of low altitude of Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca), Colombia (Bolivar) and Venezuela (Cojedes).
Phenology:—Flowering from October to December.
Conservation status: — Stenocephalum jucundum has a limited area of occupancy estimated to be less than 500 km 2 in a severely fragmented area, all the locations outside of protected areas. Therefore, this species is considered Endangered: EN B2ab(iii), according to the IUCN red list criteria ( IUCN 2017).
Additional specimens examined: — MEXICO. Chiapas: Mun. Tomalá, Iglesia Vieja, 24 October 2002, L. Alvarado & A. Reyes 729 ( MBM) ; Mun. Villacorzo, 2, 6 km SW de La Peñita, 20 October 2002, A. Reyes Garcia & L. Alvarado 5516 ( MEXU, MO) ; open places in pine and mixed deciduous forest región in mountains overlooking the Mar Muerto, northern of Arriaga, 1 November 1970, A. Cronquist & J. Fay 10865 ( NY) ; 15 miles southeast of Tapanatepec, 20 October 1965, D. E. Breedlove & P. H. Raven 13724 ( US). Oaxaca: 8 km al S de Matías Romero , 21 November 1984, O. Tellez, M. Souza, E. Martinez, G. Davidse & J. Davidse 8186 ( CTES, UEC) ; San Miguel Chimalapa, 28 km E de Juchitan, 18 November 1978, S. D. Koch & P. A. Fryxell 78354 ( NY) ; Chivela, 20 December 1925, S. Juzepczak 1202 (US). VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Carretera Palito Blanco-Quiroz, 2 km E del desvio hacia El Consejo , 23 November 1978, G. S. Bunting 6638 (US) .
5. Stenocephalum megapotamicum (Spreng.) Schultz Bipontinus (1863: 388) . Vernonia megapotamica Sprengel (1826: 437) .
Type:— BRAZIL. Ad fl. magnum Amer. austr. (Rio Grande). F. Sellow s. n. (holotype B, destroyed, lectotype selected here P00682809!).
Figure 7 View FIGURE 7 . = Vernonia megapotamica var. argentina Hieronymus (1897: 674) . Type:—Not designated. Syntypes:— ARGENTINA. Misiones. Palmas Altas, Rio Chopin und Rio Chapeco, 27 January 1887, G. Niederlein
1437 (B); Corrientes. Dept. Santo Tomé. Vuelta de Ombú und San Alonso, 11 October 1886, G. Niederlein s. n. ( B) ; Corrientes.
Ituzaingó, 1 February 1883, G. Niederlein s.n. (B). = Vernonia megapotamica var. brevifolia Candolle (1836: 51) . Stenocephalum brevifolium (DC.) Schultz Bipontinus (1863: 387) . Type:— BRAZIL, s. d. (holotype G00327892!, isotype P00682809!). = Vernonia megapotamica var. melanotrichia Candolle (1836: 51) . Stenocephalum melanotrichum (DC.) Schultz Bipontinus (1863:
388). Type:— BRAZIL. Sao Paulo: In campis ad Lorena. C. Martius s. n. (holotype M0029389!, isotypes G00327900!, M0029390!). = Stenocephalum penicillatum Schultz Bipontinus (1863: 389) . Vernonia megapotamica var. penicillata (Sch.Bip.) Baker (1873: 28) . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: In campis. H. A. Weddell 1235 (holotype P02554838!).
Erect subshrubs 40–90 cm tall, with small xylopodia. Stems single, ribbed, villous-pubescent, leafy to the apex, 3–5 mm in diameter, internodes 15–30 mm long. Leaves coriaceous, sessile, ascending, 20–100 mm long, 6–30 mm wide. Leaf blades oblanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute at apex, rounded to sub-auriculate at base, margin mostly revolute, entire to subdentate, hispid above, densely white-tomentose beneath. Capitula sessile, geminate or in glomerules of 3– 4 heads which compose a panicle of laxly spiciform cymes. Involucre cylindrical, greyish, 9–11 mm long, 2.5–3.5 mm in diameter. Phyllaries disposed in 3–5 series, laxly imbricate, lanceolate, apiculate, shortly curved at apex, densely sericeous. Florets 6–7, purplish. Corolla lobes penicillate, pubescent, with non-glandular trichomes. Anther apical appendages lanceolate, 0.3–0.4 mm long. Style with basal node. Cypselas 2.5–2.6 mm long, sericeous, trichomes non-glandular, pericarp with crystals, without idioblasts. Pappus white, 7–8 mm long, outer scales linear. Pollen grains prolate-spheroidal, 40–45 µm in diameter, colpus 29.90–36.70 µm long, spines 2.6–4.1 µm long.
