Noronhia divaricata Scott-Elliot

Hong-Wa, Cynthia, 2016, A taxonomic revision of the genus Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars (Oleaceae) in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, Boissiera 70, pp. 1-292 : 99-100

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scientific name

Noronhia divaricata Scott-Elliot


25. Noronhia divaricata Scott-Elliot View in CoL View at ENA in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: 32. 1891 ( Fig. 12D View Fig ).

Typus: M ADAGASCAR. Prov. Toliara: woods near Fort-Dauphin, [25°03’S 47°00’E], s.d., Scott Elliot 2883 (holo-: K [ K000233195 ] image seen; iso-: E [ E00193160 ] image seen, P [ P00418113 ]!). GoogleMaps


Shrubs to small trees to 8 m tall, trunk to 15 cm diameter; young twigs cylindrical, 0.4-1.4 mm diameter, glabrous; bark light gray, smooth to slightly rugose. Leaves opposite, persistent; bud scales persistent; blades medium green above, lighter below, narrowly to widely elliptic to somewhat rhombic, 3-6.5 3 1-3 cm, coriaceous, glabrous, domatia casual, base attenuate, margin slightly revolute and undulate, apex rounded to acute, the point 0-2 mm long, midrib flat to slightly sunken above, raised below, secondary veins barely visible, 6-10 per side, 5-11 mm apart, looping 1-3 mm from the margin; petiole yellow, 3.5-11 3 0.5-1.2 mm, not woody, glabrous. Thyrses solitary, pauciflorous, diffuse; peduncle 3 mm long, sparsely pubescent; pedicel 2.5- 12 mm long, sparsely pubescent; calyx sparsely pubescent outside, glabrous inside, lobes triangular, 0.8-1.3 3 1-1.5 mm; corolla yellowish green, urceolate, 3.5-4.5 mm long, glabrous on both sides, the tube 2-3.5 mm long, lobes ovate, apex rounded; corona present, 1.2-1.8 mm long, undivided; stamens 1.8-2.5 mm long, anthers slightly obovate, 1.3-1.5 mm long; pistil 1.8-2.5 mm long, stigma capitate. Fruiting pedicel 2-10 3 1-1.5 mm; young fruits green, reddish when mature, ovoid to sub-globose, 11.5-19 3 8-15 mm, smooth, apex flat to bluntly pointed, style persistent; dry pericarp 0.6-0.9 mm thick; endocarp woody; seed 6-12.5 3 4.5-10 mm.

Distribution, ecology and phenology

Noronhia divaricata occurs in low- to mid-elevation dry forests and thickets in the south, from Ihorombe to Fort-Dauphin ( Fig. 9 View Fig ). It produces flowers and fruits throughout the year except in August.

Conservation status

With 20 collections representing 18 localities, the analysis resulted in an EOO of 16,342 km 2, an AOO of 64 km 2, and 14 subpopulations representing 10 locations, of which only two occur within protected areas (Andohahela and Extension Ankodida-Tsimelahy). Noronhia divaricata is assigned a preliminary status of “Vulnerable” [VU B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)] due to projected continuing decline in habitat quality, habitat loss, and reduction of the number of mature individuals resulting from fire, land conversion and industrial mining.


Noronhia divaricata can be recognized by its elliptic to somewhat rhombic leaf blades and its long-pedunculate and pauciflorous inflorescences with yellow-green flowers. The isotype at Paris includes two fragments that are essentially identical, but are labeled as N. divaricata (Scott Elliot 2883 [P00418113]) and N. emarginata (Scott Elliot 3050 [P00418114]), respectively, whereas the holotype at Kew, also with two fragments, is identified only as N. divaricata (Scott Elliot 2883 [K000233195]) and the isotype at Edinburgh as N. emarginata (Scott Elliot 3050 [E00193160]). A labeling error was apparently made on the sheets at P and E, which has since been corrected by Perrier de la Bâthie and others to read Scott Elliot 2883 and annotated as N. divaricata .

100 Boissiera 70

Additional specimens examined

MADAGASCAR. Prov. Fianarantsoa: Ihorombe, Ampasimbe , [23°02’30”S 45°16’30”E], 500 m, 22.VII.1955, Service Forestier 14844 ( MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps . Prov. Toliara: Manambaro , [24°40’12”S 46°44’24”E], 110 m, 21. II.1975, Croat 31940 ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Cap Ranavalona , [25°04’S 46°58’E], 17.IX.1932, Decary 10619 ( P) GoogleMaps ; Andohahela PN, parcelle 3, 25°00’S 46°40’E, 200-600 m, 17.XI.1990, Dumetz 1421 ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; bassin supérieur du Mandrare, [24°30’S 46°35’E], 700-1200 m, 20-22.XI.1928, Humbert 6765 ( P) GoogleMaps ; Baie des Galions ( Ranofotsy ) au SO de Fort-Dauphin, [25°09’S 46°43’E], 1-100 m, 18- 21. II.1955, Humbert & Capuron 29025 ( MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Andohahela PN, 25°00’S 46°40’E, 120-140 m, 27. I.1990, McPherson 14921 ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Ranopiso, Ankilivalo , 25°07’28”S 46°40’04”E, 125 m, 20.VII.2010, Rakotovao et al. 5500 ( G, MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Ambinanibe, Ehoala , 25°03’S 46°57’E, 24.XI.2007, Ramison & Rabehevitra 465 ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Andohahela (parcel 3), Ankazofotsy , 25°01’S 46°38’E, 15. V.2001, Randriamampionona 992 ( G, MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Andohahela (parcel 1), Tsimelahy , 24°50’20”S 46°32’17”E, 6.IV.1996, Randriamampionona 1251 ( MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Ambatoabo, Ankoba , 24°47’12”S 46°42’25”E, 300 m, 25. II.2009, Randrianaivo et al. 1761 ( G, MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Beroroha, Betorabato, Abotorabatorano , 21°34’02”S 45°03’42”E, 278 m, 13. I.2011, Razakamalala & Pascal 6032 ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; massif du Vohidava près d’Anadabolava ( Moyen Mandrare ), [24°09’S 46°15’E], 700-900 m, 6.XI.1963, Service Forestier 22595 ( MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps ; Fort-Dauphin , near the new port, 25°02’34”S 46°57’32”E, 50 m, 11.IV.2010, Thulin & Razafindraibe 11848 ( MO, UPS). GoogleMaps


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Royal Botanic Gardens


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Missouri Botanical Garden


Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Developement Rural


Parc de Tsimbazaza


Sofia University


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution, Botany Section (Fytoteket)














Noronhia divaricata Scott-Elliot

Hong-Wa, Cynthia 2016
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