Longicollum benmaddoxi, Jepson & Khramov & Ohl, 2018

Jepson, James E., Khramov, Alexander V. & Ohl, Michael, 2018, New Mesomantispinae (Insecta: Neuroptera: Mantispidae) from the Jurassic of Karatau, Kazakhstan, Zootaxa 4402 (3), pp. 563-574 : 565-567

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4402.3.9

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scientific name

Longicollum benmaddoxi


Longicollum benmaddoxi gen et sp. nov.

Figure 1 View FIGURE 1

Etymology: Named in honour of Ben Maddox, writer and actor. A noun in the genitive case. Diagnosis. As for genus

Description. Body. Head 1.4 mm long, eyes large, preserved as dark halos. Antenna incomplete; preserved length 2.5 mm, 28 preserved flagellomeres. Pronotum very elongate; 1.8 mm long, 2.8x longer than wide. Mesothorax; 0.8 mm long. Metathorax not preserved. Forelegs. Coxa 2.3 mm long; attached to the prothorax on anterior end, with prothorax elongate posterior to connection of forelegs. Trochanter poorly preserved, difficult to differentiate. Femur 2.7 mm long, enlarged, widened at proximal end, with one row of long spines of varying length, from midpoint to distal apex of femur. Length to width ratio (at widest part) for femur approximately 3. Tibia poorly preserved, with hooked setae. Tarsus 5-segmented, with large hooked prostrate setae, Mid- and hind legs partially preserved, incomplete.

Wings. All four wings overlapping, difficult to determine parts of forewing venation, hind wing venation not determined. Forewing length 10 mm, width 3.6 mm. Costal area poorly preserved, 12 subcostal veinlets recorded, complete veinlets forked. Recurrent humeral vein, multibranched. Sc long, curving towards RA. 1sc-r crossvein preserved proximal to origin of RP, possible 3sc-ra on disal end of Sc. Subcostal area narrow proximally, dilated distally. RA long curving distally towards wing apex. Two ra-rp crossveins, one within middle third of wing, one in distal third of wing. RP originating near wing base. RP with six branches, most not preserved distally. RP5 forks before mid point of vein, other branches appear simple for most of length. M fused with R proximally; deeply forked. MA simple most of length, forking distally. MP simple for most of length, forking distally. Cu origin not preserved, very deeply forked. CuA strongly pectinate, with five branches, all forking distally, with many multibranched. CuP dichotomously forked. Anal veins poorly preserved, AA1 preserved, deeply forked, with both branches forking at wing margin. Trichosors present.















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