Distribution and habitat:—This is the most common species of the genus. Its area includes Brazil (Bahía, Distrito Federal, Gioas, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo), east of Paraguay (Amambay, Guairá), Uruguay (Montevideo, Paysandú, Tacuarembó) and northeastern Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones). It grows on high soils of campo and cerrado habitats.
Phenology:—Flowering in the summer, in most cases between December and February.
Conservation status:—The distribution area is really wide, and only some populations have been reduced by agricultural expansion. We propose a LC status for this species.
Additional specimens examined:— ARGENTINA. Corrientes: Dept. Santo Tomé, Estancia Garruchos, 12 February 1960, T. M. Pedersen 5413 ( CTES). Misiones: Dept. Candelaria , Loreto , 30 January 1946, J. E. Montes 1854 ( UEC) . BRAZIL. Bahía: Maracás, ca. 6 km na estrada para Contendas do Sincorá , 26 February 2000, M. M. Silva, R. P. Oliveira, I. Castro & M. A. S. Santos 273 ( ESA). Distrito Federal: Barra Alta, este do Córrego São Gonçalo, 19 February 1981, J. H. Kirkbride 3896 ( SP, UEC) ; Chapa da Contagem , 30 January 1966, Irwin, Souza & Santos 12133 ( SP) ; ca. 25 km SW of Brasilia , 20 February 1966, Irwin, Grear, Souza & Santos 13036 ( SP) ; Arie do Capetinga, 1 April 1992, T. S. Filgueiras & D. Alvarenga 2263 ( UEC). Goiás: São Joao da Aliança , Corrente, 20 February 2000, G. Hatschbach, M. Hatschbach & O. S. Ribas 70464 ( MBM, SP) ; Fazenda Agua Limpia, near Vargem Bonita , 26 March 1976, J. A. Ratter & S. F. Fonseca 2836 ( UEC) ; Luziania, 2 February 1975, E. P. Heringer 14464 ( UEC). Minas Gerais: Rio Ipa , Lindberg 118 ( P) ; Mun. Piumhi, Serra do Andaime 14 February 1988, R. Romero, J. Semir, R. Goldenberg & J. Dutilh 5178 ( UEC) ; In siccis, campis glareosis, January 1825, L. Riedel s. n. ( P) ; Cachoeira do Campo , II-1839, L. Riedel 191 ( BR) ; Belo Horizonte, Ressaca , 27 February 1962, L. Roth 1403 ( CESJ) ; Mun. Passos, região de Furnas , 2 March 1984, S. J. Santi & D. dos Santos 15893 ( UEC) ; Caldas, 1867, A. F. Regnell III 667 ( BR, P) [det. V. megap. var. melanotricha ] ; Caldas , 2 January 1868, A. F. Regnell IV 667 ( S, SP) ; Rodrigo Silva , 14 December 1982, J. Badini s. n. ( OUPR 26188 About OUPR ) ; Belo Horizonte, Serra do Curral , 11 August 1955, L. Roth 1406 ( CESJ) ; Morro de São Sebastião , II-1906, L. Damazio 1761 ( OUPR) ; Mun. Belo Horizonte, Horto Florestal , cerrado, 17 January 1940, G. Mendes Magalhães 57 ( BHCB) ; Fazenda do Barreiro , 7 km de Paraopeba, cerrado, 8 May 1956, E. P. Heringer 5161 ( UB) ; Caldas , 1 March 1876, H. Mosén 4530 ( S) ; s. l., 1845, J. F. Widgren 