Noronhia longipedicellata H. Perrier

Hong-Wa, Cynthia, 2016, A taxonomic revision of the genus Noronhia Stadtm. ex Thouars (Oleaceae) in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, Boissiera 70, pp. 1-292 : 154-155

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scientific name

Noronhia longipedicellata H. Perrier


45. Noronhia longipedicellata H. Perrier View in CoL View at ENA in Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagascar, Sér. B, Biol. Vég. 2: 300. 1949 ( Fig. 30D View Fig ).

Typus: M ADAGASCAR. Prov. Antsiranana: collines et plateaux calcaires de l’Ankarana, partie N, au S d’Ampasimbengy , [12°54’S 49°08’E], 250 m, XII.1937 GoogleMaps - I.1938, Humbert 18904 (holo-: P [ P00573412 ]!; iso-: P [ P00573413 ]!) .


Small trees to 5 m tall, trunk to 5 cm diameter; young twigs cylindrical, 0.8-1.4 mm diameter, glabrous; bark medium to light gray, smooth to slightly rugose. Leaves opposite, persistent; bud scales persistent; blades dark green above, lighter below, narrowly to broadly obovate, 3.5-8 3 0.7-3.2 cm, coriaceous, glabrous, domatia absent, base acute to attenuate, margin slightly revolute and undulate, apex retuse to slightly mucronate, the mucro 1-6 mm long, midrib sunken above, raised below, secondary veins barely visible, 6-12 per side, 4-11 mm apart, looping 1-3.5 mm from the margin; petiole medium gray, 3-8 3 0.7-2.1 mm, entirely woody, glabrous. Thyrses solitary, pauciflorous, diffuse; peduncle 2-15 mm long, glabrous; pedicel 7-17 mm long, glabrous; calyx very sparsely pubescent outside, glabrous inside, lobes triangular, 1-2 3 0.8-1.7 mm; corolla orange purplish outside, yellow inside, urceolate, 3.2-7.5 mm long, glabrous on both sides, the tube 2-5 mm long, lobes widely ovate, apex acute; corona present, 1.5-2 mm long, lobed; stamens 1.9-2.5 mm long, anthers widely ovate, 1.2-1.8 mm long; pistil 1.5-4 mm long, stigma slightly bilobed. Fruiting pedicel 11-28 3 0.7-1 mm; young fruits green, dark red when mature, ovoid, 10.5-14 3 7-10 mm, smooth, sometimes covered with a white pellicle, apex apiculate; dry pericarp 0.5-1.1 mm thick; endocarp woody; seed 6-8.5 3 4.5-5.5 mm.

Distribution, ecology and phenology

Noronhia longipedicellata occurs in low- to mid-elevation dry forests in the north, in and around Ankarana ( Fig. 27 View Fig ). It produces flowers and fruits throughout the year except in August and September.

Conservation status

The assessment was based on 16 collections representing 11 localities and resulted in an EOO of 642 km 2, an AOO of 44 km 2, and eight subpopulations representing six locations, of which three occur within protected areas (Andavakoera-Andrafiamena-Ambohipiraka and Ankarana). Areas not benefiting any form of protection exhibit continuing decline in habitat quality, EOO, AOO and number of mature individuals resulting from conversion of forested land into agricultural fields and pastures, and wood harvesting. Therefore, N. longipedicellata is assigned a preliminary status of “Vulnerable” [VU B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)].


Noronhia longipedicellata can be recognized by its coriaceous, obovate leaf blades with barely visible venation, long pedicels, and orange-purplish flowers.

Additional specimens examined

MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antsiranana: Ambilobe, Ankarana RS, 13°01’26”S 49°05’33”E, 32-143 m, 16.IV.1996, Andrianantoanina & Bezara 964 ( K, MO, P) GoogleMaps ; ibid. loc., [12°49’S 49°01’E], 6.X.1990, Bardot-Vaucoulon 104 ( P) GoogleMaps ; Andrafiamena, Anjahankely , 12°55’38”S 49°17’34”E, 510 m, 12.XI.2010, Gautier 5415 ( G, K, MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps ; Marivorahona, Betsimiranja , 12°56’27”S 49°07’21”E, 136 m, 17. I.2009, Hong-Wa 564 ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; ibid. loc., forêt d’Ambilomagodra , 13°01’24”S 49°08’07”E, 58 m, 30. I.2009, Hong-Wa et al. 592 ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Anivorano-Nord, Andrafiabe, Mt Antsahabe , 12°54’59”S 49°17’38”E, 502 m, 3.VII.2010, Hong-Wa 715 ( MO, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Marivorahona, Betsimiranjana, Ankarana , 12°57’32”S 49°07’12”E, 132 m, 8.XII.2006, Ranaivojaona et al. 1665 ( CNARP, MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Mosorolava, Ampombiantambo , 12°41’24”S 48°56’59”E, 75 m, 27.IX.2007, Ratovoson et al. 1381 ( CNARP, MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; ibid. loc., forêt d’Antsoroby , 12°40’29”S 48°58’52”E, 23.IX.2007, Razafitsalama et al. 1231 ( CNARP, MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; PK 95 About TAN sur la route de Diégo-Suarez à Ambilobe , 13.IV.1954, Service Forestier 9725 ( P, TEF) .


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Missouri Botanical Garden


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Developement Rural


Parc de Tsimbazaza














Noronhia longipedicellata H. Perrier

Hong-Wa, Cynthia 2016
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