124 ( BR, S) ; Serra da Moeda, Moeda , campo rupestre, 19 December 1989, T. S. M. Grandi s. n. ( BHCB) ; Mun. Campo do Meio, Serra do Taboão, 14 February 1990, A. Bueno Rocha 5 ( UEC). Paraná: Mun. Balsa Nova , Felipe de Cancela , 26 December 1991, I. M. Langohr 14 ( MBM) ; Jaguariahyva , 19 November 1914, P. Dusén 16000 ( S) ; Vila Velha , 24 February 1910, P. Dusén 9440 ( S) ; Vila Velha, Reserva Estadual , 18 December 1971, L. Krieger 11242 ( CESJ) ; Ponta Grossa , 24 December 1971, P. L. Krieger 11361 ( CESJ, ESA) ; Tamanduá , 24 November 1910, P. Dusén 10830 ( BM) ; Palmeira , 2 February 1995, J. R. Stehmann & J. Semir 2161 ( UEC) ; Capão Grande , 3 February 1909, P. Dusén 7747 ( S) ; Palmeira , 13 December 1976, L. T. Dombrowski 6759 ( BC). Rio Grande do Sul: 25 km S de Vacaría, BR-116. A. Krapovickas & al. 23015 ( CTES) ; Passo do Socorro, Vacaria , 26 December 1951, B. Rambo 51438 ( S) ; Mun. Candiota , Mina da CRM , 21 February 2007, R. Wasum & L. Scur 3964 ( BHCB) ; Itapuã, Viamão , 2 December 1984, M. Sobral 3554 ( SP) ; Cachoeira , 21 February 1893, G. O. Malme 620 ( S) ; Cruz Alta , 12 April 1893, G. O. Malme 762 ( S) ; Porto Alegre , 3 February 1902, G. O. Malme 1447 ( S) ; Porto Alegre, Morro Santana , 10 December 1979, O. Bueno 2004 ( UEC) ; Fazenda Faxinal, Arroio dos Ratos , 8 November 1978, K. Hagelund 12649 ( CTES) ; Morro da Gloria, Porto Alegre, 5 October 1932, B. Rambo 471 ( SP). Santa Catarina: Rio Capinzal , 27 February 1916, P. Dusén 17834 ( S). Sao Paulo: In campis arenosis pr. Itú, II-1834, L. Riedel 539 ( P) ; In campo St. Carlos , I-1834, L. Riedel s. n. ( P) ; Itú, beira da rodovia para Sorocaba , 20 February 1969, H. F. Leitao Filho 770 ( UEC) ; In campis siccis S. Paulo , IV-1834, L. Riedel s. n. ( P) ; In campis Sao Paulo, XII-1833, L. Riedel s. n. ( P) . PARAGUAY. Guairá: Cantera , 26 November 1949, J. E. Montes 7195 ( ICN, SI) ; Cantera, 26 November 1949, J. E. Montes 7207 ( CTES). Amambay: San Pedro, Estancia Santa Ana, Compañia San Jose , 10 December 1992, I. Basualdo 4838 ( G) . URUGUAY. Montevideo: Montevideo. F. Sellow s. n. ( BR, W). Paysandú: Meseta de Artigas, 1 December 1945, B. Rosengurtt 4937 ( LP, SP) ; Chapicuy, orillas del rio Uruguay, Santa Sofía , 21 February 1941, B. Rosengurtt 3201 ( SP). Tacuarembó: Quebrada de los Cuervos, January 1940, J. Chebataroff 10107 ( LP) .
6. Stenocephalum monticola (Mart. ex DC.) Schultz Bipontinus (1863: 386) . Vernonia monticola Martius ex Candolle (1836: 18) .
Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Monte Itambe, ao Matto dentro. C. Martius s.n. (holotype M0029386!, isotypes G00326704!, M0029387!, P00682819!). Figure 8 View FIGURE 8 .
= Vernonia nettoana Glaziou (1909: 372) View in CoL , nomen nudum [ Brasil. São Paulo: Congonhas do Campo, 31 June 1884, A. F. M. Glaziou 14981 (P)].
Erect shrub, 20–50 cm height. Stems 2–5, woody, rounded, lanate to tomentose, densely leafy up to the inflorescence, 1.5–2 mm in diameter at base, internodes 1–3(–5) mm long. Leaves coriaceous, erect, dense, sessile. Leaf blades narrowly linear to oblong-linear, 0.9–1.7(–2.0) cm long, 0.15–0.20 cm wide, 1-nervate, entire, revolute at the margin, apically acute to acuminate, scabrous to pilose above, laxly to densely lanate beneath. Capitula sessile, disposed in a dense single cluster at the stem top. Leafy bracts of the inflorescence linear, as long as the heads. Involucre cylindrical, purple, 6–7-seriate, 8–9.2 mm high, 2.3–3 mm in diameter. Phyllaries coriaceous, narrowly oblong to lanceolate, aristate at apex, sparsely pilose. Florets 5–6, violet. Corollas glabrous. Anthers apical appendages lanceolate, 0.3–0.4 mm long. Style without basal node. Cypselas densely sericeous, 2.5–3 mm long, pericarp with crystals and idioblsts. Pappus greyish, inner bristles 5–6 mm long. outer scales 1–1.2 mm long. Pollen grains oblate-spheroidal, 38–43 µm in diameter, colpus 42.10–46.25 µm long, spines 3.0–3.95 µm long.
Distribution and habitat: —The species is distributed in states of Bahia, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo in eastern Brazil. The species prefers cerrado and campo rupestre habitats.
Phenology:—Flowering mostly occurs in March and May.
Notes:—A considerable amount of the analyzed material has been misidentified as Vernonia rosmarinifolia Less. , a very different species actually included in the genus Lessingianthus .
Additional specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Bahia: Mun. Abaira, Distrito Catolés, encosta da Serra do Atalho em frente ao Mendonça , campo rupestre com solo argiloso, 3 April 1992, W. Ganev 15 ( HUEFS, MBM, US) ; Rio de Contas, trilha para Pico Itobira, 26 March 2000, M. D. Moraes & L. Y. S. Aona 511 ( UEC) ; Mun. Rio de Contas, Pico do Itobira, 1300 m, campo rupestre, 12 April 1999, A. M. Amorim , R. C. Forzza , C. B. Costa & S. C. Sant’Ana 2790 ( CEPEC, SP) ; Mun. Barra da Estiva, estrada Barra da Estiva-Ituaçu , 18 May 1999, V. C. Souza, J. P. Souza, S. I. Elias, W. Forster & A. C. P. Oliveira 22666 ( ESA, UEC) ; Mun. Abaíra, Bicota , 13°20’N, 41°50” W, 1400-1750 m, 21 March 1992, R. M. Harley, B. Stannard, T. Silva & W. Ganev 52764 ( CEPEC) ; Mun. Abaira, Salão, Campos Gerais do Salão , campo rupestre, solo arenoso-argiloso com muito cascalho de quartzo, 2 May 1994, W. Ganev 3192 ( HUEFS, US) ; Mun. Abaira, Catolés, Serra dos Cristais , 20 May 1999, V. C. Souza , J. P. Souza , S. I. Elias, W. Forster & A. C. P. Oliveira 22927 ( ESA) ; Mun. Abaira, Ägua Limpa, Morro do Cuscuzeiro , campo rupestre, solo arenoso com rochas, 29 May 1994, W. Ganev 3180 ( HUEFS, US) ; Mun. Rio de Contas, Aeroporto, 17 May 1983, G. Hatschbach 46524 ( CEPEC, MBM). Minas Gerais: Mun. Congonhas do Norte , Estrada para Santana do Riacho , Serra do Carapina , 3 March 1998, J. R. Pirani & al. 4160 ( SPF) ; 46 km S of Conceição da Mato Dentro , 6 October 1980, G. L. Smith & al. 1030 ( C) ; Santo Tomé das Letras , 22 March 1987, G. Hatschbach 51220 ( C, MBM) ; In campo, s. d., H. A. Weddell 1304 ( P) ; Congonhas do Campo , 31 June 1884, A. F. M. Glaziou 14981 ( P) ; estrada para Ouro Preto , km 44, 13 September 1964, E. Pereira 9222 ( RB) ; Serra dos Cristais , prope Diamantina , 3 April 1892, A. F. M. Glaziou 19491a ( P) ; Serra d’Ouro , 1816–1821, A. Saint Hilaire 539 ( P) .
7. Stenocephalum niveum (Chodat) Dematt. , comb. nov. Vernonia nivea Chodat (1901: 410) . Vernonia hexantha var. nivea (Chodat) Chodat (1903: 639) .
Type:— PARAGUAY. Cordillera: In dumetis prope Cordillera de Altos, October 1885 -1895, E. Hassler 1256 (holotype G00093656!,
isotype P00682758!). Figure 9 View FIGURE 9 . = Vernonia abbatobiana Chodat (1901: 410) . Type:— PARAGUAY. Paturages de Abbatobi, 18 December 1876, B. Balansa 922 (holotype G00093655!, isotypi K!, P00682505!,
P00682506!, P00682503!).
Erect shrubs, 40–80(–90) cm tall. Stems single, unbranched or branched only basally, densely leafy, glabrescent at base, lanate upwards, 2–3 mm in diameter, internodes 2–5 mm long. Leaves coriaceous, ascending, 5–6 cm long and 0.1–0.2 cm wide. Leaf blades narrowly linear, revolute at margin, acute at the apex, basally obtuse to rounded, glabrous above, densely lanate bellow. Capitula sessile, geminate or grouped in glomerules of 2–5 heads disposed alternatively along the stem in a pseudo-spiciform capitulescence. Involucre cylindrical, 8–10 mm long. Phyllaries in 5–6 series, oblong, rounded to obtuse at the apex, densely lanate. Florets 6–7, purple. Corollas pilose at the lobe tips, with glandular and non-glandular trichomes. Anthers apical appendages lanceolate, 0.4–0.5 mm long. Style without a basal node. Cypselas with non-glandular trichomes, 2.5–3.0 mm long, pericarp with crystals, idioblasts absent. Pappus white. Pollen grains oblate-spheroidal, 40–44 µm in diameter, colpus 42.10–46.20 µm long, spines 2–3.4 µm long.
Distribution and habitat: —This uncommon species grows on campo in central Paraguay (Cordillera, Misiones, Paraguarí) and northeastern Argentina (Corrientes).
Phenology:—Flowering occurs in November and December.
Conservation status: — Stenocephalum niveum has an area of occupancy estimated to be less than 20000 km 2 and is currently only known from no more than 10 locations. In addition, the continuing decline of its habitat due to the use as farm land which is from time to time subject to grazing and trampling by livestock could rapidly change the threat status. Therefore, this taxon is considered Vulnerable: VU B2ab (iii), according to the IUCN red list criteria ( IUCN 2017).
Notes: —This species has been previously considered a variety of S. hexanthum . However, it differs notably from that species and morphologically seems to be close to S. hystrix , from which it can be clearly distinguished by its white-tomentose leaves and obtuse phylaries.
Additional specimens examined:— ARGENTINA. Corrientes: Dept. General Paz, Itá-Ibaté , 24 December 1944, G. J. Schwarz 430 ( S) . PARAGUAY. Cordillera: San Bernardino , November 1904, E. Hassler 2083 ( BM, G) ; Cordillera de Altos , December 1902, K. Fiebrig 499 ( G, K) ; Cordillera de Altos , January 1898 -1899, E. Hassler 3733 ( BM, G, K, P, W) ; Emboscada , 18 November 1996, A. Schinini & O. Barrail 31768 ( CTES) ; Tucanguá , Cordillera de Altos, December 1943, C. V. Pavetti Morín & T. Rojas 10725 ( G, LP). Misiones: around San Miguel, 30 November 2000, E. Zardini & L. Guerrero 55316 ( K) ; Santiago, Estancia La Soledad, 16 December 1969, T. M. Pedersen 9591 ( CTES, K, L, SI). Paraguarí: Isla Alta , Tebicuarí , 17 November 1978, L. Bernardi 18738 ( BM) ; prope Paraguarí in collibus,
December 1900, E. Hassler 6479 ( BM, G, K, MPU, P, S, W) ; near Caapucú, 12 December 1969, T. M. Pedersen 9537 ( C, CTES, L) .
8. Stenocephalum tragiifolium (DC.) Schultz Bipontinus (1863: 389) . Vernonia tragiifolia Candolle (1836: 60) . Cacalia tragiifolia (DC.) Kuntze (1891: 971) .
Type:— BRAZIL. Sao Paulo: Mugi, November 1833, W. Lund 881 (holotypus G00327810!, isotypus C!). Figure 10.
= Vernonia interjecta Baker View in CoL in Martius (1873: 28). Cacalia interjecta (Baker) Kuntze (1891: 970) View in CoL .
Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais. Prope Lagoa Santa, in campis graminosis, s. d., E. Warming s. n. (holotypus C!).
Erect shrub, 20–60 cm tall. Stems single, unbranched, 1.5–3 mm in diameter, villous to tomentose, internodes 12–30 mm long. Leaves semi-coriaceous, pendant, sessile, 2.5–5 cm long, 1–2 cm wide. Leaf blades obovate to oblanceolate, crenate at margin, acute at apex, rounded at base, villous above, white-tomentose beneath, villous on the middle veins. Capitula sessile, solitary or glomerate, disposed in short abreviated cymes at stem apex. Involucres cylindrical, purple, 8–11 mm high, 5–6 mm wide. Phyllaries in 3–4 series laxly imbricate, lanceolate, largely acuminate-aristate, curved at apex, densely villous. Florets 9–11, violet. Corollas villous at lobes, trichomes non-glandular. Anther apical appendages lanceolate, 0.3–0.4 mm long. Style with a basal node. Cypselas 2.5–3.0 mm long, pubescent, hairs single, eglandular, pericarp without crystals and idioblasts. Pappus white. Pollen grains oblate-spheroidal, 38–49 µm in diameter, colpus 35.30–44.80 µm long, spines 2.0–3.4 µm long.
Distribution and habitat: —This species grows on cerrado and campo habitats from central Brazil, in the states of Minas Gerais, Goias, Parana and Sao Paulo.
Phenology: —Flowering and fruiting mostly occur between October and February.
Additional specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Goiás: Parque Nacional das Emas, 1 November 1998, M. A. Batalha 2153 ( UEC) ; entre Jataí-Caiaponia, cerca de 123 km de Jataí, em frente a Serra do Caiapó , 2 October 1968, E. Onishi 259 ( UB) ; Rio Verde, 830-900 msm, 19 January 1945, C. Shimoya 3635 ( VIC). Minas Gerais: campo Miguel Burnier , 6 October 1906, L. Damazio 1812 ( G) ; Carandaí, Crespo , 14 February 1946, A. P. Duarte 426 ( RB, S) ; Caldas , 15 December 1873, H. Mosén 1373 ½ ( S) ; s. l., 1838, P. Claussen s. n. ( P) ; Serra de Ouro Branco, 20°30’04” S-43 °39’40”W, 2 November 2002, C. C. Paula, D. Aniceto & R. R. da Silva 393 ( VIC) GoogleMaps ; Caldas, Serra dos Cabritos , 30 October 1862, A. F. Regnell III 660 ( S) ; Caldas , IX-1854, G. A. Lindberg 66 ( S) ; s. l., 1839, P. Claussen s. n. ( G) ; dans les campos, 1848, P. Claussen s. n. ( P) ; Barbacena , 15 November 1884, A. F. M. Glaziou 14993 ( R) ; s. l., 1840, P. Claussen s. n. ( BM, K) ; Caldas , A. F. Regnell 660 ( P) ; s. l., 1844, H. A. Weddell 1039 ( P) ; s. l., 1845, J. F. Widgren 115 ( C, K, P, S) ; Poços de Caldas, Country Club, 2 November 1940, M. Barreto 11021 ( BHCB, ESA, MBM, SP) ; Morro após o Córrego dos Passageiros, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra , São Roque de Minas , campo sujo, 2 meses após queimado, 10 January 1998, R. Romero , J. N. Nakajima & M. A. Farinaccio 4926 ( UB) ; Falcão , 15 April 1943, J. Badini s. n. ( OUPR) ; Serra da Moeda, Moeda , 15 November 1987, T. S. M. Grandi 11740 ( MBM) ; Nova Lima , Retiro das Pedras, 22 November 1999, J. Lombardi 3313 ( BHCB) ; Serra da Moeda , 20 October 1974, J. Badini s. n. ( OUPR, nº 21879) ; São Roque de Minas, arredores do Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra , 12 January 1994, A. M. Giulietti, C. M. Sakuragi, R. M. Harley, S. Atkins & V. C. Souza 13622 ( ESA, SPF) ; Mun. Patrocínio, Chapada da Pratinha, cerrado, 13 November 1988, J. Felfili, D. Alvarenga & B. M. T. Walter 65 ( UB) ; Mun. Poços de Caldas, Campo do Saco , 23 November 1988, J. T. Motta 1580 ( CTES, MBM) ; campos de Miguel Burnier , X-1906, L. Damazio 1763 ( OUPR) ; Mun. Piumhi, Serra do Andaime , 14 February 1988, R. Romero, J. Semir, R. Goldenberg & J. Dutilh 5195 ( UEC). Paraná: Mun. Palmeira, 55 km de Ponta Grossa, proximo ao Rio dos Papagaios , 15 February 2006, V. C. Souza, G. O. Romão, C. D. N. Rodrigues & A. P. T. Dantas 32076 ( ESA). Sao Paulo: Moocá, XII-1912, A. C. Brade 5711 ( R, S, SP) ; Santo Angelo , 20 October 1936, F. C. Hoehne & A. Gehrt s. n. ( SP, UEC) ; São José dos Campos , XII-1908, A. Lofgren 137 ( S) ; In campis graminosis pr. Taubeté et Mugy [Mogi das Cruzes], XI-1833, L. Riedel 465 ( G, P) ; Casa Branca , 17 November 1889, A. Lofgren 249 ( C) ; Sorocaba , en cerrado, 14 November 1968, H. F. Leitão Filho 586 ( UB) ; Mun. Mogi-Guaçu, Reserva Biológica Fazenda Campininha , 12 December 1979, W. Mantovani 214 ( SP) ; Pedregulho, 12 November 1994, W. Marcondes-Ferreira, C. Muller , L. L. Venturi & R. Belinello s. n. ( UEC) ; In campis graminosis pr. Taubeté et Mugy [Mogi das Cruzes], XI-1833, L. Riedel 845 ( P) ; São José dos Campos , cerrado ralo, ca. 595 m, 28 November 1961, I. Mimura 141 ( UB, UEC) ; Capão Bonito , 15 February 1970, N. Mazzaro 17 ( SP, UEC) ; Brooklin Paulista, 30 September 1948, W. Hoehne 2736 ( CTES, SP, UEC) .
Badillo, V. M. (1946) Contribucion al conocimiento de la sistematica y distribucion geografica de las compuestas en Venezuela. Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 10: 279 - 320.
Baker, J. G. (1873) Compositae. I. Vernoniaceae. In: Martius, C. F. P. (Ed.) Flora Brasiliensis, vol. 6 (2). Fleischer & Co., Leipzig, pp. 1 - 179.
Candolle, A. P. de (1836) Vernoniaceae. In: Candolle, A. P. de (Ed.) Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetablilis, vol. 5. Treuttel and Wurtz, Paris, pp. 9 - 94.
Chodat, R. (1901) Plantae Hasslerianae: enumeration des plantes recoltees au Paraguay par le Dr. Emile Hassler de 1885 - 1895 et de 1898 - 1900. Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier (ser. 2) 1: 395 - 442.
Chodat, R. (1903) Plantae Hasslerianae: enumeration des plantes recoltees au Paraguay par le Dr. Emile Hassler de 1885 a 1902. Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier (ser. 2) 8: 129 - 130.
Glaziou, A. F. M. (1909) Plantae Brasiliae centralis a Glaziou lectae. Liste des plantes du Bresil central recueillies en 1861 - 1895 par A. - F. - M. - Glaziou. Bulletin de la Societee Botanique de France 56, Memoires 3: 366 - 425.
Gleason, H. A. (1919) Taxonomic studies in Vernonia and related genera. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 46 (7): 235 - 252. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 2480279
Gleason, H. A. (1925) Studies on the flora of northern South America - V. Miscellaneous new or noteworthy species. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 52 (5): 181 - 196. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 2479939
Hieronymus, G. (1897) Erster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Siphonogamenflora der Argentina und Angrenzenden Lander, besonders von Uruguai, Paraguai, Brasilien und Bolivien. Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 22: 672 - 704.
IUCN Standards & Petitions Subcommittee (2017) Guidelines for using the IUCN red list categories and criteria, version 13. the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Available from: http: // www. iucnredlist. org / documents / RedListGuidelines. pdf (accessed 15 March 2019)
Kuntze, C. E. O. (1891) Revisio generum plantarum vascularium omnium. I. A. Felix, Leipzig.
Robinson, H. (1987) Studies in the Lepidaploa complex (Vernonieae: Asteraceae). I. The genus Stenocephalum. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 100: 578 - 583.
Sprengel, K. (1826) Systema vegetabilium, ed. 16, vol. 3. Dieterich, Gottingen, 936 pp.
FIGURE 6. Stenocephalum jucundum. A. Plant. B. Leaf blade apex, higher surface. C. Leaf blade apex, lower face. D. Capitula. E–F. Outer phyllaries. G–H. Middle phyllaries. I–J. Inner phyllaries. K. Cypsela. L. Floret. M. Corolla lobe apex.
FIGURE 7. Stenocephalum megapotamicum. A. Plant. B. Capitula. C–D. Outer phyllaries. E. Middle phyllary. F–G. Inner phyllaries. H. Floret. I. Cypsela.
FIGURE 8. Stenocephalum monticola.A. Plant. B. Leaf base. C. Detail of stems and leaves. D. Capitula. E–F. Inner phyllaries. G. Middle phyllary. H–I. Outer phyllaries. J. Floret.
C |
University of Copenhagen |
A |
Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum |
UC |
Upjohn Culture Collection |
NY |
William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden |
F |
Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department |
W |
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
GH |
Harvard University - Gray Herbarium |
V |
Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium |
M |
Botanische Staatssammlung München |
Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela |
L |
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch |
San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
MO |
Missouri Botanical Garden |
J |
University of the Witwatersrand |
E |
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh |
P |
Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants |
H |
University of Helsinki |
S |
Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History |
O |
Botanical Museum - University of Oslo |
G |
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève |
Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste |
Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
B |
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet |
T |
Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics |
R |
Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile |
I |
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University |
Universidade de São Paulo |
SP |
Instituto de Botânica |
BR |
Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection |
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora |
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Campus Universitário |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais |
UB |
Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie |
BM |
Bristol Museum |
BC |
Institut Botànic de Barcelona |
K |
Royal Botanic Gardens |
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural |
SI |
Museo Botánico (SI) |
LP |
Laboratory of Palaeontology |
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana |
Y |
Yale University |
Universidade de São Paulo |
RB |
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro |
Université Montpellier 2 |
Universidade Federal de Viçosa |
N |
Nanjing University |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Stenocephalum jucundum (Gleason) Robinson (1987: 583)
Dematteis, Massimiliano & Angulo, María Betiana 2020 |
Vernonia nettoana
Glaziou, A. F. M. 1909: ) |
Vernonia interjecta
Kuntze, C. E. O. 1891: ) |